View Full Version : Major Additions - DJ's AME :: The Ultimate Automatic Media Embedder :: 2.5.7
Digital Jedi
10-14-2013, 10:00 PM
From the team who brought you the blockbuster film "Yahtzee!", comes the next major motion picture about incredibly bad and arbitrary puns:
AME 2.5.7: Electric Boogaloo
AME automatically embeds media in posts without the need for pesky BBCode cluttering up your editor toolbar. It's also lightweight, and saves resources that BBCode would ordinarily consume. Your users don't even have to know you have AME installed. If they share a link from YouTube, Dailymotion, Amazon, Metacafe or Vimeo, AME automatically embeds the content for them. No special code to learn. No instructions for newbies to understand.
In addition, AME allows you to create, import and export support for individual websites in the form of media definitions. These XML files expand your AME to support a limitless number of websites from around the net and let you share them with the community. We currently have around 200 media definitions collected at this repository thread ( If you want additional support for website not listed, please ask for it there. Odds are, we might already have one. (TIP: Be sure to check the Add-Ons section below for stuff you might miss out on, otherwise.)
This modification was originally built by The Geek, who is no longer coding for vBulletin. We miss him. But he gave permission for someone to continue to build upon his work. All I've done is modify the code a little to support additional functionality and to provide a place to continue to support the product. The product didn't need too much tweaking, but I did manage to add some new features I think you will enjoy, which I'll lay out in the feature list below.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you read the READ ME.html file included in the ZIP file before you upgrade or install. You don't want to be blind-sided, now do you? :eek:
Download and Unzip the contents of the ZIP file.
Upload the contents of the "UPLOAD to Forum Root" folder to your forum's root directory. (This is the directory where your vBulletin is physically installed.) Also, if you've renamed your Admin CP folder, be sure to move the admincp folder's contents to your renamed directory.
CHMOD ( your amecache folder to 777.
Go to your Admin CP ?? Plugins & Products ?? Manage Products ?? Add/Import Products and import the product-djs_AME-2.5.7.xml file.
Your Admin CP should automatically refresh and you should now see the AME CP somewhere below your vBulletin Options menu.
If you are upgrading from AME 2.5.6.
Delete custom definitions specifically for Amazon, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Vimeo and YouTube. (Key names: amazon, dailymotion, metacafe, vimeo and youtube) Theses five definitions are now hard coded into the product and will be updated along with the product if need be. You can back these up if you need to, but keep in mind if you use any custom defs for these sites, they will be duplicated every time you upgrade AME. So don't ask my why your videos are doubled up, or I'll throw rocks at you.
Upload the contents of the "UPLOAD to Forum Root" folder to your forum's root directory, overwriting previous versions of the files.
Ensure that your amecache directory is still CHMOD'd to 777.
Import the product-djs_AME-2.5.7.xml file into your Product Manager, making sure to set the option to Allow Overwrite to Yes.
If you are using the file cache, it is strongly recommended that you re-sync your cache using the Tools menu.
The following five posts will include:
Additional Screenshots
Full Features List
Resources to develop your own custom definitions
AME History/Changelog
Digital Jedi
10-15-2013, 03:46 AM
146832 146830 146829 146828 146827 146831
Digital Jedi
10-15-2013, 03:47 AM
What's New in 2.5.7?
New! The Help Menus have been completely rewritten in most cases. And orphaned help menu items that were not connected to their entry have been rewritten and attached. Items that were missing help entries now have them to help you better understand what certain features of AME actually do.
New! You may have missed the fact that AME has additional (and duplicate) options in the vBulletin Options Menu. Some of these have been made accessible via a new menu item called Advanced Options in your AME CP. This includes the ability to cache custom AME templates and exclude forums by ID number, if for some reason you don't want to use the selection method.
New! The main ame_container template has been stripped of it's tables and now uses a blank template for centering purposes. In addition, the default global sizing options have been expanded to 768 x 480 (in the relevant zones). These changes give videos a cleaner, more cinematic feel.
New! The biggest and bestest new feature in AME 2.5.7, though, is the ability to add additional code to areas of AME that weren't practical to include in the definition. Opening up AME to a host of new possibilities it didn't have before. Please see the READ ME file for more information. Watch my repository thread for the release of new definitions that fully take advantage of this new functionality.
Previous Feature List from The Geek
Allows user to simply 'paste' in a URL (i.e. a youtube link) without needing to know any special tags. However instead of displaying just the URL, it will show the media embedded within the post
is lightweight as it does all of her chores without the overhead of having 1 bbcode per pattern or trying to parse a post every single time it gets displayed with a bunch of patterns. AME radically reduces overhead and speeds up processing. The only time ame will kick in is after creating a new post or after editing an existing one (or if an ame tag is found)
is extensible. She allows you to add, edit, delete, import and export patterns. That way you can decide which services to support, how they should look and then share them with others! At time of typing this, there are over 150 media sites that have been contributed by members
can extract the media title (requires your server to allow url wrappers with fetch_contents or ccurl)
can extract embed code from sites whose URLs do not contain sufficient information to embed the video
can rebuild your old posts to convert your 'other' mediaish tags into URL tags.
can rebuild your old posts, blogs, comments, visitor and social group messages to convert URL tags into ame tags where needed
can convert her codes BACK to url codes so you're not stuffed with a bunch of dead tags if you uninstall!
won't uglify your site by having videos appear in quotes, php, code or html blocks (blech!)
can be globally disabled
can be excluded from forums
can exclude usergroups
can be toggled on/off per post, blog, comment, visitor and social group message
would cook dinner for you if she had arms
can wrap the output in a 'container' with original URL
has a super comprehensive admincp help system. Yes, I actually took the bloody time to add all the info you need into vB's admincp help system. If you ask a silly question in this thread that is addressed in the help system, you will be taunted.
is fully phrased
has hooks around integral operations so you can extend it
Supports embedding in vbBlog, Visitor Messages and Social Groups.
Can be disabled in one or more of the following sections: Posts, vbBlog, Visitor Messages and/or Social Groups
Validation ability. This will help prevent media being embedded that can not be embedded (i.e. youtube videos that the author has stipulated can not be shown off of youtube). This option requires the extraction option to be turned on and a valid validation regexp. I have included one in the default youtube version. When a video on you tube gets embedded, but the author doesnt allow embedding, a link (with icon) is shown instead.
Ability to prevent non authorised usergroups from viewing (see Readme file in zip for more info)
Usergroup permissions (edit usergroup to adjust edit/view permissions)
Template driven system
Signatures supported
Different sizes and template configurations for each supported zone (posts, blogs, groups, visitor messages and signatures)
A couple new hooks (Mainly to support a future add on for AME media in profiles)
Notfication system (similar to vB's to check for errors)
Definition keys for easier updating of definitions and to use in templates
File caching system which radically reduces processing
And more that I cant think of off the top of my head!
Digital Jedi
10-15-2013, 03:47 AM
When I post a video, I get two videos with some messed up text at the bottom. What do I do?
Answer: You have two definitions that support the same website. This almost always happens with YouTube, since there is a default YouTube definition, and there used to be a lot of custom ones floating around. Even though the key feature was added to prevent duplications, AME will still re-create it's default set every time you do an upgrade. So make sure you're only using one definition for YouTube. (NOTE: This doesn't include definitions that expand YouTube functionality, such as YouTube Playlists or YouTube Short URLs.)
I posted a YouTube video, but it says "This Video is no Longer Available". But I looked at the site and it's there. How come the video isn't showing?
Answer: Check the page you got the video from and look for the Embed Code box. If it says "Embedding Disabled by Request" this video can not be embedded.
I posted the embed code, but all I get is the embed code and not the video. Why didn't the video convert?
Answer: Well, that's why. You don't post embed code using this mod. You just post the link to the page the video is on.
What special instructions do I need to give my users so they can use this? Do I need to add anything to the editor?
Answer: None. All your users need to do is post links. (If you previously used special BBCode, see the next question instead.)
What do I do if I used to use tags tor other special BBCode to embed videos on my site?
Answer: Go to Admin CP ? AME CP ? Tools ? Convert Codes and you will find a special converter to turn these old media tags into specially made AME tags. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY AND FOLLOW ANY STEP ADVISED BEFORE PROCEEDING.
I used to use Goldbrick/PassiveVid/Other Media Embedding System. Do I need to uninstall the old one before installing AME? What will happen to my old posts?
Answer: Refer to the instructions for each of these mods for uninstalling. Then check your database tables for any remnants of the old modification as they will conflict with AME. You can then install the AME product. Unless your old modification used some kind of special tags for converting videos, you will have to manually edit the posts of old threads in order to get the videos to convert.
How do I edit the specific width or height of a certain site individually?
Answer: Media width and height are controlled globally, but if your global settings are impractical for whatever reason, go to your Admin CP ? AME CP ? Display Definitions ? [DEFINITION NAME]. In the Replacement HTML box change the $ameinfo[height] and $ameinfo[width] variables to the literal dimensions you want.
How do I align the videos to the left or right, instead of having it aligned centered in posts?
Answer: To align the video to the left or right instead of having it centered, change the HTML in your ame_container template: Admin CP ? Styles & Templates ? ?EXPAND SELECTED STYLE? ? AME Templates ? ame_container. Look for this line of code and change "center" to "left" or "right".
<div align="center">
How can I make my own definitions for a given website to use with AME?
Answer: Visit this post, which has a number of resources to help you learn.
While I try to install AME 2.5, the installing window goes on forever and doesn't stop. Why can't I install this mod?
Answer: During installation the AME Product adds a field to the "Post" table in your Database, so if your forums are large then it can take a couple of hours for the installer to get it done. My suggestion would be to shut down your forums, import the Product, let it take as long as it needs (like I said it can be hours) and then re-open your forums.
When I try to import your Master XML file, the window hangs with all the definitions showing but nothing happens. Why can't I get the definitions to import?
Answer: This is only step one of the process. Scroll down to the bottom of the list and click Import to continue (in Internet Explorer you can hit Ctrl+S rather then scrolling).
When I try to import your Master XML file, not all the definitions import. It says it's successfully completed, but only seems to have imported half of the whole set. Why won't they all import?
