View Full Version : Forum Home Enhancements - Really Fast Registration by BOP5
08-16-2013, 10:00 PM
Brought to you by BirdOPrey5 / (
Live Demo:
The purpose of this mod is to get users registered as quickly as possible. Users just enter a username, a valid email address, check a box agreeing to the rules (optional), and hit register, and they are sent an email with a randomly generated password.
The fact they get the password by email confirms they entered a valid email address (if they ever log in, you know it is legit.)
Full Feature List
Displays on top of Forum Home (forum.php)
Ability to customize script name to reduce chances of Spam
Uses built in VB javascript to verify valid username in real time
Uses 3rd party javascript to detect user's timezone and set it during registration
Fully Phrased for easy customization or translation
Full use of Stylevars to control colors/layout options
Agree to Forum Rules checked by default option
Show randomly generated password after registration option (this could lead to users with invalid emails however, not recommended)
Random passwords generated vary in length
Choose default usergroup for new registrations
Register button not active until valid looking username/email entered into form
Apply specific referrer to all users who register via this mod (good for tracking purposes)
Compatible with my Rename Regiter.php (http:// Mod
In unlikely event of error on registration user returned to regular registration script.
Option to hide rules completely
Option to show RFR Form to Admins at all times
Option to put RFR Form on any/all templates manually (RFR Anywhere)
Option to show JavaScript confirmation that explains why a valid email is needed and gives user option to update their email address.
Compatible with VB 3.8.x
Support for Human Verification
Added option allowing user to hide the form for a set number of days
NEW - Added option to enable the register_addmember_complete hook to increase compatibility with other registration mods
NEW - (In Beta) - Added option to use RFR form in "IFRAME" mode for non-VB pages.
I've used this mod for a month or so on my site, I have not had any spammers use it, probably too new for them to take notice.
The mod uses its own email phrases for new registrations so be sure to customize it if you want to.
Some important phrases...
Email Body Text Phrases
bop5rfr_newuser - Email sent to email addresses set to be notified of new users
bop5rfr_welcome - Email sent to new users (contains their password and other info)
Error Message Phrases
bop5rfr_reg_complete - Message shown upon completed Registration
bop5rfr_error_missing_values - Message shown if missing values (only possible if javascript disabled)
Front-End Redirect Messages
bop5rfr_problemredirect - Message shown if error and being redirected to full registration form (unlikely to happen)
GLOBAL Phrases
bop5_rfr_agree_to_rules - Agree to rules text
bop5_rfr_really_fast_reg_join_now - Text in title
bop5rfr_timezone_detect - [Timezone Detetion]
bop5rfr_confirm1 & bop5rfr_confirm2 - JavaScript Confirmation before submitting form
The "External Content" is an option to load the time zone detect javascript remotely, you can load it locally if you prefer.
This mod is compatible with vBulletin 3.8.x and vBulletin 4.x.x
Please "Mark as Installed" if you use this. :)
Donations always appreciated. :up:
Nominate MOTM if you LOVE it! ;)
08-16-2013, 10:11 PM
final kaoss
08-16-2013, 10:13 PM
Once spammers take note of this, I can just see them making scripts to take advantage of this mod..
08-16-2013, 10:19 PM
I havent used any human verification since changing my register.php name (tnx bop5), and adding that spam hammer (whatever it is called now(tnx vbresults)). And this just really will streamline the whole process even more.
More registrations are lost simply because guests dont want to go through all that crap and get tired of trying)
Tagged for testing very soon!
Does this show up on all pages? (cms,blogs,groups, etc?)
08-16-2013, 10:24 PM
This shows up only on Forum Home.
It is fully compatible with my "Renamed Register.php" Mod-
It also has the built in option of the admin creating a custom name for the really fast registration script, that should help prevent future spam attacks.
You can aslo specify a special usergroup for users who register with this script, so if you want to give them less permission until you trust them, that is possible too.
It's actually pretty powerful with options/choices.
08-17-2013, 06:30 AM
Most excellent mod. Installed and rated.
However, two questions sir...
In the left corner - "America/Guatemala" is that supposed to be there?
If I could change the bar color so it matches the rest of my theme - that would be awesome.
Thanks for this.
08-17-2013, 06:32 AM
LOL - silly me - I just noticed the Time Zone thing in my rush to install. Never mind.
08-17-2013, 07:52 AM
Tagged for later use. You create some fine things sir....
08-17-2013, 09:27 AM
Most excellent mod. Installed and rated.
However, two questions sir...
In the left corner - "America/Guatemala" is that supposed to be there?
If I could change the bar color so it matches the rest of my theme - that would be awesome.
Thanks for this.
Style Variables control all colors / fonts / borders, etc. Go to the Style Variable Editor in admin cp, under the BOP5 Group, all stylevars begin with bop5rfr_.
The specific one for the bar is bop5rfr_title_background.
08-17-2013, 09:58 AM
This product will increase spam for forum, i think shouldn't import this product
But i thank for shared from you
08-17-2013, 06:04 PM
Well, for me it does not increase spam. I have certain countries blocked from registering, and noticed a few today attempting to register. (see the screenshot)
They were not successful.
Furthermore, you can easily set a new usergroup for moderation using this mod which would make spamming a no go.
Personally this mod is exactly what my forum needed.
08-21-2013, 08:37 PM
Very nice work Joe.
Any chance of having the rules section able to be toggled off? So only username and email address show up?
08-21-2013, 10:07 PM
It could be done now with a template edit.
In the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb4 template change-
<td width="25%">
{vb:rawphrase bop5_rfr_agree_to_rules, {vb:raw session.sessionurl}} <input type="checkbox" name="rfrr" id="bop5_rules_agree" tabindex="1" value="1" <vb:if condition="$vboptions['bop5rfr_rulescheck']">checked="checked"</vb:if> onchange="bop5_rfrcheck_submit();" onmouseout="bop5_rfrcheck_submit();" />
<input type="hidden" name="rfrr" id="bop5_rules_agree" value="1" />
I'll look into making it a built in option in the next release.
08-23-2013, 11:08 PM
I am trying to find a way to have it show up as part of the navbar,... either right above the navbar, or right below the navbar. Mainly because I want to see it on every page.
I have been playing with the hooks, but I cant make it work. :(
08-23-2013, 11:21 PM
I'll update it this weekend to add this option.
08-23-2013, 11:22 PM
Does this work with any spam software like these two
And if not can you make it work with them
08-23-2013, 11:24 PM
retracted....thanks.... i posted right after your reply
08-23-2013, 11:29 PM
Does this work with any spam software like these two
And if not can you make it work with them
It certainly doesn't work with the 2nd one and never will because the whole point is to register in a single click, so there is nothing to time.
I can assure you no one is using it to spam at this time. It has a built in option to customize the script name to help prevent future spam attempts.
Current spam software was never designed to recieve passwords by email and simply are incompatible with this script. I suspect it will be a long time, if ever, before this mod gets popular enough to warrant rewriting spam bot software.
As for the first mod I'm really not sure, it probably wouldn't block registrations but should catch spam if posted i a thread.
08-24-2013, 05:51 AM
Maybe I'm doing something wrong, but it's showing up on forum_home even after I've signed in. What am I missing?
08-24-2013, 09:50 AM
I forgot I hard coded it to always show to userid 1 when testing it. Will fix that in this weekends update.
I didn't want to forget it was installed and out-of-sight = out of mind.
08-24-2013, 09:57 AM
Ha, that's funny Joe, but it may be a good idea to show it to admins via a option, so if you are tweaking it, you don't have to use two different browsers, you can see any changes you make without being logged out.
08-24-2013, 07:06 PM
Updated to Version 1.3.0
Added option to completely hide the rules- if you don't care about them no one has to see them. It will just be Username, Email, and Register button.
Added option to always show RFR Form to Admins. This way you can style the form without having to log in as a guest to see changes. Also it will remind you the mod is installed and working.
Finally added an option- RFR Anywhere - With this enabled you manually put a piece of code in just about any template you want (header, navbar, footer all OK) and you can show the Really Fast Registration form on ALL or any pages you want.
The code to use in any template is: {vb:raw template_hook.bop5_rfr_form}
I've tested it at the bottom of the header template, bottom of the navbar template, and in the footer template right after-
<div id="footer" class="floatcontainer footer">
All work fine.
