View Full Version : "Unable to add cookies, header already sent"

05-02-2013, 02:15 AM
<a href="http://prntscr.com/131zfr" target="_blank">http://prntscr.com/131zfr</a>

Is the error message I get when I try to log into my admin cp?

This just started happening recently.

05-02-2013, 04:12 AM
What error logs have you got emailed to you. Can have a closer look if you want to pm me a admin login

05-02-2013, 04:19 AM

Well it's weird that you'd ask because this came from the thank you hack. The only other post I saw about this exploit, they were running the vBH-Add new tabs hack.

Seems like we have a security issue somewhere..

05-02-2013, 04:22 AM
What version of forums are you running and are u using the one in my sig

05-02-2013, 04:24 AM

--------------- Added 1367472328 at 1367472328 ---------------

Blackhole Exploit is the virus alert everyone is getting...

05-02-2013, 04:26 AM
The add new tab should not be used on 4.2 as it is not needed you have the options in that version to add tabs

05-02-2013, 04:28 AM
I'm not using it.

When I searched for the Blackhole Exploit that everyone is reporting they are getting from my site. I came across a guy who had the same virus. http://www.vbulletin.com/forum/forum/vbulletin-4/vbulletin-4-questions-problems-and-troubleshooting/402505-blackhole-exploit-kit-removal-help?

05-02-2013, 04:30 AM
Well as you are not using any of them plugins then you have not got that but hard to tell without a URL and a admin login to check to see what the problem is. If you also check my sig you will see the plugins in question have been updated

05-02-2013, 04:49 AM
So were there security issues in the 7.82 version?

05-02-2013, 04:52 AM
Not that I know of. It could be any of your plugins that let the hacker in. If you know when this happened ask your host to send you the logs to see how he got in and all files he changed

05-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Are you still unable to get to the admin cp? If so, edit your includes config.php file and insert this line (at the top, under the <?php line):

define('DISABLE_HOOKS', 1);

11-15-2013, 05:52 PM
I have this same problem, and try use kh99 hint and not work.

Have solution for this problem?