Answer: We only started running into this problem when the Master XML of definitions started getting really large. Mostly likely, your host has a PHP setting that limits the number of characters that can be submitted in this manner. During import, try selecting half, or smaller groups of the definitions and import them one group at a time.
Does AME 2.5 work with vBadvanced?
Answer: Yes it does. But if your just posting videos in a regular BBCode/Template Module there's no need for it. You could just post the Embed Code like any other module. However, if you have a module that displays posts from a thread, then it will show the AME embedded media on your vBa page. Just make sure you have the character count set high enough so the video's embed code isn't truncated before the ...[Read More] link.
Does AME 2.5 work with Blogs, Visitor Messages and Social Groups?
Answer: Yes, 2.5 has support for all three of these as well as Signatures. However, if you've upgraded your forums AFTER installing AME 2.5, you need to add support for these areas using the controls in your Tools menu. Go to Admin CP ? AME CP ? Tools ? and click whichever applies Add Blog Support |Add Social Group Support | Add Visitor Message Support. (Not needed for signatures) Then set your options under Settings for each of these areas.
How can I make it so that when certain Usergroups post videos, those posts need to get approval by a Staff Member before they show up?
Answer: In this situation what could be done is to set the setting "Follow Forum Moderation Rules" to "No" for the specific Usergroup(s) you want this to happen with. What this will do is Moderate ALL of the post made by the Members of this Usergroup by sending the posts made to the Moderation Queue ... You will then have to manually approve each post in order for it to show in the forums. Take into consideration that this will move ALL of the posts they make into the Moderation Queue and not just the ones containing Video Links. As of now, there is no way to only move the post containing a Video to the Moderation Queue ... Its all or nothing basically, so you decide what you want to do.
I posted a certain link and it got automatically parsed into a video, but I don't want it to be like that. How can I make it show up as just a link?
Answer: Its a pretty simple solution. When you create the post you simply have to uncheck the checkbox that appears under the Additional Options Box that says Automatically embed media (requires automatic parsing of links in text to be on). With this unchecked it will video links will parse as normal links instead of videos. If the post has already been made, simply edit the post in Advanced Mode and uncheck that same option.
How do I use the Embed Regex field?
Answer: Click here ( for brief explanation on how to use this field.
How can I delete some of the Supported Sites that already come with AME or those that I've installed myself?
Answer: To remove a supported site, go to Admin CP ? AME CP ? Display Definitions. Check the box under the column labeled Delete that's next to definitions you want to remove. Then scroll to the bottom and click Save (in Internet Explorer you can hit Ctrl+S instead).
This FAQ is an update of Dannyloski's Trouble Shooting Guide for a previous version of AME.
Digital Jedi
10-15-2013, 03:48 AM
How To Create Media Definitions for AME 2.5 (
--BirdOPrey5 explains the basic info you need for creating media definitions.
Embed RegEx (
--A Brief explanation as to how to use the Embed regexp (now called Extraction RegEx) field in definitions. (
--Comprehensive Regular Expressions Tutorial and Reference Guide.
DJ's Frequently Asked Questions (AME 2.5) (
--An update of Dannyloski's Trouble Shooting Guide, this FAQ addresses the most common problems associated with AME.
DJ's Definitions FAQ (
--Information on specific definitions and their peculiarities as well some tips and tricks on how to use AME.
RegExBuddy Buddy Trial Download (;1)
--Limited free trial period with option to buy licence. I'd advise learning with this first, before trying the freeware below.
Expresso (
--Free Regular Expressions tester for beginners or the advanced. Excellent version if you don't want to spend quite that much on a tester. This is the one I currently use. Requires registration after a trial period, but remains free after registration.
PowerGREP (
--A newer RegEx tester that also has a free trial period. I have not tested this one personally. (
--An Online JavaScript Regular Expression tester based on open source project XRegExp ( Works very similar to RegExBuddy.
Digital Jedi
10-15-2013, 03:49 AM
AME has had a long and varied history. The ZIP file includes an AME History text file which is just for reference, and to help you understand why there are so many AME-related threads lying around. I've also attached it here for quick reference, as well as including the changelog in this post for my iteration of AME.
AME 2.5.7
Adopted the product under my silly prefix
Cleaned up and reformatted the UI
Rewrote most Help Menu Items
Stripped out tables from the ame_container template
Set global default size variables to a larger, more modern standard
Moved some vBulletin Options AME items into an Advanced Options item in the AME CP
Added ability to include optional JavaScript in <head> or <body> of areas where AME is normally parsed
Changed default definitions to now include updated YouTube, Amazon Thumbs, Metacafe, Dailymotion and Vimeo definitions (Will remove these from the Master XML)
Changed film_go.png from film image, to a more media generic green "play" button. Now called noembed.png
2013-10-18 (
Replaced a deprecated PHP function in the new plugins
Corrected redundant text in the new feature descriptions, because that kind of stuff bugs the heck out of me
Max Taxable
10-15-2013, 04:19 AM
I have previous version, studying this one.
10-15-2013, 07:06 AM
Working well on 3.8.5. Thank You. :)
10-18-2013, 01:09 PM
I just updated my site with this and am now getting this at the top of my pages:
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: Access denied for user 'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in [path]/showthread.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 4
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: A link to the server could not be established in [path]/showthread.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 4
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: Access denied for user 'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in [path]/showthread.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 10
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: A link to the server could not be established in [path]/showthread.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 10
Digital Jedi
10-18-2013, 03:46 PM
I just updated my site with this and am now getting this at the top of my pages:
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: Access denied for user 'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in [path]/showthread.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 4
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: A link to the server could not be established in [path]/showthread.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 4
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: Access denied for user 'nobody'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in [path]/showthread.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 10
Warning: mysql_real_escape_string() [function.mysql-real-escape-string]: A link to the server could not be established in [path]/showthread.php(112) : eval()'d code on line 10
What version of PHP is your server running? Admin CP ?? Maintenance ?? View PHP Info. Is it 5.5 or up? I presume you're on vBulletin 3.8.8? If this is the case, I'll see if I can push out a fix for that. You should be able to suppress this error by disabling the AME :: Extra plugins in your Plugin Manager until I can get that ready. This will, of course, disable the new functionality for that time.
10-18-2013, 04:24 PM
I am running
PHP 5.2.17
vBulletin 3.8.7
I have already disabled the entire plugin for the time being
10-18-2013, 04:27 PM
One further question,
Once we get this working, Will I need to upload any deltas or does this version have everything up to date at this point?
Digital Jedi
10-18-2013, 04:27 PM
I am running
PHP 5.2.17
vBulletin 3.8.7
I have already disabled the entire plugin for the time being
I think I can push out a correction for the problem here in a few. Seems it was a minor oversight on my part.
Digital Jedi
10-18-2013, 04:31 PM
One further question,
Once we get this working, Will I need to upload any deltas or does this version have everything up to date at this point?
Other than deleting the five definitions I mention in the install instructions, you don't need to add anything new unless you want to. The "Delta" thread will be updated (and renamed), hopefully today, with quite a few new definitions, particularly to take advantage of AME's new functionality. But that is, as always, optional. The five default definitions will always be kept up-to-date, since I can do that from my end now. And they'll be excluded from the big Master list in my other thread.
10-18-2013, 04:47 PM
Digital Jedi
10-18-2013, 05:18 PM
Ack, give me a few more. My host apparently decided I don't really need a website right now. So I can't test my changes. I'll have to pester them to get me back online. Shared hosting. -_-
10-18-2013, 05:23 PM
No worries.
Thanks for the update.
Digital Jedi
10-18-2013, 07:41 PM
Minor update which should fix the problem for anyone getting mysql_escape_string errors.
Fixed a couple of places where I used the same word too many times. It was bugging me.
10-19-2013, 02:22 AM
Seems to be working just fine for me now!
Can't thank you enough!
10-19-2013, 02:38 AM
Sorry to bug you again,
Youtube videos are not embedding for me.
The first post has a Youtube URL but is just showing the link... not the video
Max Taxable
10-19-2013, 03:54 AM
Sorry to bug you again,
Youtube videos are not embedding for me.
The first post has a Youtube URL but is just showing the link... not the video
D.I think there's a query you have to run to get all the embeds for posts which existed prior to the installation of AME, if memory serves. I think it's included in the options for the Mod. (Tools Menu) You can tell if you embed one right now it will work but older posts won't have the embeds.
10-19-2013, 04:38 AM
I think there's a query you have to run to get all the embeds for posts which existed prior to the installation of AME, if memory serves. I think it's included in the options for the Mod. (Tools Menu) You can tell if you embed one right now it will work but older posts won't have the embeds.
I tried that.
It's also not working for new posts either.
Digital Jedi
10-19-2013, 05:15 AM
Sorry to bug you again,
Youtube videos are not embedding for me.
The first post has a Youtube URL but is just showing the link... not the video
What is your Disable New Items set to in your AME Settings? It should be set to No. Do you have any forums or Usergroups set to be excluded from using AME? Are any other of the default definitions embedding, such as Dailymotion or Vimeo? If you do make any changes in your AME CP, remember that in order to test the changes, you have to resave or repost the URL.
I think there's a query you have to run to get all the embeds for posts which existed prior to the installation of AME, if memory serves. I think it's included in the options for the Mod. (Tools Menu) You can tell if you embed one right now it will work but older posts won't have the embeds.
Strictly speaking, this only works if you previously used another BBCode for embedding videos. Such as . I'm actually looking into some kind of detection for older, non-converted URLs, but I'm wary of the resources this might require.
10-19-2013, 11:54 AM
Disable settings is set to NO
I checked usergroups... all have proper permissions set
I tried running the query
Confirmed, since upgrading to the new version the Mod is no longer working for me.
It is not converting the [URL] tag to an [AME] tag
10-19-2013, 12:22 PM
I just tried other items and they are not embedding either.
Max Taxable
10-19-2013, 03:57 PM
Strictly speaking, this only works if you previously used another BBCode for embedding videos. Such as .Hmm that's odd because when I installed this there was never any previous embedding, and it went back all-time and converted every link that was in the definitions. It was impressive.:)
Digital Jedi
10-19-2013, 04:29 PM
Disable settings is set to NO
I checked usergroups... all have proper permissions set
I tried running the query
Confirmed, since upgrading to the new version the Mod is no longer working for me.
