View Full Version : Live Streams

04-12-2013, 12:40 AM
Sorry I haven't been around here much anymore. I have kind of switched to IPB for the fact that it's much better to skin for and I did not like where vB5 was going... and the fact that vB4 looked a little too outdated to me so I kind of switched

That said, I got back into developing and made an application for IP.Content (a CMS-type official addon they use. Very powerful, but you got to know how to code to take advantage of it)

It's called IP.Content Live Streams -- http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/6214-ipcontent-live-streams/

And a demo can be viewed at my site: http://www.ignitedones.com/streams.html

Anyways, I'm thinking about trying to make this same thing for vBulletin, though it would not be a free release. I'm wondering who would be willing to purchase something like this and what price point would you consider is fair. It would be higher then that one listed there because that's somewhat limited as far as settings and what not goes. It's all just custom scripting backed by being tied in with their DB and a few other feature sets.

Here, it would be a full blown application with settings/ filters etc.

Please let me know.

04-15-2013, 11:10 PM
No one..

Guess 0 interest. Thanks

04-15-2013, 11:38 PM
I had been looking at/for something like this: http://www.fifaclubsleague.com/live-streams/

The badges light up when the twitch goes live, personally I am interested yours looks pretty neat, I know a few folk around here have been requesting this sort of thing but maybe like me they haven't seen your thread.

Also it always depends on price.

04-16-2013, 01:37 AM
I had been looking at/for something like this: http://www.fifaclubsleague.com/live-streams/

The badges light up when the twitch goes live, personally I am interested yours looks pretty neat, I know a few folk around here have been requesting this sort of thing but maybe like me they haven't seen your thread.

Also it always depends on price.

The one you linked is very very basic.

04-16-2013, 09:43 PM
PM'd you.

04-18-2013, 04:05 AM
Replying now. Sorry for the delay.

05-02-2013, 04:16 AM
I'd be interested, but it would be very dependent on the feature list and the cost.

The pricepoint you have for your IP board application seems fair. But anything you put together has to be at the right price point feature balance for me to consider, otherwise I'll probably try my luck at a basic php direct excuation page for my community's streamers, already looking at the embed code.

05-03-2013, 04:46 PM
I'd be interested, but it would be very dependent on the feature list and the cost.

The pricepoint you have for your IP board application seems fair. But anything you put together has to be at the right price point feature balance for me to consider, otherwise I'll probably try my luck at a basic php direct excuation page for my community's streamers, already looking at the embed code.

Thanks for the info

08-26-2013, 02:37 PM
does anything like this exist for vb 4.2.1?