View Full Version : Move forums

10-08-2013, 07:36 PM
Hello currently When I goto my forums I goto www.domain.net/forums/forum.php how can I make it www.domain.net/forum.php ?
I installed the forums in a folder called forums :P and also cant remember where on my ftp is the correct vb install cuz I have all the files in these 3 places... public-htlm ,public-ftp , and www.

10-08-2013, 07:46 PM
You need to copy all files inside your forum folder to the desktop then upload all to your root folder then change url settings attachment url also if anyone has posted a link to another post on your forum all them would need changed then update htaccess file. This takes time and if not done right will cause problems. Once all this has been done and you are sure all have been done right then you can delete the forum folder