It is not converting the [URL] tag to an [AME] tag
Then everything should be working. If you don't mind giving temp admin access, I can take a look it for you. It could be something minor.
Hmm that's odd because when I installed this there was never any previous embedding, and it went back all-time and converted every link that was in the definitions. It was impressive.:)
Ah, see, The Geek would do this to me. :) I would think a feature did one thing, and it does more than that. I did not have an opportunity to test the plain URL conversion, since I just assumed from his own wording, that it worked only for former BBCode tags (which I did get to test.) If that's the case, I may need to reword that area in the ACP. Tell me, did you do the URL to AME conversion on 2.5 or 2.0?
Max Taxable
10-19-2013, 04:52 PM
Ah, see, The Geek would do this to me. :) I would think a feature did one thing, and it does more than that. I did not have an opportunity to test the plain URL conversion, since I just assumed from his own wording, that it worked only for former BBCode tags (which I did get to test.) If that's the case, I may need to reword that area in the ACP. Tell me, did you do the URL to AME conversion on 2.5 or 2.0?2.5 is the only version I have or ever had, I was late to the party.
And I ran the tool - it took a LONG time to finish. 1000s of posts processed. Then later on I noticed really old threads with YouTube links in the posts, all now embedded by AME. I was impressed, it did each and every such link ever posted, globally.
EDIT to add: It looks like the Geek says it gets ALL the URLs, here:
can rebuild your old posts, blogs, comments, visitor and social group messages to convert URL tags into ame tags where neededAnd that's exactly what it did.
Digital Jedi
10-19-2013, 06:38 PM
2.5 is the only version I have or ever had, I was late to the party.
And I ran the tool - it took a LONG time to finish. 1000s of posts processed. Then later on I noticed really old threads with YouTube links in the posts, all now embedded by AME. I was impressed, it did each and every such link ever posted, globally.
EDIT to add: It looks like the Geek says it gets ALL the URLs, here:
And that's exactly what it did.
That's most likely where I got confused. I'll reword the AME CP so that's more clear and run a few tests on my demo install. I can't believe there's a function that slipped my notice. :)
I'll also look into a way to optimize that process, if possible. Thanks for catching that.
10-19-2013, 07:42 PM
PM sent for access to my forums (Much appreciated)
Also.... Maybe my issue has to deal with the fact my site is https:// as I run the site with an SSL cert.
Just trying to figure out why it isn't working.
Max Taxable
10-19-2013, 10:12 PM
I'll also look into a way to optimize that process, if possible. Thanks for catching that.It's actually a kind of a scary thing to watch in operation, the page shows you which threads/posts it is converting.... If you set it for too few posts per cycle it takes FOREVER.. I think I settled on something like 1,000 and it still took a long time.
But that's to be expected when you're going back 100s of 1000s of posts, retro.
10-19-2013, 10:25 PM
Thanks for the update as well as new features Mark.
I tried to "Like" your first post but was not allowed as I have liked to many of your post.... (Another thread topic)
Digital Jedi
10-20-2013, 02:14 AM
PM sent for access to my forums (Much appreciated)
Also.... Maybe my issue has to deal with the fact my site is https:// as I run the site with an SSL cert.
Just trying to figure out why it isn't working.
I have a vague idea of what happened. And it's likely my fault. Your YouTube definition didn't exist. I'm not sure if this was because of my upgrade instructions to delete YouTube in advanced (which I didn't clarify you only need to do upon upgrade from 2.5.6), or because some definitions were overwritten with different replacement content, but the names didn't change. So you might have deleted YouTube, since it wasn't actually called YouTube.
In any event, I had to delete four defs you did have. 220 and both 2KSports will need to be reimported. I went ahead and added YouTube, Dailymotion, Vimeo and replaced Amazon, since these were the five that incorrectly imported during upgrade. I'll address this install bug on the next update.
10-20-2013, 02:15 AM
You rock!
Digital Jedi
10-20-2013, 02:17 AM
Thanks for the update as well as new features Mark.
I tried to "Like" your first post but was not allowed as I have liked to many of your post.... (Another thread topic)
Happens to me all the time. :)
It's actually a kind of a scary thing to watch in operation, the page shows you which threads/posts it is converting.... If you set it for too few posts per cycle it takes FOREVER.. I think I settled on something like 1,000 and it still took a long time.
But that's to be expected when you're going back 100s of 1000s of posts, retro.
I've heard tell just adding the column to post table took literally a couple of hours on some installations. The several million posts boards. I can understand the trepidation.
Digital Jedi
10-20-2013, 02:19 AM
You rock!
No problem. Sorry for the confusion. :)
10-20-2013, 02:20 AM
See the PM from my site I just sent you.
Not out of the wood yet. :(
Digital Jedi
10-20-2013, 02:38 AM
See the PM from my site I just sent you.
Not out of the wood yet. :(
I totally forgot to mention a couple of things. I didn't run the convert script again, since that would require you to do a database backup before taking that measure again. So older links wouldn't convert just yet.
Also, I believe because of the https://, I have to allow any videos to appear in my browser on my end. So everything's blank until I click the security message in Chrome. Probably seeing something similar in your browser.
And eBay. The eBay def broke a while back, (as eBay change a lot about their URL structure) and has been totally rewritten for my next update. So for now, that one just won't work. You may be interested in waiting for the new one, however. It looks something like this:
Max Taxable
10-20-2013, 02:41 AM
I've heard tell just adding the column to post table took literally a couple of hours on some installations. The several million posts boards. I can understand the trepidation.Without the option to choose how many are processed per cycle it would have been a days long affair! :eek:
It worked very slick though, very impressive.
Digital Jedi
10-20-2013, 03:56 AM
I'll try to put this in the FAQ a little later, but if you're website is running an SSL certificate, you need to tweak your definition slightly in order to fully support external embedding.
Find the source URL in your respective definitions' Replacement HTML:
Add an s.
Of course, the respective website needs to actually provide https URLs. Most do. A few don't. But relatively easy to check, and easy enough to tweak for your most used websites.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 01:39 AM
I get this error when I try to run the install XML:
XML Error: No error at Line 0
10-23-2013, 01:43 AM
Try a different program to open the zip file.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 01:48 AM
Is it an unusual zip of some sort? I've opened hundreds with the same Windows 7 built in unzipper before.
10-23-2013, 01:51 AM
Nope, I just unziped it with 7zip and it works fine.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 01:56 AM
I downloaded and unzipped, then uploaded the package twice. I don't think it's an uzipping error.
Digital Jedi
10-23-2013, 01:57 AM
Is it an unusual zip of some sort? I've opened hundreds with the same Windows 7 built in unzipper before.
The default zip program can sometimes be unpredictable. In the beginning, it worked fine for me, too. And I eventually ended up going with ZIPGenius and 7ZIP.
With that said, I did zip the file with the default WIN 7 zipper. Maybe the download was interrupted, somewhere.
10-23-2013, 01:58 AM
Hmmm, here is the XML from the zip file, try this.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 02:01 AM
Hmmm, here is the XML from the zip file, try this.
Same error. :(
Digital Jedi
10-23-2013, 02:03 AM
I downloaded and unzipped, then uploaded the package twice. I don't think it's an uzipping error.
Here's the same files zipped using 7zip. See if there's any difference when you try to open.
10-23-2013, 02:03 AM
How are you trying to import the XML, from your computer or your server?
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 02:08 AM
Same error. Must have something to do with my setup, not the downloaded files.
10-23-2013, 02:10 AM
Same error. Must have something to do with my setup, not the downloaded files.
How are you trying to import the XML, from your computer or your server?
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 02:12 AM
From my computer.
My admincp folder has a nonstandard name. I changed the name of that folder before I uploaded it. It was the same when I was running AME 2.5.6. Could that be an issue with the install?
10-23-2013, 02:14 AM
No it should not matter, try loading the XML to your server, and import it from there.
The XML file needs to be uploaded in ASCII format.
Digital Jedi
10-23-2013, 02:16 AM
From my computer.
My admincp folder has a nonstandard name. I changed the name of that folder before I uploaded it. It was the same when I was running AME 2.5.6. Could that be an issue with the install?
If your Admin CP folder has a different name, did you make sure that the contents of the admincp folder from the ZIP, also went to your renamed admincp folder? They would need to be there to install properly. I was thinking the few times I've seen that error was sometimes because of misplaced files.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 02:18 AM
I tried running the xml from the server - no joy.
The admincp files did get uploaded to the correct folder.
10-23-2013, 02:21 AM
Can you try another mod from here and see if you still have the same issues,
That may help us to determine if it something in this mod, or your comp.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 02:22 AM
I've installed countless mods from here, the last being within the past week.
10-23-2013, 02:23 AM
Well you are having the issue now, not within the past week, this is a step to determine the issue.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 02:24 AM
BTW, I'm running vB 3.7, not 3.8. AME 2.5.6 runs just fine on it.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 02:27 AM
OK - [OzzModz] Global Admin / Mod Notes In ACP / MODCP installed without difficulty.
10-23-2013, 02:28 AM
Ok then that narrows it down a bit, since you were sucessfull with that, then it it a issue with the xml, either in it's self, or something going on when you download / upload it. DJ may be able to find out what is going on.
Digital Jedi
10-23-2013, 03:36 AM
I won't get to check until sometime tomorrow, but if you wouldn't mind attaching the XML file you downloaded to a post, I can take a look at it and see if it's maybe being corrupted during download.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 11:14 AM
Digital Jedi
10-23-2013, 07:13 PM
I did a comparison in Notepad++, and the content isn't being corrupted in any way. You're getting the XML intact.
This is not my area of expertise, so I might be blowing smoke here, but there's a couple of things I know of that you can check. Keep in mind, this particular error message is notoriously vague, so it's tough to know exactly what's causing it. But we can try, at least.
Reupload all your AME files to their proper location, if you haven't already and see if a file upload got corrupted, rather than the XML.
Check your phpinfo, and see if upload_tmp_dir is set. I've read, here on the forums actually, that it can cause file processing problems. However, I can verify that it is NOT set in either of my installations.
