View Full Version : Upgrading vB4 to vB5 changed our links.

09-02-2013, 05:51 PM
Wanting to upgrade our Forum software from vBulletin 4 to the newly released vBulletin 5 forum software, we decided to buy it.

But we were using vBSEO. After the upgrade we found that all the links were broken and different.

For example, the link


had become

vB5 was regenerating or changing links looked like and not taking the existing link data.

We were told vB5 does not support vBSEO, which incidentally is a very useful and popular addon for vB4.

As a result, we are reverting back to vBulletin 4.

A pity.... !

Adam H
09-02-2013, 06:18 PM
If you are happy with VB5 apart from that problem then why not just get some help with rewriting your thread URL's , Although granted trying to get any help with anything to do with VBSEO is near on impossible.

In all honesty if you knew that vbseo wasnt available for VB5 why would you even consider an upgrade before making arrangements for redirects first.

09-02-2013, 06:43 PM
Not a fan of vB5 at all, but this really is your own fault. How could you expect vBSEO-links to work if there is no vBSEO-version for vB5?