View Full Version : Inserted blank lines

11-06-2013, 12:33 AM
This is hard to explain!

I seem to have a problem with post formatting. The editor seems to like inserting extra blank lines where they aren't wanted. This occurs frequently when using billeted lists or indents or other formatting, but not exclusively so.

Any idea what might be causing that and what I can do to stop it? I know it's kinda vague - it's surprisingly had to explain, and you can't just show a screenshot of a post with some extra blank lines in it as an example!

11-06-2013, 02:04 AM
This problem has been around in different versions of vbulletin. To get help, I would suggest:

1.) Disable all plugins/mods.
2.) Post the version of vbulletin you are using. (Important)
3.) Post an example raw message in a "code" block.

Then we might be able to simulate your condition and be able to suggest something that might help.

11-06-2013, 11:24 AM
It's 4.2.2 but the problem has existed for quite a while.

I'm not terrible clear on what you mean by posting a raw message in a code block. You mean take a post and put it between {code} tags?

11-06-2013, 12:06 PM
You mean take a post and put it between {code} tags?

Yes. Then we could try to duplicate what you are seeing and the raw text that caused the issue. A picture doesn't really help in this kind of situation.

If you look at JIRA for vbulletin you will see that several versions had extra lines in the editor for various reasons. Have you checked JIRA for v4.2.2? It is possible that it has not been reported as of yet or that one of your modifications is interfering with editor formatting and causing the problem.

11-06-2013, 01:21 PM
I have no idea what a JIRA is. Is that the support ticket system at vbulletin.com? Though as I mentioned, it's not a new issue with 4.2.2. I've had it ever since I installed 4.x a year ago. :)

I'll try to get the mods turned off briefly at some point when the site is quiet. But I'm not sure how an extra line is going to look different between code tags?

Surely it'll just look like this?

With an extra line.

11-06-2013, 01:35 PM
Extra lines are caused by something not being added properly or incorrectly parsed by the editor code and editor feature related code. Without additional information I really cannot be of any assistance. I just help out on vbulletin.org, this is the modification site. vBulletin.com is the support site. Jira is 3rd party software that vbulletin uses to support its users. It is pretty powerful and allows you to follow along with issue tracking and some development areas. It is well worth your time to take a gander, if your running this software.

On vbulletin.org see:
Quick Links -> Issue Tracker (Jira).

Sorry, I could not be of more help.