Check to see if libXML is enabled. Again, I would think if other modifications are installing just fine, the it would have to be. But we're just checking for now.
The only other two times I've seen this error related to vBulletin 3 is with large RSS feeds, and with Photopost not installing because the files were in the wrong location. Even my searches turn up the same two issues again and again. As it seems neither of these, on the surface, seem related I can only assume it's a server configuration. The change in the admincp folder shouldn't matter, though.
Also, and this is totally a hail mary, you can also try this one. I removed some whitespaces in the XML where my username appears and one I noticed at the end of the document.
the Sandman
10-23-2013, 10:40 PM
No luck with the new xml file.
I've uploaded and unzipped the package twice.
upload_tmp_dir no value no value
libXML support active
libXML Version 2.9.0
libXML streams enabled
Digital Jedi
10-24-2013, 07:26 AM
No luck with the new xml file.
I've uploaded and unzipped the package twice.
upload_tmp_dir no value no value
libXML support active
libXML Version 2.9.0
libXML streams enabled
I've tried digging a little deeper into tonight regarding this error, and other than the two unlikely issues I mentioned before, it looks like it's server issue. The error is very vague, which is why there's very little specific information about it online, or even here on the forums. The few people that have mentioned a similar error while importing a product, seldom got replies or got back to the thread with an update. But I think we've ruled out just about everything else other than a server problem. Truthfully, I don't think upload_tmp_dir is the problem, since I'm seeing it run on my live site and my demo with no value. It must be a something that your host can track down. I wish I could offer more specifics, or even a resource to look over. But the error is just that vague and not well documented.
11-19-2013, 03:53 PM
Would really like to get this AME software running on my forum. But when I install the software, my themes (from no longer display the layout correct. It looks as an HTML page missing it's .css file. (see attached image error1)
Even when I disable the AME, there remain layout issues. Only after removing the product, the layout is okay again. (see attached image #2)
I'm pretty new to vBulletin and have to study it's layout features yet. Any hints that could help me see the light? I need your help.
Kind regards,
Robert van den Heuvel,
Max Taxable
11-19-2013, 03:56 PM
Would really like to get this AME software running on my forum. But when I install the software, my themes (from no longer display the layout correct. It looks as an HTML page missing it's .css file. (see attached image error1)
Even when I disable the AME, there remain layout issues. Only after removing the product, the layout is okay again. (see attached image #2)
I'm pretty new to vBulletin (4.2) and have to study it's layout features yet. Any hints that could help me see the light? I need your help.
Kind regards,
Robert van den Heuvel,
AmsterdamYou understand this modification is for vB 3.8.X, correct?
Version 4.2 already embeds media, it's native to the version.
11-19-2013, 04:02 PM
I get this all the time with adding plugins.
Install the plugin
(The styles will go all wonky for the forum)
Then, pick any plugin at random, disable, then re-enable it
Presto... forum goes back to looking normal.
I have no idea why.... but this has become my go-to fix for when this happens.
Drove me crazy for months trying to figure this out...
11-19-2013, 05:42 PM
You understand this modification is for vB 3.8.X, correct?
Version 4.2 already embeds media, it's native to the version.
Thank you for your response. Started a vBulletin board three weeks ago. No, I was not aware this was a modification for 3.8.X only.
What I wanted to do is embed more video's than just youtube alone. Next I found "Digital Sith's AMEs - ADULT Media Definitions" at:
The AME seemed exactly the plug in I was looking for. Do you have any hints where I should start to learn more for playing other media definitions in v4.2?
11-19-2013, 05:43 PM
I get this all the time with adding plugins.
Install the plugin
(The styles will go all wonky for the forum)
Then, pick any plugin at random, disable, then re-enable it
Presto... forum goes back to looking normal.
I have no idea why.... but this has become my go-to fix for when this happens.
Drove me crazy for months trying to figure this out...
Thank you for sharing this info... never would have guessed this : -)
Max Taxable
11-19-2013, 05:58 PM
Thank you for your response. Started a vBulletin board three weeks ago. No, I was not aware this was a modification for 3.8.X only.
What I wanted to do is embed more video's than just youtube alone. Next I found "Digital Sith's AMEs - ADULT Media Definitions" at:
The AME seemed exactly the plug in I was looking for. Do you have any hints where I should start to learn more for playing other media definitions in v4.2?I don't know for a fact this won't work in version 4. It might well, since there is no version of this FOR version 4.
The native vB 4 media embedding supports more than just YouTube videos. Which might also be why there is no version of this Mod, for vB4.
I like, don't think you need it and stuff.
Digital Jedi
11-19-2013, 06:08 PM
It shouldn't work for verson 4 at all. However, there is The Geek's version for vB 4, but it requires some patching at the moment to make work with different vB 4 versions. I'm working on my own forked version of that (just like I did with this one) for AME 3, where you won't need some patching. Unfortunately, I'm limited by the fact I don't have access to a 4.2 board. (I have 4.0.) So I'm a bit reluctant to release a full version not knowing if it will even function properly.
In addition, AME 3 definitions are unique to AME 3, as AME 2.5 definitions are to AME 2.5. They're not compatible and will have to be updated. I DID release a Beta set of definitions for AME 3, and so far, no one has said there are a lot of problems. I'll release one more set for AME as a Beta, and the go live if no one continues to have any problems. DS has said he'll probably do an AME 3 set of his Adult definitions, but, well, if you think I'm slow....
Digital Jedi
11-19-2013, 06:15 PM
I don't know for a fact this won't work in version 4. It might well, since there is no version of this FOR version 4.
The native vB 4 media embedding supports more than just YouTube videos. Which might also be why there is no version of this Mod, for vB4.
I like, don't think you need it and stuff.
The Geek did build one, but it's lesser known. He built AME 3 on vB4's native ability. The thing with vB4 is it embedded, but it didn't autoembed. And you couldn't create and share definitions with the community in the form of exportable XML files, so AME 3 brought that to vB4. Which is why the definitions aren't compatible, because the AME 3 used the existing infrastructure, whereas AME 1-2.5 were entirely The Geek's codebase.
01-22-2014, 06:15 PM
I installed this mod on vb 3.8.I uploaded all the folders to root directory and I do see ame cp settings on my admin cp.But I dont see a link on the nav bar.Is there a code I need to add on the template?
Digital Jedi
01-23-2014, 05:17 AM
I installed this mod on vb 3.8.I uploaded all the folders to root directory and I do see ame cp settings on my admin cp.But I dont see a link on the nav bar.Is there a code I need to add on the template?
On the navbar? There's nothing to link to that would require a navbar link. You don't visit a page or anything like that. This mod embeds videos into posts automatically.
01-25-2014, 12:11 AM
Thank so much for the help.I was under the impression this mod is like video directory.That is why thought this would install a tab in navbar.Think I was wrong.I did try to embed video in the post and it is working.Thank u again.
01-25-2014, 01:50 AM
one more issue I came across.I tried embed code it works only in few forums.But not all.I tried forum permissions.usergroup permission etc.Dont know what the problem is.
01-25-2014, 02:28 AM
Never mind it works fine now.I figured out the issue.
01-27-2014, 04:09 PM
Since I upgraded to 3.5.7. my Vimeo definitions have stopped working? And Vimeo is not in the definitions list - should it be?
I'm using vb 3.8.5. and vimeo has always worked in the past - but I did delete the definitions as instructed on the install. Perhaps I wasnt in 3.5.6?
Anyway how do I get vimeo back please?
Digital Jedi
02-01-2014, 02:46 PM
Since I upgraded to 3.5.7. my Vimeo definitions have stopped working? And Vimeo is not in the definitions list - should it be?
I'm using vb 3.8.5. and vimeo has always worked in the past - but I did delete the definitions as instructed on the install. Perhaps I wasnt in 3.5.6?
Anyway how do I get vimeo back please?
It should have been created during the upgrade. Try re-importing the product as if you were doing an upgrade. It should be created during this process.
02-03-2014, 03:27 AM
Hello, I first installed 2.5.6 autotagger from but then saw you had taken it over and done 2.5.7. The 2.5.6 installed and uninstalled fine. However, I have attempted to install your 2.5.7 with no luck. I've downloaded the zip file a couple times and everything is in the correct place with the amecache set at 777 as well. When I import I get the following error:
XML Error: No error at Line 0
Then it hangs with the Importing Product, please wait ...
I am running 3.7.2 and have too many small changes on the templates to take a chance on upgrading vb and overwriting. Maybe this wouldn't be an issue, I don't know? I know just enough to get around and handle mod install and template changes etc. So basically I'm stuck with 3.7.2 and can't get past the above error. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
02-03-2014, 04:34 AM
Oh, and one thing I forgot. The version of php on my host's server is 5.3.28.
Thanks, Dax
02-05-2014, 07:33 PM
It should have been created during the upgrade. Try re-importing the product as if you were doing an upgrade. It should be created during this process.
I tried again but still not working for me. Should I go back to 2.5.6?
Digital Jedi
02-10-2014, 05:53 PM
Hello, I first installed 2.5.6 autotagger from but then saw you had taken it over and done 2.5.7. The 2.5.6 installed and uninstalled fine. However, I have attempted to install your 2.5.7 with no luck. I've downloaded the zip file a couple times and everything is in the correct place with the amecache set at 777 as well. When I import I get the following error:
XML Error: No error at Line 0
Then it hangs with the Importing Product, please wait ...
I am running 3.7.2 and have too many small changes on the templates to take a chance on upgrading vb and overwriting. Maybe this wouldn't be an issue, I don't know? I know just enough to get around and handle mod install and template changes etc. So basically I'm stuck with 3.7.2 and can't get past the above error. Any help is appreciated. Thanks
I've actually only see this happen once before on 3.7.4, and we really couldn't track down a reasonable explanation for it:
The only thing left that seemed reasonable was a security setting somewhere preventing the import. PHP and vB version don't seem to be the issue.
I tried again but still not working for me. Should I go back to 2.5.6?
Going back won't really do anything. The definition doesn't exist in 2.5.6. I'll attach it here, but you should make a mental/physical note that you had to do this to get Vimeo and just keep on eye on the definition if you ever have to do another upgrade.