08-24-2013, 07:37 PM
Awesome. Updated and working fine.
Thanks again for this!
08-24-2013, 11:04 PM
This is great, however I believe that you and others have said, it will be taken advantage of quite quickly. Being somebody who has the tools and know-how to create 'bots' particularly in .NET, the lack of process and shear simplicity of the registration is kind of 'back tracking' for those of us who have taken leaps and bounds to exterminate the annoyance of spam and junk sign-ups.
I would recommend the following 2 upgrades to this thingy (modification tagged, but not comfortable with installing yet)
1 - Ability to retain the email confirmation link sent out during a default registration, rather than sending a password via email. Generally speaking, it is always best to never send a password via email, as that data should never be stored or available anywhere but the website's database. This is why password reset links and such are used more often than simply sending the password upon request.
2 - Somehow retain hooks used in the default registration process, so that we can continue to use our spam prevention mods from here on vb. For example the captcha, secret question, and other spam prevention MODS available here on VB utilized during the registration process.
But to each his own, I personally wouldn't feel comfortable installing this mod, it is simply moving backwards when it comes to dealing with spam.
08-24-2013, 11:52 PM
I appreciate your advice addamroy, here is my take on this...
Yes there are some Admins here who fight spam like it is their divine mission to never get spam, and good for them, more power to them.
For me personally however deleting a spam thread here or there does not ruin my day. On my off topic forum especially we have several moderators so someone is almost always online and spam never lasts more than a few minutes. A couple of clicks and it is gone.
It is far more valuable to me to have one or two extra people register even if that means one or two extra spammers register as well.
This mod is for the Admins who put new members OVER spam protection.
Next, as part of a comprehensive strategy there are quite a few options this mod allows for that I didn't mention but could be done by combining the fact this mod can register people to a custom group, and the promotions system.
For passwords in-particular you could register users to a new "RFR Group" rather than Registered Users. The RFR Group would have the same permissions as Registered Users but you can set the max password age to something like 1 or 2 days. This would force most users to change their password to something that wouldn't be in their email. The promotions system can be used to promote users after x days or x posts to registered users group.
I also will likely be releasing an add-on in the future that will delete users who registered via RFR but then never returned... If they haven't posted after X days it is a good bet they aren't coming back or didn't use a legit email to begin with.
If spamming becomes an issue I will certainly look into doing more throwing in a captcha or a random question, but I don't think we're there yet and unless this mod because uber popular, it might not ever be a bridge that needs to be crossed.
08-25-2013, 12:46 AM
What are the chances of having the emailed password be an option? So we can stick to the confirmed emails route.
This does look like a great mod, but at the very least I have always believed in never emailing a password if the option is there, ie during registration and/or forgot password processes.
08-25-2013, 02:23 AM
The system wont let me like your post right now, so I will thank you here.
Question,... If you turn off registrations in ACP, will this mod turn off also?
(thinking it shouldnt, but would want to disable the registration function that is standard and just test using this solo)
(maybe that should be an option in settings? keep on or turn off by admin oem registration on/off)
08-25-2013, 02:32 AM
Also wanted to ask,... is there a way to show the time zone and not a particular area?
I have noticed that it is off several hundred miles in the city when I test, even if in the correct time zone. It just looks funny I guess.
(or Can you suggest a way to change that? or do you think it is accurate enough to just hide it in templates, while it still sets on reg?)
08-25-2013, 11:28 AM
What are the chances of having the emailed password be an option? So we can stick to the confirmed emails route.
This does look like a great mod, but at the very least I have always believed in never emailing a password if the option is there, ie during registration and/or forgot password processes.
If passwords aren't emailed then you want users to have to enter a password on the form? That s one of the major things I am trying to avoid. Unless you had some other idea I'm not thinking of?
The system wont let me like your post right now, so I will thank you here.
Question,... If you turn off registrations in ACP, will this mod turn off also?
(thinking it shouldnt, but would want to disable the registration function that is standard and just test using this solo)
(maybe that should be an option in settings? keep on or turn off by admin oem registration on/off)
In my testing it still works with registration turned off.
Also wanted to ask,... is there a way to show the time zone and not a particular area?
I have noticed that it is off several hundred miles in the city when I test, even if in the correct time zone. It just looks funny I guess.
(or Can you suggest a way to change that? or do you think it is accurate enough to just hide it in templates, while it still sets on reg?)
The timezone is not supposed to pick the city closest to you, there are standardized timezone names in PHP/JavaScript and they are based off the largest city in the timezone even if that city is thousands of miles away. Even if you're in Florida the official timezone name is America / New York.
I really do not like messing with javascript so I used a library already written, I do not know how to go about editing it and wouldn't suggest you try.
If you want you can hide the timezone completely, hiding it shouldn't hurt anything.
#bop5timediv {display:none;}
to additional.css template to hide it.
08-25-2013, 01:17 PM
If passwords aren't emailed then you want users to have to enter a password on the form? That s one of the major things I am trying to avoid. Unless you had some other idea I'm not thinking of?
I hadn't really thought it out that far to be honest, lol. I've just always had a thing with passwords never being anywhere except locked up in a database. (If anybody were to hack one of our email accounts, they would never find any passwords to other services) Just my opinion that passwords shouldn't be transmitted anywhere except from an input field then to a database.
Maybe your mod can add a second phase to the registration.
Possibly after entering their username and email address, they would be directed to a single page where they would then enter their new desired password, at which time I think it would be great that once the password is submitted, the user then be sent a confirmation link via email just like the standard vb registration.
Honestly I'm digging the simplicity of registration and visual design of this mod, I'm sure it would jump sign up conversions, but I feel it's a little 'too' simple, a lot less secure.
If you decide to work out a solution to the password, retaining email confirmation for members, installation would be strongly considered for me. And of coarse, the ability to add a 'secret question' to the registration form (this one modification has had the most effective results for me and spam prevention), this would make it a no brainer for me.
08-25-2013, 04:46 PM
I'm going to think about the password issue, I fully support no passwords in emails when it comes to things like banks or corporate email systems, but web discussion forums barely need passwords to be honest- unless someone is a mod or admin I personally wouldn't lose sleep over a password sent by email.
08-25-2013, 05:40 PM
Would it be possible to make the make the registration box hower in a fixed position on top of the page so that it has a fixed position on the screen if if the users scrolls. I think that might give a much higher registration rate as the quick registration would be right there whenever someone reads something they want to reply to. (especially so when viewing a thread.)
08-25-2013, 06:46 PM
Thanks BOP, I am going to try it with the regular registration off. Since the reg box will show up on every page in my setup, a registration link or button seems redundant.
I have styled using the stylevars, the registration box to something more suitable to my dark theme. (you can see it in my profile here)
But I noticed the username box is white when on a page, but it goes black when one starts to type in it. Of course the text font stays black, but you cant read it then.
I looked in the xml and stylevars bat cant find where to fix that.
08-25-2013, 06:51 PM
And I am sorry for so many questions...
But, I am wondering if when the user account is created, if the account settings will follow the admin acp default registration options that are preset?
08-25-2013, 07:23 PM
Great little mod. If you're taking feature requests, I have an idea. Feel free to ignore.
What if this appeared at the bottom of a thread or article under the reply box? That way, people who wanted to reply to a thread could enter their reply and register quickly at the same time. Presumably the reply would have to remain in the mod queue or something until the person logged in again.
I think that would increase registration and thread participation.
08-25-2013, 07:39 PM
Would it be possible to make the make the registration box hower in a fixed position on top of the page so that it has a fixed position on the screen if if the users scrolls. I think that might give a much higher registration rate as the quick registration would be right there whenever someone reads something they want to reply to. (especially so when viewing a thread.)
That should be possible now with CSS... Making the main DIV and absolute position on the page. I'm not a CSS expert but it should all be doable via additional.css.
But I noticed the username box is white when on a page, but it goes black when one starts to type in it. Of course the text font stays black, but you cant read it then.
I looked in the xml and stylevars bat cant find where to fix that.
Does it work right in your regular registration form? You may need to look in register.css for the code that controls the box after typing has begun.
And I am sorry for so many questions...
