View Full Version : post bbcode not working

04-20-2013, 01:42 PM
I cant seem to get bbcode to work. All that shows up in my members profiles are :

in post [post=88560]Re: TITLE OF THREAD

I would have thought that it would be a link in between but it just shows text of the title of thread and no link. Anyone any idea of what bbcode is necessary so I can try manually adding the [post] tags to link to a specific post ?

04-20-2013, 02:52 PM
Can we get a link to view the problem? And is this code you added yourself of ??? If it's code you added yourself, please tell us *exactly* what you did.

04-20-2013, 03:18 PM
It's not something I have added myself, Is it not supposed to be part of vbulletin :

If I put [*post=89887]NAME OF THREAD[/post*] in a post It should be linked to the post I have..... like what has happened here on vbulletin.org in the post above.

So [ post=88898] tag isn't linking to the actual post I want....... just giving out plain text

04-20-2013, 03:30 PM
But you said it was in the member's profile page. The [post] tag is for use in a post. This is why I am confused about what you are talking about.

04-20-2013, 03:37 PM
OK it's part of DBTECH mods, the like mod and the user tagging mod. In the profile it gives you a notification for the post you have been thanked or mentioned in but it doesn't link. I have asked now on the mod forum in question...... just thought it was maybe an integral part of vbulletin to have post tags.

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Can in not be used outside of posts such as the member profile then Lynne ?

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Ooops, just noticed I have put this in vb5 when it should be vb4 discussion :/ sorry

04-20-2013, 04:42 PM
No, you can only use [ post ] tags in posts.

Moved to vB4 GD Forum.

If you need help with the modification, you will need to post in the modification thread.