View Full Version : Query issue!

06-05-2013, 09:59 AM
We are trying to troubleshoot a small issue with the iReviews(vbcover) mod that when we remove posts (for spam example) the counter isn't re calculating.

The plugin Update Overall in plugins is not working.. due to query not taking or unresponsive.. It seems that simple queries do not take effect.

Query is Responsive when we put actual Id but not when we put theadinfo['threadid']

Any ideas?

06-05-2013, 04:26 PM
Questions/Problems regarding modifications/styles need to be asked in the modification/style thread. That is where the support for modification/style is - not out here in the main forums. Please note that if a modification/style is unsupported (or even if it says it is supported), you may be on your own if you chose to install it.