View Full Version : Mass e-mail every user on a timer?

09-02-2013, 04:06 AM
There was a mod for 4.1.X that would time it out so that your host didn't take a massive dump on you for trying to send 1000 and hour or something ridiculous...

My question is, in 4.2.1, is there a way to send out say... 300 (my host allows 500 I believe) per hour, but have it cycle through every single member? I have around 8,000 total members.

If yes ; HOW? I would be most appreciative and bring beer and cookies to the next party...

09-02-2013, 10:05 AM
There was a mod for sending mail using "cron" (actually, vb scheduled tasks), but the mod is now built in to 4.2.1. You can turn it on by setting "Use Cron Based Sending" to Yes (under Email Options). By default the scheduled task runs every 10 minutes, so you can set "Number of Emails to Send Per Batch" to 1/6 of what you want to send per hour. Some important emails bypass the queue, so if your host is very strict then you'd want to set the number per batch to a little less than 1/6 to allow for those.

That feature processes the queue in the order the messages were generated, so it doesn't do anything special like cycle through all members.

09-02-2013, 11:17 PM
Ah I see... I hit send and it started zipping through like 500 at a time so I was like... NOOOO! lol.

I see it stores it in 'mailqueue' when looking at the actual database... sending 100 at a time. Pretty awesome it was added.

Please close / delete if need be :)