View Full Version : htaccess for 301 redirection after import

07-12-2013, 07:59 PM

I stumbled upon "404 / 301 Tool After Import Redirect on ImpEx imported forums" on vbseo (http://www.vbseo.com/f2/404-301-tool-after-import-redirect-impex-imported-forums-27498/) and this is exactly what I need desperately. Since no one replies to my request there, I want to try it here :)

So could anyone please provide me htaccess rules for the following case? You would help me a lot!!!

Old IPB Forum URL: http://www.olddomain.com/forum/###-forum-name/
New VB Forum URL: http://newdomain.com/forum/forum-name/

Old IPB Thread URL: http://www.olddomain.com/topic/###-thread-name/
New VB Forum URL: http://newdomain.com/forum/forum-name/thread-name-###.html

Best regards,

07-17-2013, 10:56 PM
Nobody? :(

07-18-2013, 02:38 AM
Just do a simple 301 redirect..add this to htaccess - just make sure there is a space between the urls

redirect 301 /forum/***** http://newdomain