View Full Version : Rotating Pool of Images?

11-06-2013, 11:59 PM
Hi all - not sure if this has been covered - or at least specifically for what I'm asking. I searched and found a number of links, but in reading them none seemed to be exactly what I'm after.

If anything is please link or point me to it.

Basically - I want to have a pool of vendor images that are all available to see in my sidebar - but are changed up in their ordering each time a page is loaded or refreshed. An exact example is right here :: www.pro-touring.com (http://www.pro-touring.com) -- simply hit refresh a couple times and you'll see the images are all there, just randomized in order.

Any thoughts?
Thanks a lot!

11-07-2013, 12:42 AM
I did not see anything rotate on that page, I tried the latest Firefox and Chrome with no cache.

Everything is possible, but you would use more server resources implementing that method unless it was carefully coded.

11-07-2013, 12:47 AM
They don't "rotate" per say - the images simply switch positions, randomly. Try clicking on the forum and them a thread - you'll see the side bar images change locations randomly.

Should I simply do a straight non-changing list of images? Would that make more sense?

11-07-2013, 01:20 AM
I thought you were referring to the CMS, now I see what you are getting at.

That should not be too hard to implement. I was checking to see if they were doing it dynamically (JavaScript). Looks to me as if they are creating the HTML randomized in PHP and outputting the HTML through a variable to the template. This can easily be handled through a plugin.

11-07-2013, 01:24 AM
That's what it seems like to me as well. I actually used to have the code - I lost it a couple years back though when my old comp crashed.

11-07-2013, 01:31 AM
Should I simply do a straight non-changing list of images? Would that make more sense?

Ignore my first post, I was referring to the CMS. :)