03-01-2014, 04:43 PM
Glad to see this mod get some new life!
I'm still on the older version but looking to update soon and wondering if anyone else has run into an issue and if maybe there is a fix?
I recently setup the VB Mobile Suite for my 3.x forum but any post that uses AME crashes the app. If I disable AME posts work fine, and if I use an actualy youtube BBCode the video embeds, but using AME it just crashes-
Wondering if anyone else out there is using the AME and VB Mobile Suite successfully?
the Sandman
03-01-2014, 05:39 PM
I reported some months ago that I couldn't get AME 2.5.7 to work on The Admin Zone, and that after the attempt I could no longer get 2.5.6 working either even though it had worked before. Last week I migrated to a new server and moved Admin Extra over to it. TAZ needed some work first - Logician had to modify the vB 3.7 code to work with PHP 5.4. Once TAZ was moved to the new server, I reinstalled AME 2.5.7 and it seems to be working fine. Must have been the old outdated server hardware and software.
BTW, I've always used AME with the file caching disabled. How do I go about converting to having the file cache enabled?
Digital Jedi
03-06-2014, 10:41 PM
Glad to see this mod get some new life!
I'm still on the older version but looking to update soon and wondering if anyone else has run into an issue and if maybe there is a fix?
I recently setup the VB Mobile Suite for my 3.x forum but any post that uses AME crashes the app. If I disable AME posts work fine, and if I use an actualy youtube BBCode the video embeds, but using AME it just crashes-
Wondering if anyone else out there is using the AME and VB Mobile Suite successfully?
Have you observed it crashing with specific media websites, or does it just generally do so? For example, does it crash with games or music media as well? Or just YouTube? I'm unfamiliar with the mobile app and how all that's handled, but if it's basically using it's own templates, you could experiment with the AME conditionals being used in its particular ame_container template.
I reported some months ago that I couldn't get AME 2.5.7 to work on The Admin Zone, and that after the attempt I could no longer get 2.5.6 working either even though it had worked before. Last week I migrated to a new server and moved Admin Extra over to it. TAZ needed some work first - Logician had to modify the vB 3.7 code to work with PHP 5.4. Once TAZ was moved to the new server, I reinstalled AME 2.5.7 and it seems to be working fine. Must have been the old outdated server hardware and software.
BTW, I've always used AME with the file caching disabled. How do I go about converting to having the file cache enabled?
I'm glad you got that sorted. For the cache, it's as simple as entering in the path to the cache, making sure it's CHMOD'd 0777 and toggling the option on. You may need to resync the cache via the Tools menu.
the Sandman
03-07-2014, 12:03 AM
I'm glad you got that sorted. For the cache, it's as simple as entering in the path to the cache, making sure it's CHMOD'd 0777 and toggling the option on. You may need to resync the cache via the Tools menu.
I tried that several times, but it breaks all of the existing embedded media. Could it be my XCache?
Also, do you have a link to the code for the youtube shortcut urls?
Digital Jedi
03-07-2014, 07:06 AM
I tried that several times, but it breaks all of the existing embedded media. Could it be my XCache?
It could be. They should, essentially, be doing the same job. So you likely don't need AME's built in version.
Also, do you have a link to the code for the youtube shortcut urls?
Yes, it's linked in the Add-On section for this mod above. I had to break the XML files up into volumes, but YouTube (Short URL) should be located in the final XML file.
the Sandman
03-07-2014, 12:04 PM
Yes, it's linked in the Add-On section for this mod above. I had to break the XML files up into volumes, but YouTube (Short URL) should be located in the final XML file.
Thanks! That worked! :)
03-07-2014, 02:50 PM
Have you observed it crashing with specific media websites, or does it just generally do so? For example, does it crash with games or music media as well? Or just YouTube? I'm unfamiliar with the mobile app and how all that's handled, but if it's basically using it's own templates, you could experiment with the AME conditionals being used in its particular ame_container template.
Seems to be with any post that uses it.
If I make a plugin on postbit_display_complete that replaces all code in $post[message] with just say static "This is a test" it works fine, but if I try to edit the $post[message] array in anyway, say to remove text from it, it still crashes the app.
What is weird is the API log isn't even logging any data when I click on the bad posts, like something perhaps the app loads before I click on a post... Now that I type that out it gives me a better idea where to look.
03-20-2014, 04:28 PM
Since I upgraded to 3.5.7. my Vimeo definitions have stopped working? And Vimeo is not in the definitions list - should it be?
I'm using vb 3.8.5. and vimeo has always worked in the past - but I did delete the definitions as instructed on the install. Perhaps I wasnt in 3.5.6?
Anyway how do I get vimeo back please?
I figured it out (both of us had same probelm). After you upgrading to 2.5.7, vimeo not in definitions list. You are likely end up with this problem if you have imported all definitions from here ( . One of the denition xml has definitions for embedding 2k videos ( and one of them has (i donno by mistake or not) vimeo replacement html in it and conflicting with original vimeo definitions and wont display in list or embed vimeo videos. So to check this best is go thru list and find 2k definitions and under key heading it will show vimeo ( i deleted it) and imorted vimeo.xml and everything working fine....
@Digital Jedi will look into this i hope
Digital Jedi
03-20-2014, 07:44 PM
I figured it out (both of us had same probelm). After you upgrading to 2.5.7, vimeo not in definitions list. You are likely end up with this problem if you have imported all definitions from here ( . One of the denition xml has definitions for embedding 2k videos ( and one of them has (i donno by mistake or not) vimeo replacement html in it and conflicting with original vimeo definitions and wont display in list or embed vimeo videos. So to check this best is go thru list and find 2k definitions and under key heading it will show vimeo ( i deleted it) and imorted vimeo.xml and everything working fine....
@Digital Jedi will look into this i hope
The media repository doesn't have a definition for, exactly. I have two for, but that was for the old domain, and those definitions haven't been updated yet. Neither of those use any Vimeo embed code. With that said, Replacement HTML plays no part in conflicts. Multiple definitions use the same embed code, such as sites who host all their content on YouTube or BrightCove. Conflict results when two regex patterns try to match the same URL. On rare occasion, a URL string within an embed code can trigger an AME match, but as I mentioned, neither 2K Sports defs use any Vimeo code, and certainly shouldn't have vimeo as their key. Either you have definitions from another source, or you're running into a PHP/server configuration problem with vB3. I'm seeing this more the older vB3 gets, and in most cases, the problems only clear up once the site is moved to a new, updated server. I'm hoping it's not that drastic in your case.
03-21-2014, 04:40 PM
but that was exactly the problem.. after importing all definitions i had 3 definitions total for 2ksports and under key information table it showed 'vimeo' and i checked the html replacement before deleting it(definitley vimeo code was there). And after deleting it conflict gone and i could import vimeo.xml you provided in previous page..
You can reproduce it if you are on 3.8.x and upgrade from 2.5.6 to .7 . i deleted all those youtube, vimeo, dailymotion etc before upgrade as advised here. and after upgrade all definitions given from legacy, local and vol 1-5 imported. Definetly there was no vimeo in the lists after full import. Then i decided to import vimceo.xml and i couldnt and i went digging it. Went through definition lists and i noticed for first definition for 2k sports under key area 'vimeo' was showing up. i got curious and opened it and i found vimeo code and i thought of deleting it and try as i dont use it. And then imported vimeo.xml and it worked and vimeo was showing up in posts.. Thats all i did and i thought of sahring it as i found another member @durham also has same issue ans he couldnt fix it
Digital Jedi
03-22-2014, 06:38 AM
The link you posted was for, and I definitely don't have a definition for that. So I wanted to make that clear first.
To also be clear, the reason you couldn't import the vimeo.xml file was because you had a definition with the same key. Not because of the embed code. Keys are designed to prevent duplicate definitions from importing. Apparently, your 2k Sports definitions merged with Vimeo upon upgrade, and this should not have happened. It certainly never happened during any of my test upgrades. The only thing I can think of is somehow they shared the same ID number in your database, and when you upgraded, it simply wrote in the data into 2k Sports as it would during an upgrade. Keeping part of one and adding in the other. I've not seen this happen on any other installation, so you may want to keep an eye out for any server hiccups.
03-24-2014, 06:17 PM
are the regular youtube urls suppose to work?
Digital Jedi
03-24-2014, 10:56 PM
are the regular youtube urls suppose to work?
Of course.
03-25-2014, 02:32 AM
not working for me then -- other youtube links work but not the plain url
03-25-2014, 11:57 AM
So that means , deleting the vimeo definitions before upgrade to 2.5.7 didnt work? , when i deleted those definitions, why the merging happen when imported 2.5.7 with overwrite. Do you think deleting didnt happen on server side and vimeo code in 2.5.7 happened to go into 2ksports definition and hide the vimeo in definition list? , then in 2.5.6 deleting definitions was not working properly.. so far no hiccups, may be b'coz i deleted that 2ksports definition already and imported vimeo separate and got it working as it should...
sorry for , google gave me and for 2ksports videos search 'term'. i donno or use that , so no idea where the videos are... anyway i got it fixed and somebody else had same problem , thought of sharing ....
Digital Jedi
03-25-2014, 04:52 PM
not working for me then -- other youtube links work but not the plain url
I tested the link to your Battleship video, and it embedded fine on my installation. By "other links", what type of links are you referring to?
So that means , deleting the vimeo definitions before upgrade to 2.5.7 didnt work? , when i deleted those definitions, why the merging happen when imported 2.5.7 with overwrite. Do you think deleting didnt happen on server side and vimeo code in 2.5.7 happened to go into 2ksports definition and hide the vimeo in definition list? , then in 2.5.6 deleting definitions was not working properly..
No, not at all. What likely happened is when you originally imported the 2K Sports definition the ID number created (ID numbers are how definitions are distinguished in the database) was coincidentally the same as the Vimeo definition that would one day be created during upgrade. AME tries to uninstall any definitions with the same ID numbers as the default set, but it probably missed it because it didn't have the same key. So when it added Vimeo to the database, it simply merged it into existing definition with the same ID. In this case, the 2K Sports def. This shouldn't happen too often, but if I see it reoccuring again, I'll try to adjust the upgrade code to avoid this.
