View Full Version : Spammer Question

08-26-2013, 01:19 PM
In March my forum started to get flooded with spammers. These spammers were able to get set up as members and then start spamming. The moderators would then re act to the spam and ban the spammer and delete the posts. This went on from March thru last week when I became owner of the Forum. I'm not sure when the software was updated last but when the transfer was done last week my forum was updated to vbulletin 4.2.1. This update stopped new spammers getting accounts set-up. Currently we are only getting a few spams a day now by members that got in before update was done. Here's my question:

1.Is there any reason not to completely delete the spammers that are currently banned users? (aprox 15,000)

Thanks for the help!

08-26-2013, 02:33 PM
You can delete them but first remove all posts. Do you have the full suit if so I can give you a program that will help with that.

08-26-2013, 05:35 PM
Thanks for the reply. This forum kind of fell into my lap and I have a lot to learn. I assume you asking what vublleting I have? If so it's vBulletin 4.x Publishing Suite.

The threads are already deleted I just have all these banned users that I would prefer to remove. If I remove should I be worried that their user names and email address are no longer banned?


08-26-2013, 05:39 PM
If they have no posts then you can delete them if you wish. I will pm you with a custom program I have that will help with members you want removed.