View Full Version : smiley without display

08-16-2013, 09:17 PM
I want to display the smiley with the text code, but not display them in the menu with the others..

I see two types of smiles here, in the edit menu at the top of this box, and again at the bottom of the post. how would you go about displaying a smiley you do not want listed in the choices.. :showmescecretsmiley:

Thanks everyone

08-17-2013, 10:53 PM
I want to display the smiley with the text code, but not display them in the menu with the others..

I see two types of smiles here, in the edit menu at the top of this box, and again at the bottom of the post. how would you go about displaying a smiley you do not want listed in the choices.. :showmescecretsmiley:

Thanks everyone

I have no quick advice on this... but, I am writing myself some code right now dealing with smileys so I will look into this for you.

Have you messed around with php before? The reason I am asking is because I came up with a quick fix (I think) for displaying your smileys in text mode, but it will require you to modify the core code. I wasn't completely sure what you were looking for, but I was interested in tracking down what part of the code was responsible for smiley parsing. I am currently only dealing with the forums, but hopefully the smiley code parsing routine is used for the blogs and CMS too.

08-19-2013, 12:44 AM
I have messed around with PHP, Java, etc. I would appreciate you looking while you are checking other things out. It might be a nice add on. For now I just added them all, on a 2nd group, so you only see them if you open the "more" button..


08-20-2013, 07:45 AM
I have messed around with PHP, Java, etc. I would appreciate you looking while you are checking other things out. It might be a nice add on. For now I just added them all, on a 2nd group, so you only see them if you open the "more" button..


Give me your vision on how this code would work for you, and as I progress I will work it up. I do not write mods here because I see how many of the 'free' developers are treated and it turns me off. However, I do enjoy helping the community here, especially those that can help themselves, it is a way of getting to know new people.