View Full Version : *self solved* just ignore me....

10-12-2013, 09:00 PM
Hello all! I'm having an issue where I can login to my forum at www.terraforums.com and www.terraforums.com/forums but when I try to at terraforums.com and I enter my login info it splashes by the login page which is www.terraforums/forums/something/..... then goes back to terraforums.com and I'm not logged in.

path to saved cookies is / and I am not using a custom setting.


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eh nevermind.. changing it to .terraforums.com worked after clearing cookies. Could swear I tried that last time I worked on this issue. *closed* thanks.

10-13-2013, 04:02 AM
wow neat how you set your forum to work with the main url and /forums.
Mind sharing how you did it?