View Full Version : How To Change Activation E-mail? Adding HTML And Maybe A Logo?

06-13-2013, 06:10 AM
I can see it's the phrase activateaccount, but when I add html, etc it doesn't show up in the e-mail.

Is there anyway to set this up so I can add html to change the font sizes, etc. Not sure what I'm doing wrong here... Maybe I'm using the wrong code, does it all have to be BB code?

(Also I know the logo won't load, deliver-ability issues, etc. But I still want to know)


Edit: Meant to put this in the vb 3.8 area, but I suppose it's similar.

06-13-2013, 09:35 AM
Putting html in the phrase doesn't work because that's just the text of the email, and to send an html email the headers of the message have to have a special format. It can be done, but you may have to modify code to do it. You could try searching for mods that add html email support (I know there are some but don't know offhand if there is one that does what you want).

06-13-2013, 05:23 PM
Putting html in the phrase doesn't work because that's just the text of the email, and to send an html email the headers of the message have to have a special format. It can be done, but you may have to modify code to do it. You could try searching for mods that add html email support (I know there are some but don't know offhand if there is one that does what you want).

Thanks did some digging around last night, figured it was a headers issue. Found a plug-in and going to try to replicate it without using the plug-in. If that fails, I'll just use the plug-in.

Thank you!