View Full Version : Edit Polls?

Bubble #5
09-24-2013, 08:43 PM
How do I set it up so that a regular member can edit their own polls?

(not the post but the poll itself)

I couldn't find a setting for this. It just had two options, can view poll and can create poll. I know as a admin I can edit a poll but it seems silly that the creator of the poll can't edit it also, especially if they notice a misspelled word or think of another poll option to list....

09-24-2013, 08:44 PM
That is strictly a moderator permission. Regular users cannot edit polls.

Bubble #5
09-24-2013, 08:54 PM
What's the 'reasoning' behind that?

They can edit their posts, but not their polls? Doesn't make sense....

OK thanks Ozzy, at least now I know :)

(would be a nice mod)...

09-24-2013, 09:06 PM
I know brother, alot of things don't make sense to us as a end user of a product. I think you are right, in a sense, but think about it this wat:

I as a member post a poll to run 1 week, At the 11th hour before the poll expires, I don't like the results, I go and change the wording, so what I wanted is the top vote getter.

I think that is why it is the way it is.

Bubble #5
09-24-2013, 09:32 PM
I understand what you're saying, but shouldn't that be a site admin decision, and not a vB decision? :confused:

It's like vB doesn't trust admins to know what's best for their own site :o

09-24-2013, 09:39 PM
True, I don't speak for what they have done, but I am giving you some coder insite on why it may be that way.

Alot of admins may not want to monitor the poll daily/weekly to see if the OP changed the wording.

Sure you could get a email, pm, saying hey, the poll has changed, but that would require alot of resources, storing what was there, what it is now, etc.

So if a user needs to change something, best IMO to ask a mod or admin.

09-24-2013, 11:38 PM
I tell my users to click the Report this Post button if they need something changed in the poll. It doesn't happen that often and so the Mods are more than happy to help out. All my mods are Super Mods and all reported posts go to a Staff forum and so there is almost always someone around to take care of it. If I didn't do this, I *know* there are a few users who would go and switch the Yes/No answers around just to make the poll say what they want. We'd never be able to take a poll seriously cuz you'd always wonder if the answers were changed.

Bubble #5
09-24-2013, 11:56 PM
I tell my users to click the Report this Post button if they need something changed in the poll.

That's a good suggestion Lynne, I think I'll add that to the report for them.