But, I am wondering if when the user account is created, if the account settings will follow the admin acp default registration options that are preset?
Yes it should.
Great little mod. If you're taking feature requests, I have an idea. Feel free to ignore.
What if this appeared at the bottom of a thread or article under the reply box? That way, people who wanted to reply to a thread could enter their reply and register quickly at the same time. Presumably the reply would have to remain in the mod queue or something until the person logged in again.
I think that would increase registration and thread participation.
I like the idea of showing it to people who try to reply, but holding a reply until they register would be a pretty major change- wouldn't hod my breath for that but maybe one day. :up:
08-26-2013, 01:50 AM
Just wanted to say that I have been giving this a nice battery of tests, and I quite like it!
Still monitoring the spam thing, but so far none have used it.
Still havent figured out the username box background change on entry, checked out register.css, but all that has is a few short snippets for the check/x image and popup backgrounds. Nothing in there for the entry field box.
(edit to add: should I add a css entry for setting the background?)
(edit again again: yes, it works properly in the regular registration form. Just tested.)
But I do like how this works and just use a usergroup with limited priv for the new member group.
(edit also to add: I implemented the additional css to hide the time area. Like that and for me it prevents user confusion when it shows just some city, and in the end their time zone is set properly anyway, so they dont notice it missing)
08-26-2013, 02:27 AM
And finally for now, edit to add:
I think I figured out how the background changes in the username input box....
input.greenbox {
background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/tick.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
input.redbox {
background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/cross.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
The icon is overwriting the backgrouncd css for the input box. And the transparency of the icon png bleeds into the background.
Let me check my regular registration page to see if that has been happening. Bet it has been happening too, kinda think I didnt test it like I thought.
08-26-2013, 02:39 AM
OK, I changed the snippet above, with the snippet below,...and it fixed it. :)
input.greenbox {
background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/tick.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
input.redbox {
background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/cross.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
08-26-2013, 04:13 AM
OK, I changed the snippet above, with the snippet below,...and it fixed it. :)
This information should be useful for other people too...
08-26-2013, 05:25 AM
Well I got the colors to match properly...
input.greenbox {
background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/tick.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
input.redbox {
background:url({vb:stylevar imgdir_misc}/cross.png) {vb:stylevar right} center no-repeat;
08-26-2013, 07:48 AM
Great little mod. If you're taking feature requests, I have an idea. Feel free to ignore.
What if this appeared at the bottom of a thread or article under the reply box? That way, people who wanted to reply to a thread could enter their reply and register quickly at the same time. Presumably the reply would have to remain in the mod queue or something until the person logged in again.
I think that would increase registration and thread participation.
This would also be my preference.
08-28-2013, 02:13 AM
Just want to add, seems to be working great. (and if the spammers sniff out the reg filename, I will just change it to something different).
On a note, I have pulled up the padding from the bottom of the box, is there a stylavar setting to tighten up the padding between the title and content bar?
(btw,..voted motm). :D
08-28-2013, 03:31 PM
Just want to add, seems to be working great. (and if the spammers sniff out the reg filename, I will just change it to something different).
On a note, I have pulled up the padding from the bottom of the box, is there a stylavar setting to tighten up the padding between the title and content bar?
(btw,..voted motm). :D
Not sure what you mean by content bar... The two padding stylevars are main (around the entire box) and title (around he box that holds the title of the form).
Anything else would need to be done by additional.css using the appropriate class name, you can find in the template or viewing the source code of the page.
08-28-2013, 03:31 PM
I'm working on a confirmation screen for after you hit register. It will be an option in a future version, but for now its enabled in the demo on while I work on it.
I may be away for a few days, will release an update after I get back.
08-29-2013, 03:10 AM
I found it, it is a hardcoded br between divs in the template.
So I tried it, removed it, didnt like it, plus it interfered with the green/red popup above username, so I put it back.
No biggie.
08-30-2013, 03:46 AM
BOP,... I have found this mod very effective in capturing easy registrations without the essay sized normal reg page. And yes, I have been monitoring spam usage, and attacks have (atm) stopped completely. I see many offshore error pages in whos online trying to register, even though I have had the oem reg page and mecha turned off for some time.
Still want to style it a bit more, But I LIKE!
Question: Is it possible to add the css additions I outlined above, into something more comfortable with the mod installer? IE- does it have to reside in additional.css, or can you implement it into the mod?
Thanks again.
08-31-2013, 04:54 AM
Ya know, BOP?...
You ought to consider combining this mod and the rename mod for the reason posted here,...
I use both in configuration, and I likey!
09-01-2013, 09:49 PM
@smirkley- Glad it is working well for you. Yes the integration with Rename Register.php was something I was considering exploring more. I don't want to get ahead of myself but I am seriously considering disabling normal registration and using RFR to reduce spam significantly.
As for styling with CSS if you prefer you can put custom CSS in the template: bop5_reallyfastreg.css
This is in the CSS Templates group.
The only thing is if I make any changes to that template in future versions you will need to manually update it. That is the reason additional.css exists so people don't need to worry about changes during upgrades (of mods or the software.)
09-01-2013, 09:53 PM
Updated to version 1.4.0
Added a JavaScript confirmation message after the Register button is clicked. This message explains to the user why they need a valid email address and gives them an option to change it (or cancel it out) - I added this because it was clear some people thought they could give obviously fake emails and register. I wanted to let them know that wasn't going to work.
This option is enabled by default, it can be disabled from settings.
09-03-2013, 06:02 AM
Excellent mod, I wish I discovered this earlier. Thanks for your great work!
09-03-2013, 03:03 PM
09-04-2013, 05:07 AM
I really like this mod and have installed it on 5 vb4 forums, also voted for motm. Is there one for VB3.8? I did some search and didn't find anything similar. Thanks!
09-04-2013, 05:55 AM
Hi BPO5, Installed on my site. Working gr8
09-04-2013, 06:58 AM
Mr. BOP5, I have a request for you. Can you pls tell me how to remove/Hide the
IP Address: xx.2x.1x.06x
from the Registration details mail sent to the users? B'coz I want to add some users to the forum and I donwant to expose our IP address.
09-04-2013, 10:27 AM
Crazyboy, it's in the phrase, find the phrase and edit it.
09-04-2013, 12:04 PM
Crazyboy, it's in the phrase, find the phrase and edit it.
hurricane_sh, thanks for your reply. which file to edit php or xml?
09-04-2013, 12:12 PM
No you dont edit a XML or php file, you edit the phrase in the ACP --> Languages & Phrases
09-04-2013, 12:18 PM
Oh i am so confused here. OK let me check.
09-04-2013, 12:22 PM
The phrases should be, bop5rfr_newuser and bop5rfr_welcome those are the two phrases that contain the IP
You could remove the following from the phrase:
IP Address: $ipaddress
09-04-2013, 12:34 PM
ozzy47, thanks a lot. I got it. It's working fine. :up:
09-04-2013, 12:38 PM
Not a problem, glad to help. :)
09-04-2013, 02:14 PM
I really like this mod and have installed it on 5 vb4 forums, also voted for motm. Is there one for VB3.8? I did some search and didn't find anything similar. Thanks!
I may make a 3.x version but in the mean time you can try this, never used it before though-
09-04-2013, 04:54 PM
Thanks for the link, but I don't like it. I need a "really" fast and simple one like yours, I even don't want to have any human verification. I have seen good results after installed your mod.
It would be great if you could make one for old VB3.8 which many big/active forums are using.
09-04-2013, 05:02 PM
Thanks for the link, but I don't like it. I need a "really" fast and simple one like yours, I even don't want to have any human verification. I have seen good results after installed your mod.
It would be great if you could make one for old VB3.8 which many big/active forums are using.
Maybe this one will work for you in the time being,
09-04-2013, 05:02 PM
Thanks for the feedback... Will try and accommodate. :up:
09-04-2013, 05:16 PM
Maybe this one will work for you in the time being,
Thanks, I have checked it out, the one OP recommended was based on this one, they are basically the same mod.
09-05-2013, 02:18 AM
Like the update. The popup is smart.
Elininates mistake regs at the least.
09-05-2013, 05:38 PM
Updated to version 1.5
-vBulletin 3.8 compatibility!
