View Full Version : Find all changed files BEFORE upgrading vBulletin 4?

10-10-2013, 02:14 PM
I know it's bad practice to edit the physical vB files, but I've done it for a few, and I can't for the life of me remember which ones, but I know they're important! Is there a scanner or plugin that will find which ones don't match the original 4.2.1 files, before I upgrade to 4.2.2?


10-10-2013, 03:09 PM
Don't go to 4.2.2 to many problem wait until they are fixed

10-10-2013, 03:29 PM
Ok thanks, will do! Is PHP 5.4 known to be faster than 5.3? Will I see any performance boosts once we make the jump?

10-10-2013, 04:27 PM
I know it's bad practice to edit the physical vB files, but I've done it for a few, and I can't for the life of me remember which ones, but I know they're important! Is there a scanner or plugin that will find which ones don't match the original 4.2.1 files, before I upgrade to 4.2.2?

We've altered a bunch of default vbulletin files as well with our site. The way to check which files have been altered is to go into admincp, and go to Maintenance->Diagnostics and choose the Suspect File Version. Any file that is reported as not having expected contents has been edited.

Another way we keep track of which files have been altered is through the use of a version control system, we use git. Our system actually has two repositories setup, one contains vanilla vbulletin files which we use as the source repository (is not web reachable) and the second repository is the actual forum directory and is a downstream repository. Any changes to code/images/whatever on the site are then tracked and when it comes time to upgrade vbulletin we can do a git rebase which applies (or at least tries to apply) all our changes to the new code in the new version.

10-10-2013, 04:33 PM
That is SO helpful squidsk!!! Great tool, thanks!

10-10-2013, 08:06 PM
I would append a unique worded header comment in each file you have modified. Then you can search for that unique header when you want to find all your modified files. Remember the vbulletin tool only works for vbulletin files, not files that you have additionally added to vB.

Another thing you can do is add an additional file to the server for each modified file. Call it something like: "forum.php___#fp#.php. Something that sticks out. Now you can search for file names with #fp# in them and they will also stand out in a file-manager.

There are a lot of solutions, but as long as you have a system in place you will be okay.

Sometimes there is just not a hook where you want it, but you can add your own hooks -- of course you still have to replace the hook on an upgrade.