03-25-2014, 05:03 PM
I tested the link to your Battleship video, and it embedded fine on my installation. By "other links", what type of links are you referring to?
If I just use the plain url for the video ( it doesn't come up on the forum, I just get a link.
Digital Jedi
03-25-2014, 05:33 PM
If I just use the plain url for the video ( it doesn't come up on the forum, I just get a link.
I see you have the Short URL definition from my repository thread. Do you still have the default YouTube definition that came with AME? This is the one that embeds regular YouTube links.
03-25-2014, 05:47 PM
I think so -- how do I know? I have one that says You Tube, YouTube (Short URL), YouTube (Playlists), YouTube Playlists (Old)
Digital Jedi
03-25-2014, 06:02 PM
It just says YouTube. Check to see if it's toggled on.
03-25-2014, 06:12 PM
active, contain extract all checked... Display order 10
Digital Jedi
03-26-2014, 04:55 AM
active, contain extract all checked... Display order 10
What version of AME are you running? Superficially, this sounds like AME 2.5.6.
03-26-2014, 05:08 AM
2.5.7 -- just upgraded. Double checked to make sure
03-28-2014, 12:56 AM
<font size="3">SSL Certificate Fix:</font>
If your forum is encrypted by a SSL certificate making your entire site secure and using https... You will need to change every definition you use to hard code in https rather then http.
By default the definitions are http so this will show videos on your forum as blank space.
Easy fix! DONE! Now this MOD works on my secure forum.
Instructions for this maybe should be included in the ReadMe...
03-28-2014, 05:10 PM
Google maps has stopped working for me.
It looks like google has switched from using / to
03-28-2014, 05:27 PM
Google maps has stopped working for me.
It looks like google has switched from using / to (
Can't you just edit the definition and change all the URLs to the new URL to make it work again?
03-28-2014, 05:37 PM
Can't you just edit the definition and change all the URLs to the new URL to make it work again?
I would if I knew how to change it properly.
I did this for the regular expression: Changing the maps\.google to www\.google
But I think I now need to account for the /maps/ part in the URL now. Where do I put that?
Does this look right:
03-28-2014, 06:14 PM
Installed, everything seems to be running smoothly! Thanks!
04-01-2014, 04:20 PM
Thanks for this hack
04-04-2014, 08:38 PM
Is there a way to edit the Youtube definition so that no related videos will show at the end?
04-04-2014, 08:44 PM
If I just use the plain url for the video ( it doesn't come up on the forum, I just get a link.
Still needing help here
Digital Jedi
04-04-2014, 09:14 PM
Still needing help here
I'm not going to be online much this week. But I can look into it next week if you can give me temp admin access at that time. I tested the links in your thread, and I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be embedding. They all embedded fine for me.
04-04-2014, 09:38 PM
I'm not going to be online much this week. But I can look into it next week if you can give me temp admin access at that time. I tested the links in your thread, and I don't see any reason why they shouldn't be embedding. They all embedded fine for me.
OK, just let me know when you have time and I'll set it up..
04-10-2014, 04:16 PM
Installed, everything seems to be running smoothly! Thanks!
Quick question, since installing the mod.. web pages ending in ".aspx" seem to be crashing the page/post.
When I put in a link that ends in .aspx (for example, it seems like it's trying to convert the link but times out after a bit and doesn't get posted.
I honestly only ever have seen .aspx pages on Game Informer so it's not a huge deal, I tried to write a new definition.. but I am terrible :)
Digital Jedi
04-10-2014, 05:36 PM
Are you running only default definitions? There's no Game Informer there. Not even in my repository set. No Game Informer links should be trying to convert, and .aspx links wouldn't react without first matching the domain name.
04-10-2014, 05:52 PM
Yep. My bad. Installed DBSEO at the same time, and it was it's URL rewrite rules. For some reason it crashes when trying to pull titles from .aspx pages.
Thanks for the reply though it forced me to use my brain for a second! :D
Digital Jedi
06-03-2014, 07:20 PM
No updates for you at the moment, gang. We lost my wife's mom suddenly week before last, and now we're just getting back into our normal lives. Please give a me a few to get back into the swing of things.
06-23-2014, 06:21 PM
I just updated one of my forums to AME 2.5.7. I uploaded the files (3 times and with a new download) and I uploaded the new main xml a couple of times with overwrite but I still only had YouTube and Amazon as video options showing in ame's AdminCP.
Products/Plugins shows AME 2.5.7.
So, I exported the missing standard video options from another of my websites - just the missing vimeo, etc -- and uploaded those via import.
Now those options show up in ame's admincp and are activated, but vimeo clips still aren't being embedded.
Is it a VB version issue? I'm running 3.7.3. As I mentioned I'm running 2.5.7 on a 3.8.7 vb install and it works just fine.
UPDATE: FIXED! Turns out I had to uninstall the Product XML and then reinstall it. That fixed everything. Thanks.
07-13-2014, 11:04 PM
Is integration possible?
07-13-2014, 11:57 PM
Every time I try to embed something just doing testing with it says External Embedding Not Available.
09-07-2014, 02:21 PM
Many thanks for the hack it works great!!!
However we face a problem. Because previously we were using another hack to do this work, right now all the previous posted video links are just showing as link and do not embed.
Is there any query or fix for this issue?
p.s We have noticed that if you just press edit in a post and submit again without any change, the link converted correctly.
11-16-2014, 01:51 PM
any idea why PDF files are displaying like this:
11-25-2014, 08:57 AM
hy there,
thanks for this mod.
I installed the mod following instructions but it look like not working.
this post for example (youtube video):
what can i do?
many thanx
11-25-2014, 12:42 PM
.. still in trouble.. i imported all definitions as mentioned here
but still no conversion in my post..
what can i do? after installing mod and defintions i need to do something else in order to convert url tag video in my old posts? i tried also to create new thread with a tag video inside but nothing..
12-01-2014, 08:33 AM
Is there a way to embed remotely hosted files, similar to how the locally hosted embedding works?
12-04-2014, 01:22 PM
I can't delete some of DJ AME definitions, after selecting definitions to be deleted or not active and clicking save, it show display order saved, but doesn't do anything all settings stays the same. Any ideas?
I have moved my VPS recently, set new location for amecache and 777.
02-20-2015, 01:48 AM
I don't suppose there is a version that will work on vb5? We just upgraded and this is the one mod we didn't check :(
02-20-2015, 09:08 AM
Nope, there is nothing like this for vB5.
02-21-2015, 10:46 PM
Nope, there is nothing like this for vB5.
Damn so everyone that used AME for years is SOL now? That sucks... is here at least a way to transfer the embed code back to url form so there aren't weird characters and other things showing in old posts?
VB software kinda sucks now
Max Taxable
02-21-2015, 11:12 PM
Damn so everyone that used AME for years is SOL now? That sucks... is here at least a way to transfer the embed code back to url form so there aren't weird characters and other things showing in old posts?
VB software kinda sucks nowAlot of people revert to vB 4, which you can download from your members area at vbulletin dot com. Seen it done. Here ( most recently.
03-17-2015, 11:24 AM
Edit: Just a heads up.
Installation automatically rewrote all of my Amazon links to use DJ's affiliate ID. Using the tools to revert them, all of the URLs were no longer hotlinks, just raw text. I have to restore from a backup to undo this, because Amazon is a big revenue provider for my forum. Uninstalling the product and using the tool basically nuked several years of affiliated links from my site.
03-17-2015, 01:05 PM
Looking at the XML file for this mod the only Amazon coding I see is to format Amazon Video services. What is the AF ID you are seeing being applied?
03-17-2015, 01:34 PM
I should have been more specific - this mod, plus the definitions: (Thumbnails) and (Links): The original Thumbnail version of the Amazon Links was created by nevetS in one of the old XML threads and it was the first definitions created to demonstrate turning product links into thumbnails rather then links.
Note that I have also included my affiliate IDs in these definitions, mainly because these are constructed on my live site. To work in your own affiliate ID in either the Links or Thumbnails definitions, look for the instances of the ?tag= in theReplacement HTMLand replace the following IDs with your own. Or, again, you can leave them in. Won't hurt my feelings.
I should have RTFP'd a bit better, heh. Uninstalling it, like I said, rewrote all of the URLs back to normal but none of them were actually parsed as links anymore. So I had hundreds of posts with amazon links that weren't click-able links anymore. Not fun.
03-17-2015, 02:11 PM
So, it was the one of the definitions - I'm not using his definitions package.
03-20-2015, 06:53 PM
I don't suppose there is a version that will work on vb5? We just upgraded and this is the one mod we didn't check :(
Nope, there is nothing like this for vB5.
VB5 has built in video embedding and my video embedding mod will automatically embed youtube and vimeo videos embedded with AME -
Digital Jedi
05-06-2015, 04:59 PM
Edit: Just a heads up.
Installation automatically rewrote all of my Amazon links to use DJ's affiliate ID. Using the tools to revert them, all of the URLs were no longer hotlinks, just raw text. I have to restore from a backup to undo this, because Amazon is a big revenue provider for my forum. Uninstalling the product and using the tool basically nuked several years of affiliated links from my site.
I didn't see this when you first posted, but FYI for anyone coming across this later, you only have to edit the definition to replace your affiliate ID with your own. (Keeping in mind that caching of any kind may not properly reflect your changes right away.) My ID doesn't work anymore, and hasn't for a few years. It's just in there so you can change it and implement your own without a lot of fuss. I did, however, point that out in the FAQ. :)
I should have been more specific - this mod, plus the definitions:
I should have RTFP'd a bit better, heh. Uninstalling it, like I said, rewrote all of the URLs back to normal but none of them were actually parsed as links anymore. So I had hundreds of posts with amazon links that weren't click-able links anymore. Not fun.
Yes, an uninstall without running the conversion tools first will results in unparsed links. I was certain I had included this in the README, and it is mentioned in various places like in the Admin CP and the FAQ, but apparently I didn't include it in a prominent place. I'll be sure to put that in main README file to prevent any confusion in the future.
