View Full Version : Post Icons Size, vb4.2

03-29-2013, 06:35 PM
Hi, first of all sorry for my poor english, i?ll try my best but maybe you won?t undestand me...

I?ve started a forum with a group of friends and i?m trying to customize all of it. We?ve decided to use the BP Brown theme on vb4.2 and we?re happy with this decision.

Now our trouble is:

I?ve replaced the default post icons for other customized group of icons, and the new icon size is langer than the tiny default icons (12x12).

Our icons size is 35x35 and when we create a thread, the general view in the forum display becomes "ugly", the thread title and the "started by" message dont place perfectly at the right of the icon, cause the default forum display is made for 12x12 icons (i supose). Here?s our forum display, so you can se what i?m talking about: http://www.lacuevadelfutbol.com/forumdisplay.php?4-La-Tertulia

I was wondering if there?s a way to fix that, i?ve searched on posticonbit and posticons templates but i cant find the solution...

Please HELP! :D

03-29-2013, 07:56 PM
Hi, I'll try to keep it simple!

I played with the CSS a bit to see if I could make it look any better, and here's what I came up with:


If you like that, just stick the following at the bottom of your style's additional.css:

.threadtitle img {float:left;margin-right:5px;}

additional.css is located under "CSS Templates"

03-29-2013, 08:12 PM
Hi, I'll try to keep it simple!

I played with the CSS a bit to see if I could make it look any better, and here's what I came up with:


If you like that, just stick the following at the bottom of your style's additional.css:

.threadtitle img {float:left;margin-right:5px;}

additional.css is located under "CSS Templates"
I love you, man.

?Thank you!

04-02-2013, 08:45 PM
Hi, its me again.

I?m here again for a similar problem...

We have installed the "Forum Category Icon" plugin. In our index (http://www.lacuevadelfutbol.com/forum.php) the forums without subforums are displayed well, but the forums with sub-forums ("F?tbol" and "Free Zone") are displayed like the original issue of this thread.

?Could you tell me some code line to put the list of subforums at the right of the icon instead at the bottom?

kNeo, i need you! :D

04-03-2013, 01:29 AM
This one was a bit more difficult, but I think I figured it out...

Copy/Paste the following into the bottom of your additional.css:

.subforums {width:75%!important;float:left;clear:none;}

ps: I like your forum icons, especially the Oh RLY one :]

04-03-2013, 09:35 AM
This one was a bit more difficult, but I think I figured it out...

Copy/Paste the following into the bottom of your additional.css:

.subforums {width:75%!important;float:left;clear:none;}

ps: I like your forum icons, especially the Oh RLY one :]

Thank you very much, that solved the problem.

Thanks too about the icons, we have very good photoshopers on our team :D