View Full Version : Simple MSN hack (not the TKE full integration hack)

Ed FvC
10-11-2001, 01:58 PM
I've been mulling around this place for the past 3 days to find a very simple MSN Messenger hack. I know they have a fully integrated message center hack on The Knowledge Emporium, but that's much more than needed/wanted.

I'm sure it's pretty simple to do, but heck if I know how. All I want is the following:

-User profile field for MSN Messenger address.
-MSN Icon in postbit (similar to Y!/AIM/ICQ).
-When icon is clicked, profile will be shown OR (preferrably) a small popup window will appear with the address in the user profile.

I'm sure it's nothing more than some template work and possibly a little more. I just don't have the skills to do it myself.

HUGE thanks in advance.

01-27-2002, 11:32 PM
This is exactly what I'm looking for... anyone have the skills to do this? ;)

Brian Cruz
04-23-2002, 05:47 AM
I wouldn't mind this either. Has anyone done it yet?

04-23-2002, 11:53 AM
hmm wouldnt be hard, just add a custom profile field and have in the php a query to get it, theres one already in post bit and if it blank show no icon if it isnt have a varible get a template for the icon, if i get some free time and no one else hasnt made it already ill make it for you

04-26-2002, 06:01 PM
I'm looking for the same exact thing. Have you made any progress?