-Minor typo and code fixes
09-05-2013, 10:43 PM
Wow, can't believe you actually did this and SO fast, thank you so much!
Installed on two vb3 forums (3.8.1 and 3.8.4), it didn't seem to work:
On homepage, after confirmation of the popup reminder, I was redirected to smiley list page (strange, it should have nothing to do the registration), but the browser URL was showing the fast registration URL.
I use vbseo on both forums, but the mod worked well on a vb4 forum with VBseo installed.
No user added, no error message in Apache log file.
Any ideas?
09-05-2013, 11:03 PM
Can you post or PM me the URLs? Let me see if I can figure anything out... I tested it on 3.8.7 and 3.8.8 beta but it shouldn't make a difference.
I had actually designed it from the ground up figuring I may one day add VB 3.x so when I went back it really wasn't all that much work.
The main difference is VB3 doesn't have stylevars so any customization needs to be template edits.
09-06-2013, 12:08 AM
3.8.1: url removed
The other one 3.8.4 worked exactly the same way.
09-06-2013, 12:18 AM
Looks like you just didn't rename the file correctly-
When I go here- I get a vbseo file not found message - basically the file doesn't exist. That is the file it is looking for in your case. I assume you changed it in settings.
If the file did exist it would forward me to yur forum index (that is what the page does if you try to browse to it manually.)
09-06-2013, 12:36 AM
Yes, you are absolutely right, I'm so sorry! Now it's working perfectly!
09-06-2013, 12:40 AM
It's cool, we all have our Blonde moments. :D
09-14-2013, 07:34 PM
If spammers use this and a fake email, does it still create an account and use an ID?
09-14-2013, 07:57 PM
Yes it does, but they will never get their password to login.
edit to add, and I have blocked the top three countries that produce spammer accounts in htaccess, and that has almost completely stopped all spammer attempts on my site. I dont cater to those countries anyways, and only 1 legit account was ever made in my 9+ year history from any of them.
09-17-2013, 04:28 AM
Just a question as a suggestion for addition.
I have not had this abused. I can view all accounts made via member list sorted by reg date.
But I am wondering if an acp log option might be a good idea. Something that would provide a chronological log in acp for all attempts, good and bad. Just for security sake if one were to want to take notice of ip attempts in the event abuse was attempted.
Thanks again. Love this addition. Works well.
09-19-2013, 09:46 PM
I'll see about logging... there really wouldn't be any failed attempts though, just people who used fake emails and never signed in... I am planning an add-on or feature that runs a report to display such users- I imagine that could be part of the log.
09-21-2013, 05:21 AM
One of your great mods BirdOPrey5! Definitely it will boost new registrations. Thanks for your efforts. :up:
How do I set the background colors?
edit: Figured it out.
Is there any way to disable the regular register.php to prevent the bots from still trying to hit it (even if I've renamed it with your other mod).
09-26-2013, 05:50 PM
Yes, turn off registrations in vBulletin options.
You know, the stock one. It then becomes a lil honeypot for spambots.
RFR works independantly from the registration.php or whateveryounameit.
Yes, turn off registrations in vBulletin options.
You know, the stock one. It then becomes a lil honeypot for spambots.
RFR works independantly from the registration.php or whateveryounameit.
Oh that's sexy. Thanks!
Just as another layer for spam protection, an idea for the next version could use some sort of Q&A on the popup to verify that your email address is correct.
09-26-2013, 06:59 PM
Just as another layer for spam protection, an idea for the next version could use some sort of Q&A on the popup to verify that your email address is correct.
That would be the plan, where any Q&A/Captcha would be if needed.
Would likely have to rewrite the javascript to use jquery for more options than the standard JS confirm box.
09-30-2013, 10:40 PM
This does not work with your other mod does it?
Just want to make sure it's not me.
09-30-2013, 10:48 PM
No, not with that mod, sorry. The way this works you are not logged in after registration so no real way to work that in.
10-01-2013, 12:02 AM
Just a few hours to go in the Mod of The Month vote and ths mod is tied with DragonByte's Navtab manager!
And DragonByte just sent an email out to their bajillion subscribers asking people to vote, not once but twice, in the same email.:erm:
So I will ask you too.
Please vote for your favorite mod, even if it isn't mine.
10-01-2013, 01:41 AM
Alas, I have already voted, and for yours BOP.
If I could I would again.
10-01-2013, 03:41 AM
Alas, I have already voted, and for yours BOP.
If I could I would again.
I don't use the mod, but understand why others do...
Voted for this some time ago...
10-01-2013, 07:52 AM
Thanks for the reply. I voted for this, thanks for the reminder. Hope you win!
10-01-2013, 08:54 AM
Oh well, good effort guys, but maybe next time... They came up with like 4+ votes in the last 5 hours, no doubt that email blast to all their customers worked.
Feel free to re-nominate the mod again to try for next month's vote!
10-03-2013, 04:36 AM
Yeah! nominated BirdoPery5. once again thanks for your efforts. And I am sorry.. by mistake i rated 4.
10-03-2013, 02:03 PM
10-04-2013, 06:19 AM
but i have a problem..
help-me please. :D
10-05-2013, 12:16 PM
Looks like your CSS isn't loaded.
In Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> Language & Style Settings, do you have CSS stored as files? If so change it back to the database, at least to see if the mod works.
If it does the system can't write changes to your CSS directory anymore.
10-05-2013, 01:05 PM
The issue I'm getting with this great mod is no redirection to the forum page. It's just a pretty bare success page without a link (which is easily added in case of no redirection.)
The other issue concerns spam. Lately there has been TONS of it. I'd prefer to include the spam/captcha of vBulletin as an option so that it doesn't run rampant. It's currently off the charts. Without SFS plugin, there is no operating a forum any more.
10-05-2013, 01:17 PM
It can't redirect to the forum page because I was the user to have time to read the information displayed after quick registration.
You can edit the error message phrase bop5rfr_reg_complete and add a link to the forums if you feel you need it, but I would hope most can figure there way back. Besides, they should be cecking their email for their password anyway. Not much point going to the forum until they log in.
If spam is rampart then your captcha isn't doing its job anyway, why bother using it if it doesn't work?
10-05-2013, 01:31 PM
This is all assuming that you have email confirmation enabled. ;) In some cases you don't want to take the user back to their mailbox to confirm and then get back to the forum. It defeats a great part of the express registration, IMHO.
The back link to the forum is definitely needed on my site. Having the user go up to the menu to click befuddles some of the older generation. :) The redirect gets them there and they don't need to view the user name and password which will be emailed to them.
Spam is a problem on numerous big boards. I've got friends who are experiencing a solid number of spammers defeating the captcha. I find that if I change the questions, it minimizes the spam since these spammers must have an smart remember entry to their forum spam. So the captcha can work, it just has to be there and implemented along with SFS. :)
I still think this is a phenomenal mod and deserving of MOM, which I noted this month. ;)
10-05-2013, 03:50 PM
I have been running this exclusively as my registration port for my site for a number of weeks.
Having been around awhile I have battled spammers continuously.
So far, only one spammer, and two failed registrations due to the email not being recieved and bounced. All three were human, and the one that got thru cruised around my site as a logged in member until he found a place where he had permission to post links.
I can live with those kind of numbers.
10-05-2013, 04:10 PM
My site is a target for foreign spammers because it's fairly well known in the niche. The number of hacking and spam attempts each day would probably shock you.
10-05-2013, 04:27 PM
I dont think it would shock me. I know what you mean.
I should add that I have a fairly extensive blocked IP list in my htaccess which encumpasses a few certain countries where almost all of my spam attempts come from. That alone has significantly reduced all attempts on my site to near a few dozen a day. I dont miss that traffic nor the countries natural traffic as my site does not target nor support those countries.
10-09-2013, 01:28 PM
Would be ultra beneficial if the registration also was on every page, not just the forum home. Ideally, shown to guests on every page when not logged in so that they will be induced to register. I guess you might be able to copy the form onto the showthread templates and use a conditional if statement.
10-09-2013, 01:36 PM
Yes, I have relocated just below the navbar, and it now shows up on every page with a header.
Better global than just one page imo.
Yes, I have relocated just below the navbar, and it now shows up on every page with a header.
Better global than just one page imo.
