View Full Version : Hide the "Reply to Thread" button when viewing a thread?

10-21-2013, 10:16 PM
Some of our users keep getting confused by the "Reply to Thread" button when they are viewing a thread and using the Quick Reply editor.

After filling in their response, they accidentally push "reply to thread" instead of the "post quick reply" button.

When they push the "reply to thread" button it reloads the thread page and their post has disappeared. Sometimes the auto-save catches it, but then there's the problem of them knowing about that knowing how to restore the last saved content.

Instead, I think it would be a better UI improvement to just hide the "Reply to Thread" button when viewing a thread. Not sure what the purpose of it is when Quick Reply editor is enabled....maybe without it Multi-quote doesn't work?

So is there a way to hide the reply to thread button when viewing a thread?


10-21-2013, 10:20 PM
Try adding this to your additional.css

/* Start hide new reply button */
#newreplylink_top, #newreplylink_bottom
display: none;
/* End hide new reply button */

10-21-2013, 10:37 PM
Thanks a lot Ozzy for the quick reply!

Had another question -- would it be possible to hide this button until a user activates multi-quote? Apparently multi-quote will not work if this button is hidden. Sorry to make it complicated, but thought maybe you have a fix for that.

Thank you.

10-22-2013, 10:30 PM
I think that would require a mod, since I believe, the multi quote uses ajax.