View Full Version : VMs counting toward postcount, VM commenting, and rendering the logo properly

Absolute Zero
04-02-2013, 02:44 PM
I'm setting up a forum with a few friends here (http://forums.sheercold.com/forums), but I've found some issues.

Let's look at this user's profile (http://forums.sheercold.com/forums//member/5-chenkovsky). As you can see, there are a few issues. First off, VMs are carried out between users on the same profile. I want to disable commenting on VMs, as seen here (http://forums.sheercold.com/forums//member/2-pilo/visitormessage/60-visitor-message-from-chenkovsky#post60). Finally, VMs count toward postcount. I don't want them to.

Also, my logo isn't rendering properly in all browsers. In IE, Opera, and Silk, I've found it appears really small; it appears correctly in Chrome and Firefox.

Other than those things, I've figured out a lot of the settings for my forum. Help on these issues, however, would be heavily appreciated.