That's a good idea. Can you explain how you did that?
10-09-2013, 04:06 PM
smirkley - great idea. What did you do to accomplish this? Did you move the hook for the plugin?
smirkley - great idea. What did you do to accomplish this? Did you move the hook for the plugin?
I knew I remembered seeing somewhere on how to do this. It tells you how in the AdminCP Options for RFR. Enable RFR Anywhere, then add the listed code at the bottom of the navbar template.
10-09-2013, 04:46 PM
Totally forgot about that. Many thanks.
I'm probably going to hack in the captcha or the human interface captcha which I think might be just a matter of plugging in the code from the registration page.
BOP, having all the stylevars lined up puts the entire vBulletin team that created vb4 to shape. They were easy to find and modify, unlike the hours of wasted time tracking down VB4 stylevars.
10-10-2013, 12:14 AM
Would be ultra beneficial if the registration also was on every page, not just the forum home. Ideally, shown to guests on every page when not logged in so that they will be induced to register. I guess you might be able to copy the form onto the showthread templates and use a conditional if statement.
This has been possible for a while, it is in the instructions, you just need to do a manual template edit to the template(s) you want it in.
This is all assuming that you have email confirmation enabled. ;) In some cases you don't want to take the user back to their mailbox to confirm and then get back to the forum. It defeats a great part of the express registration, IMHO.
The back link to the forum is definitely needed on my site. Having the user go up to the menu to click befuddles some of the older generation. :) The redirect gets them there and they don't need to view the user name and password which will be emailed to them.
Spam is a problem on numerous big boards. I've got friends who are experiencing a solid number of spammers defeating the captcha. I find that if I change the questions, it minimizes the spam since these spammers must have an smart remember entry to their forum spam. So the captcha can work, it just has to be there and implemented along with SFS. :)
I still think this is a phenomenal mod and deserving of MOM, which I noted this month. ;)
Not sure we're talking about the same thing. This mod (RFR) ignored whether Email Confirmation is turned on or not. In RFR after a user submits the form they have to read the info that comes up. In most cases it tells them they need to check their email for their password then come back and log in.
If you are someone who tells them their password immediately then they still need time to copy it down and log in.
In either case they need time to read the message. A link back to forum home is fine, but an automatic redirection would not leave most people enough time to realize what is going on since most people won't be used to this mod.
10-12-2013, 01:20 PM
BOP - Thanks. I realized what the optional edit meant only later and then forgot where to look. I just assumed it would be enabled below the navbar by default.
Regarding the second issue - I realize that I have another mod on my forum. I'll explain the one part about this great mod - which will improve things for most - but I feel makes it less useful for me.
I want users registering and posting asap. I do not want to force them to validate email or wait to check it and then find their password. Both creates a time lag and potential complications, especially when these emails go to the spam folder.
The captcha is what helps to separate the humans from the bots. While it makes the fast registration less fast, it's still much faster than forcing new users to confirm their email address and then login. So what is the ideal? To have users logged in after hitting "join" and having their password sent to them in email. If they don't get it, they will be able to recover their password if they don't know it or will already be logged in already from the initial autologin. This keeps users on the forum at all times. Makes sense?
10-24-2013, 12:47 AM
I have to say l like the current version the most.
Email verification is very important, with a popup reminder to fill in correct email, that's more than enough for legit members who want to participate. Members without valid emails usually don't post follow-up to their threads, which bothers our core members.
Regarding the human verification, I haven't seen any bot registrations. If we use a custom file name, with only a few hundred forums using this mod, I don't think spammers will target this mod. Human verification is not just one more field, it makes the registration several times more complicated.
10-24-2013, 10:51 AM
will try it out, thanks for it.
10-24-2013, 05:10 PM
Can we use this in replace of a banner ad below navbar? Therefor it would be on every page instead of ForumHome?
^ Nevermind, I read everypage but the last :)
10-24-2013, 10:52 PM
Would be great to add a Q/A on it. Since installing it a few hours ago I have had 22 spam accounts, granted they cannot complete registration but thats bad news for my newsletters I send out, lots of fake members...
10-25-2013, 01:09 AM
That is odd to me. I have my website up 9+ years and have been literally hammered by spammers and trying to block them every day.
Up until which I installed this mod.
My setup:
Really Fast Registration by BOP installed
Change registration filename by BOP installed
Allow registrations - vb OEM - turned OFF
What this configuration allows is that :
any bot will not find if looking for register.php...
If the bot is programmed to find the registration page then it will just get the error page with registrations turned off...
It ends up like a honeypot, at least for me.
That said the occasional human can figure out how if they want to spam. With that I have denied access of most IP's owned in China,Vietnam, Russian Federation and India using entries in my htaccess file. (I do not cater to these countries anyway so I am not missing out on desired traffic.
Result of several months of RFR,... only one human spammer, quickly snubbed manually.
It has been so much easier for me now to manage spam.
edit to add- I do have q&a still setup for things like the Contact Form.
10-30-2013, 04:07 AM
How would I add this to all my templates? For forum and CMS and blog? Not sure which templates to edit...
10-30-2013, 08:47 AM
How would I add this to all my templates? For forum and CMS and blog? Not sure which templates to edit...
Just take this --> {vb:raw template_hook.bop5_rfr_form} and paste it in your advertisements - under navbar, thats what I did anyway.
10-31-2013, 01:40 AM
Its not working, which template did you go into? Thanks!
10-31-2013, 02:54 AM
This mod provides high flexibility to put anywhere you want. I really like that.
10-31-2013, 04:05 AM
I just realized that this mod crapped out my chat box!!!! Chat box is GONE...and this is in its place!!!
Ok, got it figured out, basically installed manually in the template(s). Chat box shows up!! Yea... nice mod...
I just realized that this mod crapped out my chat box!!!! Chat box is GONE...and this is in its place!!!
Ok, got it figured out, basically installed manually in the template(s). Chat box shows up!! Yea... nice mod...
How did you do the make up...
10-31-2013, 05:01 PM
Took the advice from dizzynation, and created a new ad (in admincp) under the navbar. Put this code in: {vb:raw template_hook.bop5_rfr_form} the HTML box when creating a new advertisement...
In the mod itself, in settings, the last option, for using it in other templates should be checked to YES. It now appears on every page under the advertisement banner... and allows the mgc chat to work...
11-01-2013, 06:16 AM
It would be great with an option to auto-delete member registrations that does not log in after X number of days.
Is this possible?
11-02-2013, 02:42 PM
It would be great with an option to auto-delete member registrations that does not log in after X number of days.
Is this possible?
Me too I find very interesting this option
Excellent work.
Thank you very much.
It would be interesting to include the ability to add a custom field to the record, such as the real name.
In any case, thanks again.
11-20-2013, 01:14 PM
Updated to version 2.0!
At long last, full support for all vBulletin Human Verification options. The HV Challenge pops up after pressing the Register Now button so it doesn't waste space on the page.
Also fixed some hard coded phrases and fixed bug where it would prevent chatboxes and other mods that shared same template hook from working.
Remember, also compatible with VB 3.8.x!
If you like the update please nominate it MOTM. We were so close last time!
11-22-2013, 03:22 AM
OK,I found this in my style templates:
"vb3" is red - altered by system while "vb4" is black... do I need to do anything? I want to make sure that the mod installed correctly. Thanks!
11-22-2013, 08:08 AM
If you're using vBulletin 3.x then you will need to revert the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb3 template to get the changes in version 2.0.
If you're running vBulletin 4.x then there is nothing to worry about the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb3 template is completely ignored, but it wouldn't hurt anything to revert it if you want. No reason it needed to be changed.
11-22-2013, 10:35 AM
Thank you for the update. I really like the new addition. It worked great using Funcaptcha, but I liked your screenshot better, so I changed it back to regular captcha screen.
Thanks again BOP5
11-22-2013, 01:52 PM
Nice mod, 4.2.2 works, thanks, but How disable timezone Asia/dubai? :)
11-22-2013, 02:23 PM
If you're using vBulletin 3.x then you will need to revert the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb3 template to get the changes in version 2.0.
If you're running vBulletin 4.x then there is nothing to worry about the really_fast_reg_bop5_vb3 template is completely ignored, but it wouldn't hurt anything to revert it if you want. No reason it needed to be changed.