05-07-2015, 02:20 PM
I didn't see this when you first posted, but FYI for anyone coming across this later, you only have to edit the definition to replace your affiliate ID with your own. (Keeping in mind that caching of any kind may not properly reflect your changes right away.) My ID doesn't work anymore, and hasn't for a few years. It's just in there so you can change it and implement your own without a lot of fuss. I did, however, point that out in the FAQ. :)
The Amazon rewrite only applies to people activating the Amazon Video functions in this modification. Correct? If you install it without Amazon Video there is no issue??
Digital Jedi
05-09-2015, 02:54 AM
The Amazon rewrite only applies to people activating the Amazon Video functions in this modification. Correct? If you install it without Amazon Video there is no issue??
It only applies to posted links to Amazon products. (I'm unaware of any way to embed Amazon Videos.) But the links are editable within the definition. You simply add your own, or remove the ID string.
07-27-2015, 10:42 PM
When a user posts a link to a video url such as;
when they click "Submit Reply" the end result is a url like below
07-27-2015, 10:55 PM
Fixed, disregaurd my last post..
Disable New Items? Was set to yes
08-14-2015, 01:27 PM
We just upgraded from 2.5.6.
It's very sad that, after all these years, the youtube definition still doesn't recognize short urls ( :down:
08-29-2015, 09:03 PM
Is it possible to edit the Youtube main definition and Youtube Short URL definition so that when a video has finished playing no related videos show at the end?
What edits would I need to make?
09-09-2015, 02:50 PM
Is this the latest version or is there an upgrade to this I am unaware of? It will be installed onto a VB 4 platform, latest version.
09-28-2015, 04:23 AM
Is it possible to edit the Youtube main definition and Youtube Short URL definition so that when a video has finished playing no related videos show at the end?
What edits would I need to make?Yes....Your Youtube replacement HTML should look like this:
<iframe width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" src="$p1?start=$p2" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You want to add &rel=0 to that output URL. (rel is the parameter for related, 0 means off).
I added that after the $p2, so it ends up being this:
<iframe width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" src="$p1?start=$p2&rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Make the same change to the Youtube short URL definition.
10-30-2015, 03:28 AM
I have an issue with posting new threads with this add-on after upgrading to 3.8.9 (running php 5.5 or 5.6), new thread is not being taken to thread page, hanging there, but thread is actually posted... i individually disabled each plugins and A.M.E 2.5.7 is the culprit
10-30-2015, 06:56 PM
If I link a youtube video like this (, it convert it! And it shound't! Anyway to fix this?
i individually disabled each plugins and A.M.E 2.5.7 is the culprit
Probably it conflicts with other plugins.
10-31-2015, 12:20 PM
Probably it conflicts with other plugins.
But in 3.8.7 they were'nt conflicting though.. Just an upgrade cause that, especially when 3.8.9 only added php 5.5-5.6 supported
11-01-2015, 07:16 PM
But in 3.8.7 they were'nt conflicting though.. Just an upgrade cause that, especially when 3.8.9 only added php 5.5-5.6 supported
I had to unistall this one. I founded another BBcode that does the same and it's more pratical. You can read more here:
11-26-2015, 09:55 PM
Nice :) A request for any possible future release - Having a box where you can interact with the parts of the Regular Expression in PHP instead of (or as well as) Replacement HTML.
For example:
Replacement HTML
<iframe src="$my_variables_from_curl_parser.php"></iframe>
echo myFunction($p1);
Would made interacting with social media API's a lot easier :)
01-21-2016, 03:05 PM
From the readme:
Delete custom definitions specifically for Amazon, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Vimeo and YouTube. (Key names: amazon, dailymotion, metacafe, vimeo and youtube) Theses five definitions are now hard coded into the product
Well, the definition for Vimeo is not installed when installing the product. So, I deleted the old one and no new one was installed :down::down:
06-06-2016, 04:55 PM
The AME definition I have for Google Maps is no longer working. Is there anyone with a working definition that would be willing to share it here? I am not a coder, so I really need to be able to just cut/paste the regular expression and replacement code if possible.
This is what I have for the regular expression that used to work:
and this is the replacement code:
<iframe width="800" height="600" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="$ameinfo[url]&output=svembed"></iframe>
I know nothing about how this stuff works...
06-30-2016, 11:26 PM
Anyone have soundcloud links working?
07-11-2016, 03:18 PM
Anyone have soundcloud links working?
There may be a better way, but this is what works for us.
1. Register your app to get a client ID number.
2. Replace the previous Soundcloud Replacement expression with this...
<script src=""></script>
redirect_uri: ''
<script src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> soundcloud.addEventListener('onPlayerReady', function(player, data) { player.api_play(); }); </script>
<div id="putTheWidgetHere"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
SC.oEmbed('$p1/$p2', {
element: document.getElementById('putTheWidgetHere')
<span style="text-align:center" class="smallfont"> <a href="$ameinfo[url]">$ameinfo[title]</a></span>
You'll have to figure out the customization to what you want with the dimensions and look that you want it to be like, but otherwise, save and enjoy.
07-14-2016, 12:38 AM
My problem is the soundcould links are automatically being turned into urls. Also, never had a app.. we've been using a custom bbcode.
12-07-2016, 06:59 AM
Hi everybody, I have AME working in vbulletin 3.8.4 forum for years whit no problems.
Now we have changed our url to https (SSL) and AME doesn´t work, it shows a blank space instead of videos.
Any help please?
12-24-2016, 08:05 AM
Hello guys
Running vB 3.8.7 with around 30M posts.
We disabled passiveVid and successfully installed this plugin.
The plugin is working well but old post (prior installing AME) isn't parse the video, unless if reedit respective posts. What should i do? Have i missed something here? The old passiveVid plugin bbode is [url[/url]. How can i execute a command to parse a video in all existing posts ?
Anyone could help?
12-24-2016, 12:11 PM
Did passiveVid use the same BBCode tags?
12-25-2016, 02:47 AM
Did passiveVid use the same BBCode tags?
Yes, [url[/url]
AME use same bbcode as well
12-25-2016, 07:42 AM
Yeah, as far as I know, when you create a new BBCode that uses the same tags as a previous BBCode, old posts will have to be reparsed to use the new replacement HTML, and the only way I know to do that without some custom script is to edit them.
12-26-2016, 04:09 AM
Yeah, as far as I know, when you create a new BBCode that uses the same tags as a previous BBCode, old posts will have to be reparsed to use the new replacement HTML, and the only way I know to do that without some custom script is to edit them.
Somehow i noticed actually AME does using code, it doesn't appear in newreply but actually it containing ame code in table post. It could only be fixed when all posts require to edit which is definitely i don't know how am i able to this coz we have more than 20M of posts, unless someone has custom script to execute these. The default tools in AME plugin to convert code is not working plus it freezing the forum page due to huge table post.
If anyone woule be able to help of offer some service kindly PM me & i would be much appreciated.
01-22-2017, 04:54 PM
Hi everybody, I have AME working in vbulletin 3.8.4 forum for years whit no problems.
Now we have changed our url to https (SSL) and AME doesn?t work, it shows a blank space instead of videos.
Any help please?
In AME CP > Display > Definitions YouTube > Replacement HTML
Replace http with https
05-23-2017, 02:47 AM
Yes....Your Youtube replacement HTML should look like this:
<iframe width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" src="$p1?start=$p2" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You want to add &rel=0 to that output URL. (rel is the parameter for related, 0 means off).
I added that after the $p2, so it ends up being this:
<iframe width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" src="$p1?start=$p2&rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Make the same change to the Youtube short URL definition.
It's not working for me anyway. Your post was too old and maybe youtube has changed the code. Can share latest code changes?
06-10-2017, 05:20 AM
Anyone have an updated Definition for They've recently changed the embed code.
06-19-2017, 09:31 AM
Hi everybody, I have AME working in vbulletin 3.8.4 forum for years whit no problems.
Now we have changed our url to https (SSL) and AME doesn?t work, it shows a blank space instead of videos.
Any help please?
I have the same issue - adding rel=0 didnt fix for me. This must be a serious issue for lots of forums now https is being pushed so hard by Google.
Any fix please?
06-19-2017, 10:18 AM
Found solution. Add ?rel=0 instead of &rel=0
it works for me anyway!
07-31-2017, 10:32 AM
Has anyone tried this on PHP 7.0+ and VB 3.8.11?
07-31-2017, 02:45 PM
Has anyone tried this on PHP 7.0+ and VB 3.8.11?
Yes, it worked.
07-31-2017, 07:28 PM
Yes, it worked.
I'm sorry but are you sure you're running PHP 7.0.x or 7.1.x? I ask because I am looking through the code and for example in the /includes/ directory there is a file called ame_bbcode.php and one line, among many, is:
$text = preg_replace('/<<<@!([0-9]+)!@>>>/sme', 'ame_unsubstitute(\'\\1\',$ame_subbed)', $text);
The problem being that pre_replace() call is using the "e" modifier. While this would have worked in all versions of PHP 5.x.x, just logging a warning on PHP 5.5.x and 5.6.x, support for the e modifier was totally removed in PHP 7.x so that code could no longer function.
Those were the same kind of lines preventing the older version of this mod from running on PHP 7.x.
Of course maybe I'm missing something and those lines don't actually get triggered or something....
08-01-2017, 02:04 PM
I'm sorry but are you sure you're running PHP 7.0.x or 7.1.x? I ask because I am looking through the code and for example in the /includes/ directory there is a file called ame_bbcode.php and one line, among many, is:
$text = preg_replace('/<<<@!([0-9]+)!@>>>/sme', 'ame_unsubstitute(\'\\1\',$ame_subbed)', $text);
The problem being that pre_replace() call is using the "e" modifier. While this would have worked in all versions of PHP 5.x.x, just logging a warning on PHP 5.5.x and 5.6.x, support for the e modifier was totally removed in PHP 7.x so that code could no longer function.
Those were the same kind of lines preventing the older version of this mod from running on PHP 7.x.
Of course maybe I'm missing something and those lines don't actually get triggered or something....
Honestly that really didn't caused a problem on the forum that I tested it, I'll dig into it later today but if its just a warning it might have been unnoticed.
08-01-2017, 06:39 PM
It's a warning but unlike PHP 5.x the code can't function as intended in PHP 7.x. Perhaps the code is rarely needed or the e modifier was a mistake to begin with. There are reasons, just surprising. Thank you again.
