View Full Version : Help with organizing forums

06-11-2013, 03:12 PM
My Game Servers category currently looks like this: http://puu.sh/3do05/131ca9edd6.png

I want to sort them into game categories though so it'll be like this:
Garry's Mod
Counter-Strike: Source

But when I move one section inside of Garry's Mod it goes really messed up. http://puu.sh/3do3x/7edc7e3308.png

It should only show the top section and all of the stuff below it should be in the top section..

06-11-2013, 03:27 PM
I'm not sure if I got you right, but you want the forums inside each other or what!!! I compared between both pictures you attached,.... still not sure what you mean...

can you explain a little more so I can help you the right way!