I have always been running VB 4.2.X (upgraded to 4.2.2). So do I need to delete the version VB3, leave it alone, or do something else? How do you revert it? What does "reverting" do? I don't want to mess anything up... thanks again!
11-23-2013, 12:46 AM
Just redown the news files - reupload with FTP - overwrite the existing ones - import the xml - overrwrite that one - tada!
That's what I did - works great.
11-23-2013, 10:11 AM
Nice mod, 4.2.2 works, thanks, but How disable timezone Asia/dubai? :)
Please "Mark as Installed."
To remove the timezone notice add this code to the additional.css template-
#bop5timediv {display: none;}
I have always been running VB 4.2.X (upgraded to 4.2.2). So do I need to delete the version VB3, leave it alone, or do something else? How do you revert it? What does "reverting" do? I don't want to mess anything up... thanks again!
Then just ignore it, don't worry about it, don't delete anything. it is absolutely fine as is.
Reverting simply removes customizations and reverts to the default template. In Template Editor in Style Manager in the Admin CP, when you see a red template name, you highlight it there is a Revert button on the right side that becomes active.
However it is not necessary in your case.
11-24-2013, 08:24 PM
Does this work on vb5?
11-24-2013, 09:39 PM
No this will not work on vB5
11-25-2013, 09:33 AM
Hello BirdOPrey5, I am using this mode and it is fine. The thing is, when someone lands on my site, I want them to see the displaying of a pop-up as shown in the attached pic with Dismissible option. Is there any way to do like that? I need your suggestion pls. So it would be useful in getting more registrations.
thanks in advance.
11-25-2013, 01:00 PM
There is no way of dismissing the fast registration form at the moment, I will look into adding it into a future release.
11-25-2013, 01:25 PM
thanks for your reply BOP5, I am waiting for your next release.
11-25-2013, 05:53 PM
I added this below code on my footer it did not show the quick registration page on other pages except on my forum home only.
Please how do i make it show on every page and exclude the default vBulletin registration page?
Enable RFR Anywhere {vb:raw template_hook.bop5_rfr_form}
11-25-2013, 06:10 PM
Did you set Enable RFR Anywhere to Yes? Please confirm you did and the setting saved correctly.
11-25-2013, 08:01 PM
yes i enable Enable RFR Anywhere to yes. the setting is set correctly. am using vb 4.2.2
not showing on everypage
11-25-2013, 08:28 PM
And you have added the code to the footer template itself? Not FORUMHOME template?
I ask because I have tested it on many forums and never ran into the issue where it was in the footer template but only showing on FORUMHOME. Can you link to your site?
11-25-2013, 08:52 PM
its working now. thanks man...nice script
11-26-2013, 11:34 AM
New Release: 2.1.0
New Option- Allow users to hide (dismiss) the RFR Form for an Admin set number of days.
Note- if upgrading from 2.0.0 only file upload is not necessary, just import the XML file.
12-08-2013, 12:26 PM
Joe- I installed this on my vb3.8 forum. I'm also running the BBR - Welcome Thread mod. It appears that when registering with Really Fast Registration, a welcome thread is not created. Is it possible to make these work together? Or perhaps I have something set incorrectly.
Also, I'm not seeing the time zone detection script on firefox. Does it not work with firefox?
EDIT: I now see firefox is working, wasn't looking for the timezone in the top area of the page. Still would like to see it work with the Welcome Thread Mod
12-08-2013, 01:47 PM
Probably doesn't work with the BBR mod since this doesn't have any of the registration built in hooks.
Try editing the bor5_rfr.php file.
Just above the line-
if (!$vbo['bop5rfr_showpass'])
Add this code-
$vbulletin->userinfo['username'] = $username;
($hook = vBulletinHook::fetch_hook('register_addmember_comp lete')) ? eval($hook) : false;
With any luck that may get the mods to work together- make sure you test it though.
Also- please "Mark as Installed" :up:
12-08-2013, 02:23 PM
That sort of worked.... it while I registered a username called "testing", it created a welcomed thread for a member called "unregistered".
Ooops... I take that back. Originally I only added the second line of code above and didn't have the $username defined. It works like a charm now with the BBR Welcome Thread mod.
Joe you ROCK!
12-08-2013, 03:40 PM
You're welcome. Originally I didn't put in the first line, when I looked at the BBR code more closely I realized I needed it. It was an Edit to the original post.
I will add the hook as an option in a future version. :up:
12-08-2013, 04:04 PM
That'll teach me to take the file edits from the email notification instead of coming here to make sure I get the latest. :)
12-15-2013, 05:33 AM
Anyway to get this mod to work in a small window by itself? I'm using vBSSO with Wordpress, and while I want people to use the regular registration on the vB side, on the Wordpress side I'd like people to get fast registration. Perhaps just getting this fast registration box through an iframe.
12-15-2013, 11:06 AM
Let me work on that a bit and see what happens...
12-16-2013, 03:19 AM
Let me start off with i Love this mod works great!:)
I did just discover that using your mod increases my servers first byte time by more than .500 ms when enabled if I disable your mod first byte times are good. Keep in mind I am on a shared server but find that much increase strange. Any ideas?
12-16-2013, 12:15 PM
Not sure... are you using it on "every" page or just on forumhome?
12-16-2013, 12:32 PM
What site (or tool?) are you using to determine the time to first byte?
I tried this site - - but running the test several times with no changes and getting very different numbers each time.. from 0.3 seconds to 1.1 seconds and I haven't even turned the mod on or off.
12-16-2013, 03:56 PM
What site (or tool?) are you using to determine the time to first byte?
I tried this site - - but running the test several times with no changes and getting very different numbers each time.. from 0.3 seconds to 1.1 seconds and I haven't even turned the mod on or off.
I am using the same tool as you but after looking into it more cause couldn't believe it was just your mod It's my server!
I seen such a improvement due to i am using VB Optimize and it did a great job of covering up my first byte and load times when i enabled your mod the your script gets executed and my real issue is back!
Should have known it was not your work all along Sorry for the trouble! I just need a better server!
P.S. Great Mod! :up: :)
12-18-2013, 10:36 AM
OK... Updated to version 2.2.0.
New to this version-
Added the register_addmember_complete hook to the file as an option. If you enable this hook in settings it may help let you run some other mods that run after default registration such as "Welcome thread" mods.
Also - I'm considering this feature being "in beta" but you can new enable "Frame Mode" which allows access to the form via an IFRAME- this allows you to integrate the form into a 3rd party page like a Wordpress site or custom landing page.
To use "Frame Mode" enable it in the mode options, then make the IFRAME URL-
Of course if you customized the value of bop5_rfr.php then you need to use the custom value instead of the default file name.
Some of the differences in "Frame Mode" besides displaying the form itself alone is that any errors generated do not bring up the full vBulletin error page because it would be too big to show in a frame and you don't want the forum header, navbar, and footer, etc... So an error, such as a human verify error, simply displays a message to please try again. Also, assuming the registration is completed successfully the success message is also displayed alone without a vBulletin header and footer so it fits better in a frame.
Caution- I have not done much testing with this feature since I have no real need for it- it seems to work though in my VB4 testing. Honestly VB3 testing was even less than VB4- if you need to use this feature please test it yourself to make sure it works once or twice with your chosen settings before relying on it for registrations.
12-24-2013, 05:26 AM
it is skippin email activation mail. Direct sending password.
12-24-2013, 10:15 AM
There is no activation email with this mod- upon registration it emails them a password, that is the point of this mod.
If a user didn't sign up with a real email account they will never get the password and can therefore never log in.
01-05-2014, 06:12 AM
the register buttom is grayed out when I test so it is nit possible to register?
01-08-2014, 11:00 AM
how to make this mod check, vbstopforumspam plugin to work together? it allows spammers otherwise
01-08-2014, 01:12 PM
the register buttom is grayed out when I test so it is nit possible to register?
For it to ungrey you must enter valid info in the username and email box and agree to the rules if that opion is shown.
If you still have issue please post a link to your site.
how to make this mod check, vbstopforumspam plugin to work together? it allows spammers otherwise
Did you try enabling the hook in the mod options?
01-09-2014, 06:52 AM
I still use the old version, not sure if there are any changes about how passwords are generated.