09-29-2017, 02:10 AM
I have the same issue - adding rel=0 didnt fix for me. This must be a serious issue for lots of forums now https is being pushed so hard by Google.
Any fix please?
Found solution. Add ?rel=0 instead of &rel=0
it works for me anyway!
Same here. We've been running for years without issue. We just upgraded to HTTPS and all our videos are just a blank post. I edited the replacement HTML to include HTTPS and ?rel=0, but stilll no video.
Heres the edited code. Any Ideas?
<iframe width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" src="$p1?start=$p2?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
10-07-2017, 12:42 PM
I had this working fine with https but now, it stopped working for me as well.
01-02-2018, 05:05 AM
same thing happened with me
01-18-2018, 05:37 PM
anything folks?? same problem for months since we went with SSL. all links are white screens. Changed everything to https and ?rel=0 with no luck. Ive run out of ideas.
01-22-2018, 09:44 AM
anything folks?? same problem for months since we went with SSL. all links are white screens. Changed everything to https and ?rel=0 with no luck. Ive run out of ideas.
Have you tried posting new videos, do those work?
I have no idea why &rel=0 would do anything at all.
However AME caches its parsed code so if you don't re-edit an old post any changes you make to the replacement code isn't going to be noticeable on posts you've already viewed. If it works for new posts then there is a tool (link) I believe in the AME section of the Admin CP to clear the cache. But I would backup before using it, I've had issues with it before.
For the record I went to SSL (using the older version of this mod) without any issue but I had updated the code to use SSL years before I put an SSL cert on my board.
08-17-2018, 02:16 PM
can anyone update this addon ?
01-08-2019, 04:38 AM
i have this problem, how can i fixed ?
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 712
01-27-2019, 05:24 PM
I am not a PHP expert and I only use a small number of AME definitions so this may have issues with some other definitions but I can explain what I changed to resolve the '/e modifier is deprecated' message in ame_bbcode.php near line 712
In the function ame_process_bbcode I made the following change.
$text = preg_replace($ameinfo['find'], $ameinfo['replace'], ($param2 ? $param2 : $param1), 1);
with the following
$text = '';
for ($i = 1; $i<count($ameinfo['find']); $i++) {
preg_match($ameinfo['find'][$i], $param1, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
if ($matches) {
$findStr = $ameinfo['find'][$i];
$replaceStr = $ameinfo['replace'][$i];
$findStr = preg_replace("/(~ie)/", "~i", $findStr);
$text = preg_replace_callback($findStr,
function($m) use($replaceStr) {
$rep = $replaceStr . ';';
$rep = str_replace('$param1', "'" . $m[1] . "'", $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\1', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\2', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\3', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\4', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\5', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\6', '', $rep);
if (count($m) > 2) {
$rep = str_replace('$param2', "'" . $m[2] . "'", $rep);
$rep = str_replace('$p1', $m[2], $rep);
if (count($m) > 3) {
$rep = str_replace('$p2', $m[3], $rep);
if (count($m) > 4) {
$rep = str_replace('$p3', $m[4], $rep);
if (count($m) > 5) {
$rep = str_replace('$p4', $m[5], $rep);
if (count($m) > 6) {
$rep = str_replace('$p5', $m[6], $rep);
return $str;
($param2 ? $param2 : $param1), 1);
} else {
$text = $param1;
I am really only using the youtube definition so I did not need the \1 through \6 options so I simply set them all to empty strings.
Hopefully this helps some people and maybe someone else can take it and improve upon it.
If this helps anyone and you want to tip anything I wouldn't refuse it. :)
07-03-2019, 03:59 AM
I am not a PHP expert and I only use a small number of AME definitions so this may have issues with some other definitions but I can explain what I changed to resolve the '/e modifier is deprecated' message in ame_bbcode.php near line 712
In the function ame_process_bbcode I made the following change.
$text = preg_replace($ameinfo['find'], $ameinfo['replace'], ($param2 ? $param2 : $param1), 1);
with the following
$text = '';
for ($i = 1; $i<count($ameinfo['find']); $i++) {
preg_match($ameinfo['find'][$i], $param1, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE);
if ($matches) {
$findStr = $ameinfo['find'][$i];
$replaceStr = $ameinfo['replace'][$i];
$findStr = preg_replace("/(~ie)/", "~i", $findStr);
$text = preg_replace_callback($findStr,
function($m) use($replaceStr) {
$rep = $replaceStr . ';';
$rep = str_replace('$param1', "'" . $m[1] . "'", $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\1', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\2', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\3', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\4', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\5', '', $rep);
$rep = str_replace('\6', '', $rep);
if (count($m) > 2) {
$rep = str_replace('$param2', "'" . $m[2] . "'", $rep);
$rep = str_replace('$p1', $m[2], $rep);
if (count($m) > 3) {
$rep = str_replace('$p2', $m[3], $rep);
if (count($m) > 4) {
$rep = str_replace('$p3', $m[4], $rep);
if (count($m) > 5) {
$rep = str_replace('$p4', $m[5], $rep);
if (count($m) > 6) {
$rep = str_replace('$p5', $m[6], $rep);
return $str;
($param2 ? $param2 : $param1), 1);
} else {
$text = $param1;
I am really only using the youtube definition so I did not need the \1 through \6 options so I simply set them all to empty strings.
Hopefully this helps some people and maybe someone else can take it and improve upon it.
If this helps anyone and you want to tip anything I wouldn't refuse it. :)
it does not work :(
07-11-2019, 05:40 PM
it does not work :(
Odd. It works fine on my installation but as stated I am not an expert and only modified it enough to get it to work in my limited use cases.
07-17-2019, 07:13 PM
are there any updates for this version ?
07-22-2019, 02:46 PM
How to fix preg_replace() errors in PHP 5.6 + 7.x for DJ AME's 2.5/2.7 :
- This fix is for the preg_replace Errors (Error 1) in ame_bbcode.php reported by user Mandushi above.
- In my case I encountered the 2nd Error (Error 2) seen below after upgrading to vBulletin and PHP 5.6+
Error 1: In vBulletin 3.8.x versions using PHP 5.6 +:
mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in /includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 712 Error 2: In vBulletin, when using PHP 5.6 +:
Deprecated: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead in includes/ame_bbcode.php on line 331\n'
Here is the fix:
Thankfully I had some help to complete this fix long time a go on StackOverflow (Credits Barmar) ( So the methods below below will fix all of the preg_replace deprecated errors in ame_bbcode.php file.
1. Edit the > ame_bbcode.php and find this line in function named (&fetch_full_ameinfo):
if (!$findonly)2. Then replace the COMPLETE section with this instead:
if (!$findonly)
$ameinfo['find'][] = "~($result[findcode])~ie";
$ameinfo['replace'][] = 'ame_match_bbcode($param1, $param2, \'' . $result['ameid'] . '\', \'' . ame_slasher($result['title']) . '\', ' . $result['container'] . ', \'' . ame_slasher($result['replacecode']) . '\', \'$match[1]\', \'$match[2]\', \'$match[3]\', \'$match[4]\', \'$match[5]\', \'$match[6]\')';
$ameinfo['find'][] = "~(\[url\]$result[findcode]\[/url\])~ie";
$ameinfo['find'][] = "~(\[url="?$result[findcode]"?\](.*?)\[/url\])~i";
$ameinfo['replace'][] = 'ame_match("$match[1]", "", ' . intval($result['extraction']) .', "' . ($result['embedregexp'] ? "~" . ame_slasher($result['embedregexp']) . "~sim" : "") . '", "' . ($result['validation'] ? "~" . ame_slasher($result['validation']) . "~sim" : "") . '",$ameinfo)';
$ameinfo['replace'][] = 'ame_match("$match[1]", "$match[2]", ' . intval($result['extraction']) .', "' . ($result['embedregexp'] ? "~" . ame_slasher($result['embedregexp']) . "~sim" : "") . '", "' . ($result['validation'] ? "~" . ame_slasher($result['validation']) . "~sim" : "") . '", $ameinfo)';
}3. Next find the line below in function named function ame_process_bbcode:
$text = preg_replace($ameinfo['find'], $ameinfo['replace'], ($param2 ? $param2 : $param1), 1);4. And replace it with this instead:
$text = preg_replace_callback($ameinfo['find'], function($match) use (&$param1, &$param2, &$ameinfo) {
return eval($ameinfo['replace']);
}, ($param2 ? $param2 : $param1), 1);
And that's pretty much it. Now you should no longer experince the preg_replace errors in ame_bbcode.php
Additional Fix for line 324 in ame_bbcode.php
1. The line seen below at line 324 will also show up as a Deprecated Error:
$text = preg_replace($ameinfo['find'], $ameinfo['replace'], $text); 2. To fix it, just replace it with the line below as well:
$text = preg_replace($substitutes, $subhandlers, $text);
$text = preg_replace_callback($ameinfo['find'], function($match) use (&$text) {
return eval($ameinfo['replace']);
}, ($text), 1);
Please leave a feed back for others to know if you were able to make it work on your end. Thank you.
Regards China.
08-07-2019, 01:40 PM
This don't work with https
10-07-2019, 06:56 PM
Note: In this post, all instances of +++++ute should read as b i t c h u t e (without the spaces)
Censoring can be a real +++++.
If anybody wants to embed video from use the following code to add the new definition:
Regular Expression:[\w/]+)
Replacement HTML
<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="360" src="$p1" allowfullscreen></iframe><br />
<font size="1"><strong>+++++ute Source:</strong> <a target="_blank" href="$p1">$p1</a></font>
Do not extract destination data.
10-07-2019, 07:25 PM
Working YouTube HTTPS
Regular Expression:
Replacement HTML:
<iframe width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" src="$p1?start=$p2" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Extract Destination Data: No.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Working DailyMotion HTTPS
Regular Expression:
Replacement HTML:
<iframe frameborder="0" width="$ameinfo[width]" height="$ameinfo[height]" src="$p1"></iframe>
Extract Destination Data: No.
01-13-2020, 06:00 PM
Not working for me source code shows that there is iframe of youtube but it is simply not shoing on webpage, i wonder why ?
please help
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