View Full Version : Collapse all categories and only retrive info when open?

06-15-2013, 06:08 PM
Hi all,

I was looking at this website:

When you open a category it seems to make a call to load the content instead of loading every single forum (which for this site would be A LOT!).

I was wondering if this was a vbulletin feature, a mod or actually something they made themselves?

That would be very useful.

Thank you very much.

John Lester
06-15-2013, 06:49 PM
Looks like they put each "forum" into it's own table. That's why it "loads" when you expand it. Not sure if there's a mod here to do that.

06-17-2013, 06:58 PM
Oh, thank you for your answer.

I think I don't know enough to understand your reply I'm afraid. But I assume by no mod means I would have to find someone to help me developing it :)

John Lester
06-17-2013, 11:26 PM
Well I didn't search for one :D I suggest searching for "convert forums into tables" or "collapsible forums" .

06-17-2013, 11:38 PM
Actually, they have some ajax to support fetching and displaying a specific forumhome bit. There is an ajax call when you expand specific forums.

You'd need to custom code php, and javascript to update the page by request.

You could much more easily default displaying of all forums, or specific forums to collapsed without a ton of custom coding.