View Full Version : A hack to be applied to THIS forum?

Palmer ofShinra
10-11-2001, 10:49 AM
OK... we all know about the ubiquitous "Please enter your license info into your profile" requests around here.

I fully support this policy of yours.

What I would like to do is support it MORE.

I've seen several posts where someone asked for help, then got some from a member... but then one of you guys in charge posted asking for the license info to be entered.

Almost defeats the purpose if someone else fully answers their question, doesn't it?

So... you think you guys could write up a hack that shows some sort of special icon next to users who HAVE entered valid license info, so that *I* can tell who I should help and who I shouldn't.


10-11-2001, 11:19 AM
We currently don't allow members to view the status of other users, for privacy reasons.

But we do have a somewhat different policy regarding helping users with no license, so what you're saying is currently not an issue. :)

10-11-2001, 11:55 AM
Does that mean you all have stopped requesting the license info be entered and won't be nagging about it anymore?


10-11-2001, 11:59 AM
No, not at all, but you should notice a change in our attitude (heh, I hope ;)).

That "Please enter your license info" stuff will only stop if and when these (http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=29610) changes happen.

10-11-2001, 12:04 PM
Hope it's more of a when than an if :D


10-11-2001, 03:30 PM
Definitely is more of a when than an if :)

10-11-2001, 06:44 PM
i hope these are "steps" are added soon :) im getting tired of seeing "please enter your license info" and than the people getting mad for you guys asking.