View Full Version : How to Add Multiple users?

08-15-2013, 11:47 AM
Hello all, I am looking for a MOD which can add multiple users in one go(new users in bulk). I just gone through the entire forum but found no suitable post.

anyone please respond.


08-15-2013, 03:50 PM
There was an article about this. I think it was in the vB3 section, but it should still be applicable. Did you try a search in the articles forums?

09-11-2013, 12:07 PM
yeah! Lynne, but i want a mod either in xml or php format which can be able to upload multiple users.

09-19-2013, 09:27 AM
No suitable answer for my query! :confused:

09-19-2013, 01:13 PM
impex, cvs importer. But really, what are you trying to do, and why can't you let users sign themselves up?

09-21-2013, 05:54 AM
Hello Zachery, thanks for your reply. Recently our domain name has been changed and I want to add our community members around 1250 or may be more.

can you pls tell me how to import from csv ifor 4.2.1 vb version?

I run across my Cpanel and didn't find any option to add the users in bulk. Only option is there to add them manually one-after-one.


09-21-2013, 08:55 AM
Backup the previous database of users and reupload?