View Full Version : forum URL structure change VB3 upgrade to VB4

05-26-2013, 05:04 PM
Hello All,
I have upgrade from vb3 to vb4 and has different url structure. So in order to keep same old URLS how to upgrade and keep same url structure as vb3. I also use vbseo but need to remove /forums/ directory that automatically defaults in the URL? instead of example.com/forums/forum-name/thread-name.html need to be example.com/forum-name/thread-name.html

Can't find anything in these forums and I am sure this should not be that hard. I think maybe has to do with the CMS functionality in VB4. Please throw some ideas at me even if you do not know for sure. Thank you for all your help!


CNC Specialty Store (cnc-specialty-store.com)

05-30-2013, 02:05 PM
So here is an example what happens to clarify.

when putting in old url
-- domain.com/introduce-yourself/5337-title.html

it redirects to

-- domain.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5337

I would like it to redirect to
-- domain.com/showthread.php?t=5337

This would bring up proper url in vb4 how would I go about getting this to redirect or rewrite url?

final kaoss
05-30-2013, 02:14 PM
You need to ask at vbseo. They can give you a solution.

05-30-2013, 05:22 PM
It seems like VB4 is doing some redirecting by itself when it can't find a URL. With nothing in the htaccess but RewriteEngine on here is what happens. So where would that code be?

When I have the URL rewrite setup as standard URLS for VB4 and put a page in like

It goes to a 404 page at the following URL

How do I setup VB4 so that it goes to the following and not to forums directory which does not exist? If it redirected to this there would be no 404 page and the real link to the page.

It seems to be a VB4 thing because of this test as there is nothing in htaccess unless old files left elsewhere from VBSEO could be playing havoc.