View Full Version : help, display incorrect

05-08-2013, 10:32 AM
look at the picture, exactly the same content, the middle part is not right, any idea?

05-08-2013, 12:10 PM
You discrepancy code table in config.php and database.

Just for verification:
Open config.php, at the end be serch a line:
On the working forum do not change it (!!!)
// $ Config ['Mysqli'] ['charset'] = 'utf8';

If it is so then:
Forum is not set correctly.
You need to convert the database
Download it in the encoding, in which there is a "comparison"
On the local computer to fix the encoding
Then pour it back into the correct coding

Open phpMyAdmin, find the table Post
Пролистай ее, несколько страниц
Ты ее должен читать, и на должна отображаться в твоем языке