09-07-2000, 02:30 PM
Ok here is what I have so far.
In your template.php file look for
<a href=\"template.php?action=remove&templateid=$template[templateid]\">[delete]</a>
and add:
<a href=\"template.php?action=view&templateid=$template[templateid]\" target=_blank>[view]</a>
right after it.
then add right below the
// ###################### Start modify #######################
subroutine add:
// ####################### View ########################
if ($action=="view") {
$templates=$DB_site->query("SELECT templateid,title,template FROM template WHERE templateid=$templateid");
echo "<html><TITLE>$bbtitle - View Templates</title></head><body>";
echo "<center>Template File Name: $template[title]";
echo "<p><hr><p>";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><td>";
echo "$template[template]";
echo "</td></table></center>";
echo "</body></html>";
This will pull the template up into another page. Now what I need help with is getting the other templates like $cssinclude, $headertemplate, etc. into this area so it will show up on the new page.
Any ideas?
In your template.php file look for
<a href=\"template.php?action=remove&templateid=$template[templateid]\">[delete]</a>
and add:
<a href=\"template.php?action=view&templateid=$template[templateid]\" target=_blank>[view]</a>
right after it.
then add right below the
// ###################### Start modify #######################
subroutine add:
// ####################### View ########################
if ($action=="view") {
$templates=$DB_site->query("SELECT templateid,title,template FROM template WHERE templateid=$templateid");
echo "<html><TITLE>$bbtitle - View Templates</title></head><body>";
echo "<center>Template File Name: $template[title]";
echo "<p><hr><p>";
echo "<table border=0 width=\"100%\"><td>";
echo "$template[template]";
echo "</td></table></center>";
echo "</body></html>";
This will pull the template up into another page. Now what I need help with is getting the other templates like $cssinclude, $headertemplate, etc. into this area so it will show up on the new page.
Any ideas?