View Full Version : idea for own hack documentation ?

09-08-2000, 11:49 AM
i have been worried about how the hell i am going to upgrade my vb with all the hacks i added... so i am going to document them all on my web site...

has anyone elsed done this or plan to do so ? that way when someone asks how did you do that, you could direct them to the site page...

then when ed's vb hack site comes online it could have similar vbulletin links showcase as on http://www.vbulletin.com/links.php where it could link to my site's hack documentation as well as other sites which have hacks they documented for their vbs.

09-08-2000, 12:10 PM
I started a private forum where I post all my technical notes, including instructions for hacks. This has the advantage of automatically date and time stamping my notes, too.

09-08-2000, 01:44 PM
cool never thought of that... although i still like the idea of a web site :D

09-08-2000, 01:53 PM
Well, once you get PHPNuke going, you can create an article database for them! ;)

09-08-2000, 02:00 PM
yes another great idea.. is phpnuke good for an FAQ type of site as well ?

09-08-2000, 02:14 PM
I'll tell you when I get it running. I am working on a hack, at the moment, and trying to stay focused. ;) You are not helping. :D

09-08-2000, 02:18 PM
concentrate ! :D