View Full Version : "Threaded" View -- Revisited

Bill Thebert
10-11-2001, 05:18 AM
I've seen this issue discussed a lot already. But I really don't wish to re-visit the debate on the *merits* of a threaded view.

I'd just like to hire someone to *do* it.

In my current (non-vB) forums, users get to choose their own display style -- whether "flat" or "threaded" in numerous variations. The vast majority of my users prefer what's called a "Mixed Threaded" presentation.

THREADS appear on the index page with the newest at the TOP.

RESPONSES appear in chronological order with the newer ones near the BOTTOM -- so that you may read in the natural "top to bottom" direction.

The chain of "who replied to whom" is clear and obvious.

Long threads that start out on ONE topic frequently evolve & change "Subject:" as they grow, and this is impossible to see/appreciate with a "flat" presentation.

I purchased a vBulletin license back in March of this year, and my users LOVE the speed, the calendar functions, the image upload functions, the private messaging, etc. But because of the absence of a "threaded" view, they prefer to stick with our current BBS & forego all the added niceties of vBulletin.

Bottom line: I'd like a user-selectable option (ala WWWThreads) between a "flat" and a "threaded" display style. I own my vBulletin license already, and I'm willing to hire the kind of hack I'm describing.

If you're interested in working with me (experienced in software design, development & testing at IBM Printing Systems Division), please introduce yourself and describe your experience and skills.

I'm willing to fund this development. And I believe that there are a LOT of folks who would want such a hack once completed and available. If we re-sell this hack to *others* after I've paid for its development, I'd like to make an agreement that lets me recover some of my development investment with each subsequent sale.

Any takers?


Bill Thebert

Freddie Bingham
10-11-2001, 04:04 PM
We do plan to look into offering a threaded view in the future but we are not sure when the next version will be coming out. I will say we are shooting for a large upgrade and add-on feature list vs. incremental upgrades.

Bill Thebert
10-11-2001, 09:03 PM
I appreciate the reply, Freddie. But it sounds like your timetable is a bit too fuzzy for me.

I've owned this license for eight months, and haven't rolled it out for other than "experimental" use -- owing to this overwhelming feeling about the "threaded" view from my members.

I'd sure hate to invest in a custom hack of this nature, only to see it rolled into the *standard* vBulletin release immediately thereafter.

But if all you can say is that you'll be "looking into" threaded views at some undetermined future date . . .

Well, I'm not sure where that leaves me.

If it's likely to be a year or more before y'all "look into" this matter (and how much after that before anything is executed), I think I should go forward with hiring it on my own, wouldn't you say?

Would still like to meet programmers interested in this hack to discuss the project.

Freddie Bingham
10-16-2001, 11:09 PM
The next major version of vBulletin *should* feature a threaded view option along with the linear view. There has been increasing demand for this feature and so we intend to work on it.

Release date? Sometime in Q1 2002.

Bill Thebert
10-17-2001, 12:52 AM
Originally posted by freddie
The next major version of vBulletin *should* feature a threaded view option along with the linear view.

Release date? Sometime in Q1 2002.

That's good news. Thanks a bunch for looking into it further and getting back to me, Freddie.

Ironically, I just yesterday purchased a license for WWWThreads-PHP 5.4.4

I intended to let my members test-drive that product for a while.

It would give then the "threaded view" they're clamoring after, but at the expense of your nifty calendaring feature (among some others).

Consensus to date among my members was that "vBulletin + Threading" would be the best of all possible worlds -- which is why I was willing to hire it done.

I'm thinking now we'll just be patient.

If you need input or testing of the threaded view, I think I know a group that would be more than willing.

::: wondering if my new WWWThreads license is transferrable & can be re-sold :::

10-17-2001, 06:06 AM

I have the same predicament.

Users absolutely LOVE the features, speed, and awesomeness of vBulletin, but would give it up in a heartbeat for the old threaded-style of that nasty wwwboard perl forum.

So .. good to hear that you guys are workin on it, Freddie.


10-17-2001, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Bill Thebert
::: wondering if my new WWWThreads license is transferrable & can be re-sold :::Not if IP has anything to say about it :rolleyes: