View Full Version : Prevent Members Deleting Attachments

07-14-2013, 11:04 PM
We have restricted "edit/delete" of own posts by members, to be possible ONLY within 24hrs of posting time.

Hence, deleting an attachment included in a post, after the 24hrs window is not possible via the post.

But some members who choose to leave the community (for whatever reasons that might be), are deleting their attachments from 'UserCP -> Miscellaneous -> Attachments', before they quit. This is making many discussion threads meaningless when some of the posts are missing attachments that are referenced there.

How do we restrict this attachment deletion via UserCP?

I was told by Vbulletin support that "modifyattachmentsbit" template needs to be edited, or a plugin has to be written for the same?

Can anyone help in this regard? Thank you!