View Full Version : More CMS questions

John Lester
06-14-2013, 08:31 PM
Ok so I've been frackin' with this stupid CMS bs for days now. I will explain what I want to do followed by what I have done and then my results. Screen shots attached will show my grid and layout.

What I want to do:

Change the layout for http://www.braintalkcommunities.org/content.php completely (new section, new grid, new layout). I want it to look like http://www.braintalkcommunities.org/content.php/140-welcome-to-bt

What I have done:
Created a new section (I want to keep the old look as a backup hence a new section)
Created a new grid (with secondary header, secondary footer, and 3 columns 25/50/25). Secondary header is supposed to display a welcome message via a static html widget. I have some garbage text in the "primary content" for the secondary header.
Created a new layout from the new grid
Populated the layout with my widgets
Hid the secondary footer following the instructions on this page ... http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forum/vbulletin-4/vbulletin-4-questions-problems-and-troubleshooting/vbulletin-4-quick-tips-and-customizations/388511-hiding-the-primary-content-in-a-section
Un-published the original section
Published the new section"Problems"
The home page / content.php still shows the old section and layout.
The new section isn't showing the secondary headerSo 3 big questions:
How do I get the new section to display on content.php as my "home" page?
Why isn't the secondary header showing in the new layout?
How do I assign the new grid to my new section?

06-15-2013, 11:38 AM
#1 - You have to choose the correct layout for the main page. Simply visit your main page-- yoursite.com/content.php..Click on the little pencil to edit the page and choose the layout you want with your custom grid..

#2 - not sure--what is your secondary header? It most likely is not displaying because you do not have the right layout or grid chosen..

#3 - Go into Layout manager--choose grid--then go back to step 1..

John Lester
06-15-2013, 04:47 PM
The secondary header is a static html widget with plain text in it. I have no idea why it isn't showing up.

Ok so I change the layout of content.php and everything works EXCEPT the secondary header isn't showing :( The other widgets show just fine and the secondary footer is hidden like it should be.

On my test site everything looks great and works as it's intended. See screen shot, only difference is I'm using the menu widget as a placeholder for the rss feeds widget. Oh and the avatars aren't showing (I deleted them :D )

Forgot to mention that I have created a completely default style and the secondary header still doesn't show :( Both the test site and the live site are on 4.1.12 pl 3.

John Lester
06-16-2013, 07:53 PM
So I finally got it to work the way I wanted it to. What I did was remove the welcome widget from the layout. Then switched the layouts to the one I wanted (so the secondary header was blank and not showing). Then I re-added the welcome widget and now it displays.