View Full Version : Keeping Track of Mods Time Off

07-12-2013, 09:33 AM
We are operating on vB 4.1.3, and we have a team of 14; 12 mods and 2 of us admins. For a long time, the mods were assigned forums as a formality, but we really just covered wherever. We recently changed all this up. We now have 2 mods assigned to a few forums where they moderate exclusively. If someone has to be away for an extended time, they will let the team know in a designated thread in the Mod Forum.

That's fine, but I'm not sure everyone really processes who's out at any given time and when it is helpful for them to float over to lend a hand. I've been on the hunt for a hack that will act like a board in an office where the employees show that they will be out of the office. Even better would be an indicator by the title of the absent moderators forums (or somewhere else) that only the staff sees indicating they are not going to be in. Nothing so far.

Does anyone know of a mod that helps keep track of teammates who are on vacation or will be unavailable? If you have found an effective way of keeping the team informed of who will be away and where coverage is needed, I'd appreciate it if you would share it.

Thanks in advance!