View Full Version : Smilie popup

Bubble #5
09-25-2013, 03:37 PM
How do you set up posting so that when someone clicks on the editor smilie icon, it opens the bigger smilie box instead of the smaller one?

Right now you have to click on the 'more' button every time and trying to skip that step. Thanks.

09-27-2013, 06:15 AM
This works for me.

Set the right side "smiliebox" off.
admincp->options->Message Posting Interface Options -> Smilebox Total Smiles = 0

Now when I click on the ckeditor smilie icon it opens up the smilie popup-box directly.

Hope it works for you :)

Bubble #5
09-27-2013, 04:16 PM
Sorry, tbworld, that's the wrong smilie box. On the bottom of that smilie box it says "More". When you click it another (bigger) smilie box opens up.

That's the one I'm talking about :) I need it to go directly there.

09-27-2013, 11:04 PM
That is a bit more difficult. One is a plugin for the Ckeditor the other is not. I have a feeling vbulletin had a problem implementing the smiliebox code in the container div -- what you are referring to as the "more" popup box -- as an internal plugin.

I will mess around with it a bit and see what I can see.

--------------- Added 27 Sep 2013 at 18:02 ---------------

I just worked this up for another user on vbulletin. Simple hack but it might help you for now, until I look at your proposal -- which is interesting.

Hack: Set the minimum height and width of the Ckeditor plugin smiliebox

Use a good editor (Do not use Notepad or Wordpad or something similar.
You can use the vbulletin uncompressed source or just edit the compressed since it is just a few parameter

Edit in vbulletin file area:

Search for "270," <-- Do not include the quotes

The code you are searching for is the following.

minWidth : 270,
minHeight : 120,

Change this to the minimum width of your desired popup box.
NOTE: This should be less than the smallest device resolution you support.

minWidth : 450,
minHeight : 290,

minWidth : 610,
minHeight : 450,

It is your environment so experiment.

Save and Recompress:
For final production version always recompress.
YUI compressor is easy to use and does a good job most of the time.