View Full Version : How would I Install This Mod
06-28-2013, 07:06 AM
How would I Install This Mod?It's an RSS Feed to CMS.
06-28-2013, 08:26 AM
CMS RSS Grabber Version 1.x is available under the terms of GNU/GPL.
For the latest version of CMS RSS Grabber, go to:
Visual Shapers
Make sure you have PHP 4.1 or above with MySQL 3.23 or above installed
1. unzip the downloaded file.
2. Copy the CMS RSS Grabber files to your home (or cmsrssgrabber) directory.
3. Execute:
chown -R nobody.nobody cache
chown -R nobody.nobody includes/config.php
(where nobody is the user under which your apache server is
If you don't have admin access to your account do:
chmod -R 666 cache
chmod -R 777 includes/config.php
You can also change the access properties with most ftp clients.
All users need to access this directory and the files within it,
because of the upload functionality.
If you don't do this step cms rss grabber won't work correctly!
4. Run install.php and fill in all the fields. Make sure you select clean installtion.
1. unzip the downloaded file.
2. Copy the CMS RSS Grabber files to your home (or cmsrssgrabber) directory.
3. Edit the ./include/config.php file and set the database globals so
that the CMS RSS Grabber script can access your new database.
The defaults are:
$GLOBALS["grabberDbServer"] = "localhost";
$GLOBALS["grabberDbName"] = "cmsrssgrabber";
$GLOBALS["grabberDbUser"] = "root";
$GLOBALS["grabberDbPassword"] = "";
4. Use mysqladmin to create a new database.
call it whatever you set in $GLOBALS["grabberDbName"]
to in include/config.php
for example:
$> mysqladmin -u root -p create cmsrssgrabber
5. Load the database schema.
There is a file containing all the table definitions in the /sql
subdirectory. It is called:
cmsrssgrabberx_x.sql (where x_x is the latest version number)
5.a If you need to use a prefix for your database tables, you must
edit the MySQL_cmsrssgrabber_manual_new_install.sql file to
include that prefix in the table names.
eg. Any line like
CREATE TABLE cmssettings (
should be changed to read
CREATE TABLE <yourprefix>cmssettings (
likewise, any line like
INSERT INTO cmssettings (
should be changed to read
INSERT INTO <yourprefix>cmssettings (
5.b To load it, you should be able to do something like this:
$> cat cmsrssgrabberx_x.sql | mysql cmsrssgrabber
NOTE: if you need to give mysql a username and password
to run the script, you may be able to use:
$> cat cmsrssgrabberx_x.sql | mysql -u root --password=<db root password> cmsrssgrabber
6. Execute:
chown -R nobody.nobody cache
(where nobody is the user under which your apache server is
If you don't have admin access to your account do:
chmod -R 666 cache
You can also change the access properties with most ftp clients.
All users need to access this directory and the files within it,
because of the upload functionality.
If you don't do this step you cms rss grabber won't work correctly!
7. To manage the menus and feeds on you site login to the
CMS RSS Grabber maintenance by pointing your browser to:
Default author "admin" is created with password "admin".
It would be in your best interest to change the password of admin
8. Before you can export the feeds to your CMS you will need to create feeds and
import categories and change SQL settings for your CMS in cms settings.
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