View Full Version : vB overhaul

11-14-2013, 03:21 PM
Does anybody know of such a service?

I am having a few mind boggling issues that are beginning to irritate me..

Things like articles becoming un editable..
Uploading images and having them turn into attachments..
Bottom row of editor is now non functional..i.e buttons are greyed out.

Strange thing is that it works as it should on localhost.

Is there a company/an individual that moves in, straightens out the whole place, tidies up the corners etc and then moves on to the next job?

Much appreciated..

11-14-2013, 04:12 PM
Do you experience any of these issues on your live site with your mods disabled?

11-14-2013, 04:56 PM
I do yes..

Mods disabled, default style, all browsers..

Done something wrong somewhere me thinks..
Tempted to go for a fresh install with 4.2.2 and begin again but don't want to lose what I have done already...

Ball ache.!@)..^!!!!!!!

And I hear 4.2.2 comes with another set of problems..
I don't want to hide or suppress errors, I want them ironed out of the system completely.

Don't we all!!!!!!!!!!

It is a bugger asking for advice and support! In a perfect world these things should run without any hassle whatsoever.. But realistically, mucho aggro...

Support here at vB.org is quite outstanding..

11-14-2013, 05:00 PM
What is the exact version of VB and PHP you are running on the live site?

11-14-2013, 05:30 PM
vB 4.2.1

Apache version 2.2.25
PHP version 5.3.27
MySQL version 5.5.34-log
Architecture x86_64
Operating system linux

What bothers me is why on localhost it all works as expected?
Maybe changing the url thing did it? I changed from basic to advanced because I don't know any better..

Ok, some mods don't work as well as one would want them to do but, if they don't, then they don't get uploaded live..
The ones that seem to do the job, get uploaded obviously..

Possibly it is an error generated by my early days, where I was learning/messing around with various bits of code created here.. No qualms on that score..It is all part of the process...

Again on localhost it works....

Starting again wouldn't be too bad, thing is, I want a good foundation but I don't believe 4.2.2 offers that. I think 4.2.1 is the safest option..

I am tempted to wait for vB5 particularly the CMS but how long will that take?
Plus, vB 5 is nowhere near as rich as 4 for functionality and invention..I doubt that it ever will be..

Nope, 4.2.1 is the way to go for now.. If they ever get 4.2.3 out and fix all the stuff happening with 4.2.2 then that is number one for me..

Infuriating really.. One can spend so much time trying to get it right but fail to notice the areas detrimentally affected by our thirst for functionality..

Cheers Oz..
Bring out the lords of the new script....

11-14-2013, 05:34 PM
Things may work on localhost, and act differently on a live site. I would suggest to have your test site on the same server as your live site, that way you can see how things react in the server, http://www.vbulletin.com/vbcms/content.php/225-Creating-A-Test-Site

11-14-2013, 06:08 PM
That article was very helpful.. Good lad Trevor..

I will attempt to mirror...

Would prove invaluable if I get it right..Ha ha........

Nice one.

Wish I had known about that 7 months ago...:up:

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One question..

Before we update the url for the first time, is it better to create a folder on the site so we have an address to go to?

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Another question is how is it possible to mirror a site but use a different PHP version from the same server...
