View Full Version : Destination Forum Problem After 4.2.1 Update

05-07-2013, 09:15 PM
Hi, I've got some errors after upgrade 4.2.0. to 4.2.1.

Destination forum list is doesn't seem on inlinemod.php when I want to move threads or merge threads.



I click select button but forum list is doesn't seem.

07-05-2013, 04:59 PM
Fix to this is here:

12-07-2013, 02:00 PM
Does this fix also work for 4.2.2? I seem to be experiencing the same issue after a recent upgrade.

12-08-2013, 11:42 AM
Appears it would still be valid, yes.

12-12-2013, 04:09 AM
When I click on that link even after logging in i'm not able to see anything. Is this information available elsewhere?

12-12-2013, 12:13 PM
You need to log into the vbulletin.com community forum before clicking on the link- but here is the fix for those looking-

As copied from the bug report-

If you are having this issue, here is how you can fix it:

Go to admincp > Styles & Templates > Style manager > Edit templates
Edit the template named: option
replace everything in there with:

<vb:if condition="isset($optiontitle) AND !empty($optiontitle) AND isset($optionvalue)">
<option value="{vb:raw optionvalue}" class="{vb:raw optionclass}" {vb:raw optionselected}>{vb:raw optiontitle}</option>
<vb:else />
<vb:each from="options" key="forumid" value="option">
<option value="{vb:raw option.optionvalue}" class="{vb:raw option.optionclass}" {vb:raw option.optionselected}>{vb:raw option.optiontitle}</option>

Save changes.