View Full Version : quote post notice pm disable

08-13-2013, 06:24 PM
each time a user got quote it sent a notice to a user i think it will start to annoy some user
so is there a way to disable the notice for post quote thank alot

08-13-2013, 09:05 PM
Unless you've added a modification to your site for a user to specifically get a notification that some one quoted them, then i would assume that their getting the notification because they are subscribed to the thread.

If you ahve a mod to notify some on for getting quoted, post in that thread that you got hte modification from.

If you have set your forum for users to automatically be set to receive notifications, then you need to disable that feature on registration for one, then you can also mass change that feature through the admincp maintenance section & run the default query listed there to disable it for all users, but you may piss of users that want it on.

08-14-2013, 03:21 AM
still cant find the problem any other have any advice i installed dbtech superpm but i not sure if it because of that addons i check most setting but cant find a setting regard it

08-14-2013, 09:19 AM
vBSuper PM's does indeed have a setting for that, I would suggest familirizing yourself with the settings for the mod.For the pm's you are talking about they can be controlled in the settings, PM Post Quote Settings

08-14-2013, 03:58 PM
i checked that setting is not enable so the problem doesnt with PM Post Quote Settings

08-14-2013, 05:33 PM
Questions/Problems regarding modifications/styles need to be asked in the modification/style thread. That is where the support for modification/style is - not out here in the main forums. Please note that if a modification/style is unsupported (or even if it says it is supported), you may be on your own if you chose to install it.