View Full Version : How to Have Posts with Large Images Increase Post Width Rather Than Use Scroll Bar?

10-02-2013, 03:23 AM
When images (from an image hosting website) are posted on my forum that are wider than the post area, it automatically creates a scroll bar and keeps the borders tight. Don't get me wrong, it's great that it does that. But it prevents you from seeing the image as a whole. So, I've gone through my stylevars (through research) and changed my large, medium, and minimum image size to 100%. Now they're resized inside those same borders, but smaller and obviously resized. How can I get 100% of the image posted and pushing JUST that post past the borders?

Here, if you see a picture with the 'resize' border on top of it/below it, click the bar. It expands the width of the post itself. That's what I'm looking for, just a wider post due to the picture. Resizing is cool too, but I feel that may be much more work. :shrug:

10-08-2013, 03:45 PM
BUMP, need help please