View Full Version : Posts cannot be viewed past page 1

07-23-2013, 12:27 AM
I was wondering if anybody has ever experienced this?

From my research its because of an add-on at least I believe it is.

What happens is when a user tries to click on anything after Page 1, it will always display Page 1 and never go to the second page or third...etc.

The weird thing to get this working is I had to disable the following Add-ons

Bills PayPal Donate Lite 4.0
DragonByte Tech: vBMail (Lite)
EveryWhere Sidebar

By doing that everything works. The weird thing is if I enable any of those add-ons it will not work.

Have any of you had this problem or have any ideas on what to do about this?


07-23-2013, 04:29 PM
Perhaps it is actually another mod that is interferring with a plugin in one of those mods? Do they all share a common hook location? And is that hook location then used on another mod (that you aren't suspecting)?