View Full Version : Php Script & Database Access

11-20-2013, 07:16 PM
Hi all,

I am getting a programmer to write me a PHP script and I was simply going to run the script on a PHP page block but I think there is a database required. The programmer doesn't use VBulletin but this question is:

'Will you provide me your test server access to set up the scripts and DB ?'

Anyone know what he means? Is that the Database from my hosting company or from VBulletin?


11-20-2013, 09:28 PM
He doesn't use vB and you're letting him program for vB? Why would you take a Ford to a Chevy dealer?

He's asking for access to a test version of your site so he doesn't mess up the live site. If you're not running one, then he will most likely ask for access to your live site (danger Will Robinson.. danger).

11-21-2013, 02:55 AM
He doesn't use vB and you're letting him program for vB? Why would you take a Ford to a Chevy dealer?

He's asking for access to a test version of your site so he doesn't mess up the live site. If you're not running one, then he will most likely ask for access to your live site (danger Will Robinson.. danger).
Thanks for the response.

Yes, I needed him for webscraping in PHP as my mate did it in Perl, but everyone laughed so I didn't have a choice. He seems okay, but I'll ask him to clarify.

It's okay if he stuffs up (well not really) as previously I crashed my VB Bulletin and didn't know how to reload it via backup but my webhosting company actually does daily backups..LOL..they backup my chat forum and reloaded for me..

11-21-2013, 03:01 AM
If you need a test site its not hard to do pm me if u need help with this

11-21-2013, 04:25 AM
If you need a test site its not hard to do pm me if u need help with this

Thanks for the offer.

I think I will need to create a new thread as I think I need to work something out.

I have the programmer to create a webscraping php and he extracts the info and puts it on a database at regular intervals say 30 secs and then the php page calls on the database every 30 secs to print out the information.

Any ideas on how to do create this database?

Sorry for the newbie questions and as you may have guessed, I'm pretty lost.

11-21-2013, 05:08 AM
You just need to Google this on the web. There are countless articles for beginners on adding a database to MySQL. Many of them are step by step guides. Don't be afraid of this, it is quite easy, you just need to set aside an hour for a bit of learning, otherwise you will be hiring somebody on every MySQL incident.

Please backup your main site, before doing anything. :)