I had a member who doesn't know how to copy&paste and mistyped 1(number) and l (letter). It would be great to exclude certain numbers (0 and 1) and letters (o, l), they often cause confusions.
01-09-2014, 06:13 PM
I still use the old version, not sure if there are any changes about how passwords are generated.
I had a member who doesn't know how to copy&paste and mistyped 1(number) and l (letter). It would be great to exclude certain numbers (0 and 1) and letters (o, l), they often cause confusions.
Interesting- I will put in some code to not use confusing characters in passwords the next release.
01-12-2014, 02:31 PM
For it to ungrey you must enter valid info in the username and email box and agree to the rules if that opion is shown.
If you still have issue please post a link to your site.
Did you try enabling the hook in the mod options?
Yes done all of that. Have it disable for now so will send a link with it activated shortly. Thanks
01-22-2014, 08:42 AM
I posted this on your site Joe, hopefully I can get a tip from someone here. Hoping to get a quick answer since it looks bad and is on my live site (trying to avoid taking it off because I know it worked on my test site and on my 3.8 site).
For some reason, on my newly upgraded (from 3.8 to 4.2.2) the human verification element is showing all the time below the RFR box. Any idea how to fix this? It works fine on my test site and I think I have all the settings the same.
01-22-2014, 12:45 PM
Hey Jim,
The problem is you are using keycaptha and on VB4 each human verify option had a unique div id because different CSS was required for each, so keycapthca wasn't included since I never used it.
To fix add this code to the template: bop5_reallyfastreg.css
#bop5rfrhv_KeyCAPTCHA {
background: {vb:stylevar bop5rfr_main_background};
margin-left: -300px;
margin-top: -130px;
width: 600px;
height: 260px;
top: 50%;
left: 50%;
border: 4px inset black;
background-color: white;
z-index: 999;
display: none;
I'll include it in future versions.
01-22-2014, 05:54 PM
Thanks Joe...I thought I had that keycaptcha on my test site. But I guess I only had it on my vb3 site... it was working fine on there though. But your css fix, got it looking pretty again!
01-24-2014, 02:26 PM
How to change the title (bop5_rfr_really_fast_reg_join_now) background same as my custom style color?
Edit: Nevermind I've figured it out :D
I've noticed the mod is still appearing even after you log in .. is that a bug?
And Thanks for this awesome mod :)
01-26-2014, 11:08 AM
I've noticed the mod is still appearing even after you log in .. is that a bug?
And Thanks for this awesome mod :)
If you're an Administrator account there is an option in settings to always show it to Admins. For regular users it should not be visible once logged in.
You are welcome. :)
01-27-2014, 03:44 PM
I have changed the background of Title, Title font color to match my custom style.
There is no stylevar found for "Register Now" button background color
and font color.
How to change it?
Can any one help me?!
01-28-2014, 11:18 AM
Members are reporting that VB's Password reset system is very hard to follow and reset password.
Can BOP5 consider making an alternate password resetting mod as used a part of this Really Fast Registration Mod.
This new Mod can ask the user to fill one of his stored data like date of birth as proof to show the password on screen.
Thanks in advance.
01-28-2014, 06:24 PM
I think that defeats the purpose of this mod. By emailing the password, it verifies that they are indeed the person with access to that email (verifying the email address). It eliminates all the back and forth with confirming an email when you register.
What you might consider doing is editing the password email that is sent and have a clear link to the settings page where they can change their password.
To change your button add this line to your additional css template (substitute your favorite color for the instead of #000):
#bop5rfrnext {background:#000}
01-29-2014, 06:56 PM
To change your button add this line to your additional css template (substitute your favorite color for the instead of #000):
#bop5rfrnext {background:#000}
This is correct. Thanks, Jim. :up:
01-30-2014, 01:23 AM
This is correct. Thanks, Jim. :up:
#bop5rfrnext {background:#0202B1}
#bop5rfrnext {color:#FFEB87}
#bop5rfrnext {font-weight:bold;}
I was required to change all the above to get it perfect for my custom style.
Marked as Excellent!
Thanks a lot.
02-08-2014, 02:01 PM
I'm using this mod: for my forum rules.
For some reason, the RFR mod isn't registering the accepted rules when people use it to register.
Is there anyway to configure RFR to work with the other rules mod?
02-19-2014, 07:31 PM
I'm using this mod: for my forum rules.
For some reason, the RFR mod isn't registering the accepted rules when people use it to register.
Is there anyway to configure RFR to work with the other rules mod?
Honestly not familiar with how that rule mod works... Looked through the source code and not seeing any easy way to integrate them.
02-19-2014, 08:13 PM
No problem. I ended up disabling the rules from the RFR mod and added some verbage about needing to accept the rules prior to posting (which it redirects them to do anyways) in the email they get with their password. (Not that anyone reads any of it anyways.)
So now its an even faster RFR with no rules. :)
04-12-2014, 09:19 PM
This looks awesome. I'd love to see this with the ability to add a password field as well so they don't have to remember their random password or go through the trouble of changing it. As is, our members use the "forgot password" function a ton and I'm sure with this, it'd go through the roof.
04-13-2014, 08:51 AM
Hello Jennifer- The lack of a password field is the main point of this fast registration. I would encourage people who used it to change their password to something custom after registering - that would be good practice anyway - I do not intend to add a password field, sorry.
05-20-2014, 06:43 PM
users are not recieving their passwords.. any idea what could be blocking these emails from being sent? i changed it from php_mail() to smtp still no luck.
05-20-2014, 07:24 PM
Are any board mails going out? If you look in your Admin CP on the main page at the table on top, under the news, how many emails are in your queue? Link to site?
05-21-2014, 05:17 PM
That snippet of code to use this 'anywhere' doesn't seem to work in the under navbar advertising location.
Although, I like the way the registration bar on the homepage stops before the sidebar, so I don't want to lose that by turning on the 'everywhere' feature. Would be nice to have that box showing on the homepage like it does, as its own option, since it lines up nice. That way if we decide to use the box somewhere else in the templates, (such as under the navbar where an ad would be) the homepage display still looks sweet.
Can you tell me where to put the use anywhere code to have it show up on the main page like it does by default? I suppose I can add the code to the navbar myself to have it show in the same location as an advertisement, but I want to maintain the way the homepage looks with this mod when the anywhere option is set to no.
EDIT** Figured it out, for anyone who is curious, I put the code snippet right above the above_forums hook location code in the FORUMHOME template. Also managed to add the snippet to the proper location in other templates as well.
05-21-2014, 07:15 PM
That snippet of code to use this 'anywhere' doesn't seem to work in the under navbar advertising location.
It does on my site- tested in the ad_global_below_navbar template. You do need to disable any ad-blocker on your browser though since it will be hidden like it is an ad.
Although, I like the way the registration bar on the homepage stops before the sidebar, so I don't want to lose that by turning on the 'everywhere' feature. Would be nice to have that box showing on the homepage like it does, as its own option, since it lines up nice. That way if we decide to use the box somewhere else in the templates, (such as under the navbar where an ad would be) the homepage display still looks sweet.
Can you tell me where to put the use anywhere code to have it show up on the main page like it does by default? I suppose I can add the code to the navbar myself to have it show in the same location as an advertisement, but I want to maintain the way the homepage looks with this mod when the anywhere option is set to no.
The default location on forumhome is this built in hook-
{vb:raw template_hook.forumhome_above_forums}
You can find it in the FORUMHOME template. You can paste the anywhere code right above this line in the template.
07-08-2014, 05:15 PM
How do I shut off the main register and just use this?
Edit: Never mind I turned it off and this still works, just changed phrase on turned off message to use this
thanks great mod I'm getting 40 new members a day with this and limit guests mod.
Before got 5 members a day
07-09-2014, 10:32 AM
How do I shut off the main register and just use this?
Edit: Never mind I turned it off and this still works, just changed phrase on turned off message to use this
thanks great mod I'm getting 40 new members a day with this and limit guests mod.
Before got 5 members a day
For those who are unsure you can simply go to Admin CP -> Settings -> Options -> User Registration Options, and turn off Registration to disable the built in VB Registrations and this mod still works.
