View Full Version : Another "No attachments showing" thread

07-27-2013, 11:37 AM

Hope someone can help me.

Have a problem where attachments and associated thumbnails, and uploaded avatars are not showing.
They are being stored in the in file system - but have the same issue if stored in the database.
Permissions on folder set to 0777
The attachments are uploading to the folder fine.
No errors on the Diagnostics upload test.
Attachments / thumbs are fine if renamed to jpg and viewed.
Attachments / thumbs are fine if included in thread using [img].
No issues on thumbnail rebuild or any table rebuilds.
Permissions set to view and download attachments.
Even uploading your own personal avatars do the same thing.
Safe Mode off.
Running 4.2.1
Makes no difference if all modification are on or off.
Makes no difference which browser you use.

But on all threads no thumbnail, simply the "image place holder" and the image data - eg file name, size, views, ID.

It is like attachments.php is simply not finding the files - uploading attachmnets.php makes no difference.

Totally confused.

Any pointers, or is this "ticket time"?