View Full Version : Private message limit/quota

John Lester
04-21-2013, 05:15 PM
Hello :)

Since vbulletin.com is slower than crap and I still can't post a new thread I'll have to ask here :D

If I change a user groups pm limit/quota what happens to any pms they have that exceed the new limit/quota?

04-21-2013, 08:23 PM
They can't exceed.
As soon as they want to send the new PM, they get a message that their quota has been reached.
Also when someone wants to PM somone who's quota has been reached he will get a message.

Ah, you want to give them less "space"...
I have no idea what happens!

04-21-2013, 09:08 PM
Nothing happens to them, but they will not be able to send or receive any more till they clear out some and get below the new quota.