View Full Version : Help! Admins can no longer log in -

09-10-2013, 05:13 PM
Earlier today, all of our admins were kicked out. I can't access the admin panel. I logged in as another user successfully and saw that someone joined today (it's a paid site) and is an admin. This in NOT a valid user. Their current activity is with the admin control panel. What do I do? I can't access the control panel to kick them out! I don't know how they gained access and hijacked our site!

My site is http://www.treasurehunterscove.com


09-10-2013, 07:52 PM
Do you have MyAdminPHP
Register a new account and login to MyAdminPHP and set the user group for it as 6 then find out the id of your user (You don't need to be an admin to find out user id) then add that userid to the config