View Full Version : Remove FORUM: & Sub-Forum:

06-10-2013, 04:35 AM
I'm using 4.2.0

I'm trying to remove FORUM: & Sub-Forums so it only displays the actual name without the pre text.

Also looking on changing the word "Forum" in the navigation details.
ex: Forum > ForumName > Sub-ForumName > Thread
using this site as an example vBulletin.org Forum / Vbulletin 4 Discussion / vB4 General Discussion

06-10-2013, 04:14 PM
First step would be to open up the template where this occurs:

Forum Display Templates -> FORUMDISPLAY

Looks like this is the part you want:

<div id="pagetitle" class="pagetitle">
<h1>{vb:rawphrase forum}: <span class="forumtitle">{vb:raw foruminfo.title}</span></h1>
<vb:if condition="$foruminfo['description']"><p class="description">{vb:raw foruminfo.description}</p></vb:if>

Delete the bolded part (or comment it out).

As for renaming "Forum", you'd need to find the phrase "Forum" under languages / phrases, and edit that. Keep in mind, that word is going to be used in many other places in vB

06-10-2013, 11:04 PM
nothing is bolded.

Will that command remove Forums: and Sub-Forum: as well?
I also want to remove THREAD: as well

<h1>{vb:rawphrase forum}: <span class="forumtitle">{vb:raw foruminfo.title}</span></h1>

Tried removing
{vb:rawphrase forum}:
didn't work

Tried removing the whole line didn't work

06-11-2013, 04:04 PM
Sorry, Courier New doesn't lend itself to bolding very well. Removing {vb:rawphrase forum}: should have worked fine. I just tried it on my forum and the text is now gone.

To do the same for Thread, open up SHOWTHREAD and find/remove {vb:rawphrase thread}:

06-12-2013, 02:12 PM
Thanks for all the help.

Worked like a charm