Be sure you update your default guest notice to inform them about readlly fast registration instead of clicking the register link.
07-10-2014, 03:07 PM
Thanks, this mod is fantastic.
I've edited it a bit to my liking for best display on my forum.
My forum is in spanish,sorry jeje
He pointed with a red arrow
Click for view
Thank you very much, I put it mark as installed and mod of the month voting.
07-12-2014, 07:19 PM
Any plans on adding a VB5 version of this mod?
07-13-2014, 10:18 AM
No, sorry, it isn't likely to come to VB5 anytime soon.
I would invite anyone else interested to try their hand at a VB5 version, it would likely need to be recoded from scratch anyway- so there wouldn't be any issue on copying code. The idea free to anyone.
07-30-2014, 09:37 PM
For the UPLOAD folder, may I have a guide for dummies on where exactly they go?
It's been a while!
08-04-2014, 10:30 PM
Excellent mod. Worked right out of the box.
08-17-2014, 03:47 AM
I like this mod. But I do have a problem with it. Because it bypasses the usual registration options, all e-mails addresses or providers that I have banned over the years are not active anymore. It's not about the spam for me. It's about members I have chosen to delete rather than ban, who are using the same e-mail address to register again. It's also about people using "10 minute mail" addresses to register. Why would I want to encourage that ? If I need to send an e-mail to my forum members or some usergroups, my e-mail won't reach them ! So I have it installed, and I like the fact that I'm getting more members because of it, but ... it could be better.
08-17-2014, 11:55 PM
I like this mod. But I do have a problem with it. Because it bypasses the usual registration options, all e-mails addresses or providers that I have banned over the years are not active anymore. It's not about the spam for me. It's about members I have chosen to delete rather than ban, who are using the same e-mail address to register again. It's also about people using "10 minute mail" addresses to register. Why would I want to encourage that ? If I need to send an e-mail to my forum members or some usergroups, my e-mail won't reach them ! So I have it installed, and I like the fact that I'm getting more members because of it, but ... it could be better.
Thanks for the feedback. :up:
10-29-2014, 07:14 PM
Can you PLEASE add an option to redirect users to a specific URL after registration?
IE with your mod the best way to achieve this might be, redirect them the first time they log on...
I would say redirect them after confirmation but your mod does not allow an email confirmation for some odd reason... (If this is due to an auto-generated password, this could be solved by adding an optional password field to the registration form if the confirmation option is selected)
10-30-2014, 12:32 PM
It doesn't allow for email confirmation because it isn't necessary. If the email isn't valid they can never log in.
If you regularly prune users who have never posted or logged in in x-months or years these accounts will just get deleted- and if not- they don't hurt anyone.
I will see about redirecting to a URL- what page do you imagine redirecting them to?
10-30-2014, 09:41 PM
It doesn't allow for email confirmation because it isn't necessary. If the email isn't valid they can never log in.
I will see about redirecting to a URL- what page do you imagine redirecting them to?
1 - If invalid email addresses are used, you increase bounced emails and emails that go to nowhere (or to the wrong person). This is bad for the deliverability of emails from a domain. Unconfirmed email addresses do not get automated forum emails (which is good).
Especially on some boards where all members are automatically subscribed to certain threads/forums.
With your system, speaking in a somewhat extreme circumstance, all it would take is a blast from a spam bot (or registrations over time) and next thing you know your forum has 100's of email addresses in the database that receive forum emails. This could also result in spam complaints. It has FAR more to do with just whether or not they can log-on, there are negative effects to bypassing the email confirmation step.
I've had members registered for several months and even 1+ years before ever making their first post, so generally speaking I won't prune users out just because of their post count, as there is some content for registered members only which some people might register to access.
2 - I would like to redirect to any URL I choose. Could be an offer for an upgraded membership, could be a link to a rules thread, could redirect to the introduction forum, etc.
I was using the register redirect mod for a while but it's incompatible with your mod. I will most likely be uninstalling it soon however until improvements are made.
11-19-2014, 03:20 AM
BOP - I disabled all the human verification since it really does no good, and have some mods that check for spam. In any event I am receiving this under the Really Fast Registration:
Its a banner under the input boxes that says HUMAN VERIFICATION and a CANCEL button underneath this. How do I get rid of this banner and button? Thanks.
11-20-2014, 08:39 AM
BOP - I disabled all the human verification since it really does no good, and have some mods that check for spam. In any event I am receiving this under the Really Fast Registration:
Its a banner under the input boxes that says HUMAN VERIFICATION and a CANCEL button underneath this. How do I get rid of this banner and button? Thanks.
Not sure what went wrong but add this to addtional.css template:
#bop5rfrhv_0 { display: none; }
12-19-2014, 01:18 PM
My only issue the after disabling human verification (Only because the "I'm not a robot" box shows up on page load making it look "odd")
Even after disabling (and adding the above to the additional CSS) the "cancel" human verification option still shows
12-19-2014, 07:17 PM
i'd need a link to see the page where it is happening to suggest the CSS to fix it.
01-18-2015, 03:14 PM
I'm getting this all the time:
The answer given for human verification did not match what was expected. Please try again.
02-18-2015, 01:00 PM
The fact they get the password by email confirms they entered a valid email address (if they ever log in, you know it is legit.
Really? What about temporary emails? like 10min emails?
Btw, I got an issue with this plugin.
Because it is "really fast" registration, users sometimes create 1-2 accounts before actually getting one working due to the only reason:
- Wrong email
Either misspell or entering old one.
The thing is, I really hate seeing accounts deleted because of this reason.
So, can this plugin along with this, and how:
02-18-2015, 01:02 PM
Btw, due to how the google captcha work, if you have this plugin visible on a page where there is another google captcha that is supposed to load, the second captcha wont load.
02-19-2015, 02:13 PM
Really? What about temporary emails? like 10min emails?
Btw, I got an issue with this plugin.
Because it is "really fast" registration, users sometimes create 1-2 accounts before actually getting one working due to the only reason:
- Wrong email
Either misspell or entering old one.
The thing is, I really hate seeing accounts deleted because of this reason.
So, can this plugin along with this, and how:
10 minute email is a problem for regular registration as well, it's not a new problem because of this mod.
The purpose is fast registration - some things need to be sacrificed. The occasional dead account because someone entered a wrong or old email isn't really a big concern to me.
11-23-2015, 09:17 PM
Hi, doesn't work with VB5 upwards... @BirdOPrey5
04-05-2016, 09:19 PM
is possible to remove it, ones someone is already logged in ?
04-06-2016, 06:10 AM
is possible to remove it, ones someone is already logged in ?
It does disappear for regular users after logging in, if you still see it there is an option in the mod settings to show it for Admins all the time (as a reminder it's installed) you can disable.
04-06-2016, 06:13 AM
Hi, doesn't work with VB5 upwards... @BirdOPrey5
No, due to VB5's radically different architecture I'm not sure if it's possible to make for VB5, but if someone else wants to attempt to port this to VB5 they have my blessing.
I have put in JIRAs (and I believe they may soon be acted upon) to speed up the VB5 registration process further by removing the duplicate email and passwords fields, these days they no longer seem necessary.
Sal Collaziano
05-16-2016, 03:34 PM
I can't get the "human verification" section to go away. Anyone else have/had this problem?
04-10-2019, 05:35 AM
getting this error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'disabled' of null
at bop5_rfrcheck_submit ((index):59)
at HTMLTableElement.onmouseover ((index):66)
04-11-2019, 12:24 PM
I can't get the "human verification" section to go away. Anyone else have/had this problem?
I know it's been a long long time but if you still want help what VB/PHP and Human Verification setting do you use? Have you tried other human verification? Have you tried with the default style?
getting this error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'disabled' of null
at bop5_rfrcheck_submit ((index):59)
at HTMLTableElement.onmouseover ((index):66)
What VB and PHP version are you using?
04-11-2019, 01:34 PM
What VB and PHP version are you using?
vb3.8.11 and php 5.6.40
04-15-2019, 10:31 AM
Hmmm can you post or PM a link to the site? (Assuming mod is enabled.) I don't have a way to get my old site running with addons apparently due to php upgrades but this is a javaxcript error I should be able to debug seeing your site.
04-18-2019, 07:05 PM
Thank you very much ;-)
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