View Full Version : Status Changing...

10-14-2001, 12:53 AM
I have the feeling that this may have been asked before, but here goes, anyways -

I run two forums, one at http://www.magi-forums.com/ and the other at http://roleplay.magi-forums.com/.

In our Roleplaying forums, a member must get their character 'approved' before they can post in the majority of the forums. The other Admins and I can easily change their status from the admin panel, but my question is this:

Is it possible to allow 'Approvers' to change 'Registered' members to 'Approved' members, and vice-versa, without giving 'Approvers' access to the admin panel?

Steve Machol
10-14-2001, 01:07 AM
This isn't possible without hacking.

10-14-2001, 01:14 AM
I didn't think so... :(

Oh well, more work for me...

10-14-2001, 11:33 AM
If you give me a bit more info (in PM if you wish), I might be able to write something for you.

10-15-2001, 06:34 AM
Wow, That'd be so Kewl! ^_^

Basically, it's like this - we have only two main sections to my RP forums, the "Out-of-Character" (OoC) area, and "In-Character" (IC) area.

I'm not quite sure how this would work, but I think the easiest way to do what I'm thinking of would be to create a mini-admin panel that only people who's status is set to "Approver" could access. In this Mini-admin panel, a "Approver" could look up all the users of the board (minus Mods and Admins), but the only thing that they can view and/or change would be a user's status of "Registered" to "Approved", or Vice-Versa.

Basically, I'm wanting my Forum Hierarchy to be like this:

"Registered" - A new member. They can view and post in the OoC area, but only view the IC area. (I already know how to set this up)

"Approved" - A regular member. They can view and post in both the OoC and IC areas.

"Approver" - A slightly higher member. They are just like "Approved" members, except they can access the mini-admin panel.

"Moderator" - Has power to edit/delete posts in only one section inside of an area, and can also access the mini-admin panel.

"Super Moderator" - Has power to edit/delete posts over all sections, in all areas, can also access the mini-admin panel.

"Administrator" - The only people who can access the regular Admin panel.

If there is a different (maybe easier) way to handle this, then I'm all ears. I hardly know any programming. ^_^

Sorry if this was kind of long, but thank you so much!!! ^_^ Also, if this kind of Hack would take a long time to complete, or is just too complicated, I completely understand if you won't be able to do it, but thank you anyways for at least thinking about it! ^_^

10-18-2001, 02:50 PM
Finally got some free time and thought about this. :)

Anyhow, I'll need a few variables (only numbers actually):
- Usergroup ID of "Approvers"
- Usergroup ID of "Registered"
- Usergroup ID of "Approved"

I'll work on it and hopefully get it done by the weekend. :)

11-19-2001, 03:44 AM
This is something I could really use myself!!!

Any chance you could share the info???

11-19-2001, 04:44 AM
Well I never got to do it since Lordmusic kinda disappeared.

Anyhow, I'll need a few variables (only numbers actually):
- Usergroup ID of "Approvers"
- Usergroup ID of "Registered"
- Usergroup ID of "Approved"

11-19-2001, 05:21 AM
- Usergroup ID of "Approvers" - 14
- Usergroup ID of "Registered" - 2
- Usergroup ID of "Approved"- 9

Thanks so much for replying...and soooo fast :)