View Full Version : Change Social Group Postbit

11-15-2013, 04:01 AM

Instead of having the Social Group logo down the bottom, Have Guild: NameofSocialGroup also when clicking it will take you to the social group.


11-15-2013, 04:13 AM
Sorry, this is really not a general discussion question.

I recommend that you learn to do a search here on vBulletin.org or Google vBulletin.org. There are many mods, articles, threads that refer to altering or adjusting the 'postbit_legacy' template.

If you would like programming help, show us some code we can work from or refer to the "mod" you are having styling problems with -- we can not alter the "mod" in most cases: send this type of request to the "mod's" author, by posting in the "mod's" thread..

If you are looking for someone to program for you, please post it in the "Request Unpaid Forum" or the "Requset Paid Forum".

Have a good one! :)