View Full Version : "more" button

03-26-2013, 06:59 AM

There are plenty "Thanks", "Like" buttons which is great, but a lot of my users create "MORE" posts and I want to get rid of it provideing them with "MORE" button.

The idea for this button is:
- once user hit it thread is bumped up (but only once in some amount of time it can happend, for exmple once a 24h/week/month/etc.)
- pm send to thread starter or in his/her activity list (similar to "like" button from "vbSEO) saying that user "blabla" hited "more" button and want to see more content from him/her
- count "more" button hits in thread and once thread starter posted new reply in thread drop down to zero

Many thanks in advance! ;)

Digital Jedi
03-26-2013, 07:02 AM
Couldn't you essentially do this already with one of the post/thank hacks available, simply by modifying some the text/phrases used?

03-31-2013, 07:22 AM
I was thinkg this way... Althroug thanks hacks are bit different functionality. Well, may be if noone help will do myself ;)

Digital Jedi
03-31-2013, 07:53 AM
I was under the impression that DBTech's Like/Thanks modification bumped threads if set to do so in the Admin CP and had access to frequency limitations. Not sure about the PM, though.