View Full Version : New install with old database

10-10-2013, 04:57 AM
Hello community i would appreciate your help with my issue. My site was recently hacked and trashed and i do not have a back up nor does my web host.

I would be willing to try a repair script if there is such a thing for vbulletin but if not
I think my best bet is to do a clean install since i do not know what files have been altered and deleted.

If i have to do a clean install how do i use my database with all my member and and post info. I dont want to lose all this information.

Note: is was version 4.2.x

Thanks for taking the time to read this and i await your responses.

10-10-2013, 05:50 AM
Using your current database on a new install will still lead to an infected board as your database has already been infiltrated. In most cases this infiltration can be cleaned out, by somebody knowledgeable.

This is one of those time that you should use the paid help section of this board. There are many individuals/companies that can get you running again for a reasonable price. In many cases far cheaper then purchasing the backup from your web host.

I am sorry you were hacked.

10-10-2013, 05:24 PM